In Spain you have to use a coin to detach a cart from the others.
Well, I have a homemade metal thingy than can release the cart without a coin AND I can pull the thing right back out so I don’t even have to leave it in the coin slot.
When I’m done I still leave the cart in the return area and attach it to the others. I don’t even leave it unattached for the next person, because some pieces of shit already leave carts around the parking lot somehow.
I’m a petty motherfucker and I wish the worst to those assholes.
Doesn’t work in America because the largest coin is a quarter (i.e. 25 cents), likely not enough to deter theft (or even laziness).
So instead, many supermarkets installed a system that locks up the carts’ wheels if they’re taken off the property, which makes them extremely difficult to push. Unfortunately, that also doesn’t help with laziness, so we still need memes like this.
Last time this shit came up, some dude chimed in that walking around the parking lot collecting lose carts was the best part of his day, since he could be outside away from managers slowly collecting them relaxing.
It was hit or miss at previous jobs. I worked at Kmart for a few years and would often help the stock guys round up carts in the evening. During summer evenings it was kind of fun wandering way out into that concrete sea with the boys, rounding up impossibly far carts and running the wrong carts (or electric scooters) back to the grocery store next door. But during the winter it was hell on fucking earth, and I’d help them round them up just to spare them the agony of a slipped disk.
I live in Canada now and couldn’t imagine rounding up carts during these cold snaps. You’d probably stick to them, imprisoning you in parking lot until you succumb to frostbite.
This is why I never ever put carts away. Give those poor kids something better to do than stand inside and listen to bitching customers while they bag their groceries.
They don’t even need to push the carts. They just walk around with a little machine that does the pushing while they bop around with their headphones on enjoying the fresh air.
There’s a Twitter or 4chan post floating around about how putting the cart back is the apex test of your humanity because there’s no reward for doing it and no consequences for not. It’s just “are you a good enough dude to put the cart back?”
(Unless you live near one of those places where you “rent” the cart for a coin, in which case there is a slim monetary value in cart management.)
Used to wrangle carts and I didn’t mind the carts that weren’t returned to the corral that much, but I did greatly prefer it when they were at least hiked up onto a planter curb so they don’t roll away.
Yes! If I feel I’m too far from the cart return, I will at least put it somewhere safe. The whole point of cart return is to keep the lot clear for cars, assuming there are enough carts to go around
Returning the cart means a lot of people unnecessarily walking though the parking lot, which could increase the chance of an accident happening. It is better and safer, at least here where I live, to let the staff do the job one time, from time to time.
Edit: downvote all you want, but my safety has higher priority than the convenience of the store.
That’s a clever way to rationalize being lazy. A grocery store operating that way near me would quickly have zero customers. Perhaps your typical layout is different from ours.
Cart returns in the US are typically positioned throughout the parking lot. It is quite straightforward to just return the cart to the proper spot, usually right near where I parked.
If I left my cart just next to my car or something, the next person to arrive would not have a safe place to park, due to the hazard posed by carts flailing around the parking lot. People do so occasionally, of course. If it happens a lot, though, I would turn around and leave. I’m not returning every cart for them and I don’t want my car destroyed.
I don’t live in the US. Here are spots next to the car spots to let the cart for the staff to pick later, but go ahead, judge everybody else by your metrics and costumes.
That’s…exactly what I was describing, all while right up front acknowledging that others might do the layout and process differently. Is English not your first language? If you wont put your cart in the cart return, you are lazy. You seem to just want an excuse to be rude, so i will move on and say good day.
A lot of places in the UK don’t have the coins deposit thing either. I pretty much avoid our local Aldi because they have this, and I never have any cash on me.
“Weee-wooo weee-wooo weee-wooo… Sir, I’ve noticed that you’ve missed the cart return. That’s okay, it’s kinda hard to find. See, the cart goes over there.”
cue incoming verbal violence.
For anyone missing the reference: CartNarcsAbsolute treasure trove of comedy gold featuring entitled shitty people.
I haven’t been to a grocery store in many many years now. that applies to any other than convenience stores. why would you waste your time on this shit? I do have housekeeper for the same reason. and a chef for when I feel like eating at home
In 45 years living in Germany I haven’t seen once a free roaming cart in a car park, the only ones I’ve seen are abducted ones, from homeless people etc standing somewhere under a tree or shit where they can’t cause problems. Just saying.
I work on a system of cart karma. I try to use carts that are abandoned in the lot. I try to return them most times but I don’t always. As long as I put away more than I take then my contribution is net positive.
I am not sure about that. In any given grocery store parking lot, in my experience, the vast majority of our carts get returned and we have an enormous asshole population here in America. I wouldn’t say unreturned carts is a huge problem here either
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