Radarr has a setting which will delete files when a movie becomes unmonitored. By any chance did you recently unmonitor everything or make a change to whole directory like rescanning ?
I did unmonitor everything recently. For fuck sakes didn’t know it did that. Just thought what’s the point in monitoring the movies if they’re all how I want them. Apparently I fucked myself.
Second guessing myself now but I remember finding such a setting (in addition to the reverse… Unmonitoring if deleted from disk), and thought it sounded dangerous… but it was disabled by default from memory.
One other thing is that Radarr has a recycle bin… I think 7 days retention by default. I’ve never checked it myself but maybe you can get your stuff back from there?
Of course if it’s empty then I guess Radarr didn’t delete them.
EDIT: To any three-letter agencies who might be reading this post, I was uploading Linux ISOs and scientific research papers. I would never dream of uploading copyrighted material…
But Linux ISOs are copyrighted. The rights belong to all contributors who created them, and licensed them under terms which allow anyone to redistribute them for free.
Currently my server is at 1.5 TiB uploaded since last restart. Always on lol. I wonder how badly it impacts my energy bill. I just have a 1gig unlimited data connection. Figure I oughta use it haha . And yes obvious iso and open src software and the like.
My cable modem consumes about 10-20w (I’ve done monitoring). This while a single file server is continually backing up to Crashplan (about 700GB this month so far). So I don’t even see my cable modem in my power bill.
My file server is much worse - on average it’s consuming about 100w (or 2400wh/day). I’ve done the math several times, that’s about $1/day. It’s the box that’s syncing with all my devices, and then backing up to Crashplan.
Frankly, as shitty is a lot of that stuff was, DVDs were like the last form of media distribution that I would actually call tolerable in terms of consumer friendliness. You still got a physical disk with the actual movie that was easy to rip and share, no internet required. If it weren’t for the quality limitations, I’d still collect them as the primary physical backup to my media server.
I don’t use piracy for convenience. I watch movies and series together with my girlfriend (in a remote way) and we haven’t found a way to watch together (Like Teleparty for Netflix or Disney Plus native “Watch Party”) the content without the remote partner watching it in 320p (using Plex “Watch together” functionality). It simply doesn’t work.
I had it nag me and attempt to hide the install button the last time I updated revanced I turned it off as I think its only a matter of time before it attempts to remove adblockers or other sideloaded apps.
I‘d only access my jellyfin through a VPN like WireGuard. As a plus, you can route your DNS calls to your DNS server in your home network (like AdGuard) and have always most ads blocked in any app even on iOS.
Yeah I am using unifi I might have to switch my client if I can figure out how to connect to my existing wire guard setup that I have on my dream machine.
😳what?? Why would AA not work with VPN?! What a deal break, lol, I guess I’ll keep my iPhone X in the car for CarPlay after switching to a new (maybe not apple) phone in that case
Wired works but because wireless AA needs to use WiFi the VPN blocks the communication. It only works with VPN providers that allow split tunