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Cringe2793, in Seems we've already got the plot for Barbie II

This is kind of stupid tbh. Margot and Greta are NOT competing against Ryan. They’re competing against other females. This is because of this thing called “categories”.

Ryan getting nominated has NOTHING to do with this. It’s not like Ryan got nominated but they didn’t because he took their place.

This is happening because of the absolute flood of female centric characters and movies that came out recently. There’s too much competition. And much to the “feminists” dismay, Barbie is actually mid compared to the other movies and actresses.


There was 1 female director nominated.


Ok. Which directors do you think were snubbed?


I’m responding to op saying greta was beat out by other females. This is factually wrong since there’s only one other female director.


Awesome, thanks for making that clear. Now, which other females do you think should’ve been nomimated? Because if there aren’t any, she was simply beat out by other directors.


I think Greta should have been nominated. I don’t really understand what point you are trying to make. Did you read the original comment where women are getting passed over but men are getting congratulated for theirs and it’s mimicking the Barbie storyline?


They literally compete in different categories and an actress from Barbie did get nominated. The ones that didn’t weren’t snubbed, other women got their place because they were better. Simple as that.


What percentage of directors are female?


I feel like it should be 50% as they make up just over half of the US population.

I could only quickly get statistics for 2019.

On the top 100 grossing films of 2019, women represented:

10.7% of directors 19.4% of writers 24.3% of producers 70.4% of casting directors


But it’s not 50%. The goal of equity and equality is laudable, but it doesn’t reflect reality

platypus_plumba, (edited )

Right, but it is important to understand the origin of those differences.

They could be prohibition, straight discrimination, social stigma, culture or personal preference. And these are usually linked together and evolve over time. Once prohibition is abolished, discrimination begins. Once discrimination is abolished, social stigma remains… It’s like decaying radioactive elements.

But yeha, if there are 10% female directors and 10% of the winners were female, sounds like there’s no discrimination there. Anyways, even if percentages don’t match it’s important to go in and check if the decisions were fair. What if the 10% of female directors are really really bad for the movies released that year?

Too many variables. Things like these require statistical analysis, social analysis, artistic analysis… Pretty complex. I don’t know.


Cool, it sounded like you were spouting idealist nonsense without recognizing it, but that’s not the case, so fuck yeah! Let’s celebrate underrepresented artistic influence!


It feels like you’re saying there should be more. I have no idea who’s been nominated, nor do I know most of the films that came out last year, so I’m out of the loop and would like to know if you have any female director movies you’d recommend in place of who’s been nominated.


Barbie was a cultural phenomenon so I would say Greta should at least be nominated. Openheimer was an ok movie in my eyes I didn’t see any of the others. I don’t personally think Barbie was a great movie not a bad movie but more like a good movie. The fact it gave a voice to so many women should mean something.


You said it, it was a cultural phenomenom, not a great movie. Those are two very separate, very different things. That does not mean that the director of the movie was great. It’s more closely related to what Barbie already means (socially) and the marketing campaign.

Spaceballstheusername, (edited )

But why was openheimer nominated, why was Ryan gosling nominated, why were so many movies nominated, not because they’re great acting or writing or movies but because the impact they have on society.


Oppenheimer is a great movie, though, that’s why it was nominated.


Beause it’s a better movie. Because he was better than other male actors in movies from 2023. That last one I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Which movie was nominated because of its “social impact”?

nul9o9, in Nintendo has officially announced a live-action 'Legend of Zelda' movie.

Why not a studio Ghibli collab ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

TheImpressiveX, avatar

That would have been amazing to see.

NOT_RICK, in Directors are turning to streaming to fulfil their epic visions – and avoid ‘bum ache’ avatar

I have no issue with a long movie, but I’m of the opinion that any movie over two and a half hours needs an intermission. I don’t need a UTI for your art, directors/editors.


There was an intermission during Hateful 8 and it was glorious being able to get a restroom break and another beer without feeling guilty of getting up in the middle of the movie. So I definitely agree we need more of those.


Im sure the theatres would love it as well so they can sell more snacks, everyone seems to want this


It’s standard in plays to have an intermission. Almost no matter how long it actually runs. Even a 90min movie could have a 5min intermission.


This was the norm in Portugal when I visited in 2010 at least. In my childhood theater in rural Norway there was always an intermission as well, because they didn’t have dual projectors. Hot-swapping projectors was the only way to avoid one in the analog film days, as we all learned from Fight Club.


In Portugal, the only movie I saw where there wasn't an intermission was a very short movie, barely 50 minutes long. Anything longer than an hour has an intermission, or at least had before the pandemic.

Holyhandgrenade, avatar

Intermissions are standard in Icelandic cinemas, no matter the length of the movie. Since moving to Norway I always forget and my bladder is about to explode at the end of the movie. I don’t think an intermission is necessary for a 90 minute movie, but I think if it’s 2 hours or longer then an intermission should be required.


And you’d think theaters would love it. More concessions visits per screening.

lightnsfw, in Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds

It’s not the sex. It’s the cringy romantic bullshit typically surrounding it where everyone treats each other like shit for the sake of drama.

Neil, avatar


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  • lightnsfw,

    I suspect that is true as well. Most of the really dramatic girls I’ve known have been super into romcoms and reality TV. If not causing the behavior they are at least reinforcing it.

    roofuskit, (edited ) in Seems we've already got the plot for Barbie II avatar

    Honestly, it doesn’t make sense for any of them to get a nom. The film was good, it was enjoyable, but it wasn’t an Oscar film. It wasn’t Gerwig’s best work and it wasn’t Robbie’s best performance. Despite Gosling being one of the best parts of the movie, the pickings for best supporting must have been slim for that to get him a nom for that role.

    RedditWanderer, in Pixar will undergo significant layoffs in 2024.

    Everybody will undergo significant layoffs in 2024.


    They are done making bank on the pandemic benefits (during which they cried the whole time they were broke, and hired a record number of people)… now debt is expensive so time to socialize some losses.

    jordanlund, in I just watched Barbie, What did you guys think of the movie? avatar

    Surprisingly deep for a movie based on a plastic doll. It had a lot to say, not only about Barbie, but the state of modern American men as well.

    Ken doesn’t know where he fits in in the world and ends up filling that void with toxicity. It’s like they held up a mirror to the Incel universe.


    So you’re saying this would be a good double feature with Fight Club?



    Ozymati, in Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds avatar

    I want romance in my romance and rom-coms. I do not want it in my action, thriller, history, sci-fi, fantasy, comedy, or biographical movies. Unless, and this is key, unless it legitimately adds to the movie.

    2ncs, in Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds

    “Gen Z doesn’t like sex scene put into the movie by senile board members, so they must not like sex in movies anymore”

    livus, avatar

    @2ncs not really what the study found.

    The new UCLA “Teens and Screens” study, conducted by the Center for Scholars & Storytellers, found that across 1,500 members of Gen Z, ages 10 to 24, young people wanted to see platonic relationships between onscreen characters, and many felt sex wasn’t necessary for story plot. (Only the respondents ages 13 to 24 were asked about sexual content.)

    “While it’s true that teens want less sex on TV and in movies, what the survey is really saying is that teens want more and different kinds of relationships reflected in the media they watch,” said Yalda T. Uhls

    nednobbins, in Gen Z is turned off by onscreen sex, wants no-mance over romance, a new study finds

    Is it just Gen Z?

    Most movie sex scenes are terrible. They fail as both pornography and as literary devices.

    When you put a sex scene, or any other scene in a movie it has to serve some purpose. It can move the plot along, it can show the characters emotions or it can just be there for titillation. If it’s just there because someone thinks that the main characters are supposed to smash, it’s dumb.

    I remember that when we rented “Basic Instinct” you knew how often people re-watched the interrogation scene because the old VHS tapes would get worn at that spot and you could see the screen artifacts.

    Two things made that worth watching. The whole movie was about sex so it made sense, both in the movie and for the character. The way to get porn at the time was to walk into a store and buy a magazine. And Sharon Stone was hot, OK 3 reasons.

    There absolutely are movies where the sex scenes make sense and are important. David Kronenberg’s “Crash” and Kimberly Peirce’s “Boys Don’t Cry”, would have been weird if they didn’t include the sex scenes or just left them implied.
    The sex scene in, “Team America: World Police”, worked because it was a satire of sex scenes in movies.
    Pornhub works because their scenes are very explicit.

    When you have a boring, unironic, semi-artistic sex scene in a movie that’s not otherwise about sex, it’s just a distraction.


    You just described the average 80’s movie with your last paragraph.


    Some, but remember that the only way that get real porn was to go to a store and buy a physical thing. Aside from the convenience there was a stigma to buying porn and it’s illegal for kids to buy. For a horny kid in the 80’s, light on-screen T&A and a Victoria’s Secret Catalog was a pretty good substitute.


    When you have a boring, unironic, semi-artistic sex scene in a movie that’s not otherwise about sex, it’s just a distraction.

    I don’t disagree. But I do see room to expand the definition.

    Recently, I’ve been introducing my partner to The Sopranos for the first time (we’re in s3). I think there are legitimate depictions of sex in the series. They only appear briefly to help illustrate what types of people the characters are. They’re quick and out of the way. Like, oh, that guy’s fucking her, now let’s move on to the dialog that happens after. It’s when we see that these are characters who have sex as opposed to seeing the sex that makes the difference, imo.

    sheridan, in The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. avatar

    I wasn’t even aware a new Aquaman movie was being released.

    kratoz29, avatar

    This is how bad the situation is.

    Hopefully it is decent, I liked the first one.


    If the trailer is any indication (and I know it isn’t always), it’s bad and the cast is really phoning it in. Jason Momoa has never been a great actor but every word he says sounds like he’s reading it from notes he wrote on his hand. Nicole Kidman is like, “things are bad” with the same tone of voice I say, “we’re out of milk.” Just really terrible.


    In the history of Aquaman in the media, on the “wet sidekick for the water episodes of superfriends” scale, you’re describing a solid B+, though.

    themeatbridge, in Henry Cavill's Highlander reboot is moving forward with John Wick director at the helm

    If there was one actor that would get me psyched for a Highlander reboot, it’s Cavill. I wonder if he can do a better Scottish accent than Lambert…


    OK, but who is going to replace Sean Connery?


    Gary oldman


    Gerard Butler or Ewan McGregor


    Better question: who could possibly replace Clancy Brown?


    Nobody can replace Clancy Brown. Just give him the role again.


    Maybe Lambert?


    I think that would be great personally.


    Maybe an actual Spaniard?


    I vote for Pedro Pascal, but only if he does a Scottish accent.


    Or an Egyptian.


    Get Pedro Pascal for the love of christ

    mihnt, avatar


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  • SatansMaggotyCumFart,

    How about Danny DeVito.


    You can and I will respect you for it.

    pendulum_, avatar





    So what you’re saying is, there can be only one

    FlyingSquid, in Why is everything a sequel, reboot or remake? avatar

    Cody Johnson put it very well when he talked about how movie executives saw that Barbie was a smart and funny movie with a good message and decided that meant they needed to make more movies about Mattel toys.

    Executives don’t even like movies very much. They just want to make money and they do whatever they think will make money, not make good movies.

    z3rOR0ne, avatar

    Was gonna point to this exact video. Thanks!

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I always love Cody’s Showdy.

    echoplex21, in Seems we've already got the plot for Barbie II

    Honestly the Lead Actress Category was stacked this year. Emma Stone played a very similar role but was far more complex. Why are people also forgetting that America Ferrera was also nominated ? Best Director is also a smaller pool than Best Picture where it was nominated. It looks bad on optics but if people actually watched all the movies they would know that each of the actresses nominated deserved it . It’s not like they gave the nomination to a man lol


    I’m definitely annoyed by the lack of praise for America. She was brilliant in the role and personified the movie. Margo played the means to tell the story, but America was the story. Don’t get me wrong, Margo was amazing and deserved a nomination too, but so did America who seems to be forgotten in the whole mess of the movie for some reason. She had the single most impactful scene in the movie with her monologue about how hard it is to be a woman.

    beefcat, avatar

    Gerwig also still got a nomination for the screenplay, so it’s not like she was completely snubbed

    MargotRobbie, in The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. avatar

    what are your hopes for James Gunn’s DC Universe?

    1. Harley needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
    2. Whenever Harley is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “Where’s Harley?”

    #2: Exactly. They need to be saying what we’re all thinking anyway.


    You would

    TheImpressiveX, avatar

    Personally, I think the DCU should be a realistic, down-to-earth setting…that’s completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots.

    And also we should win stuff by watching.


    Something something science-based with dragons something something.


    Like dinner with Margo Robbie.

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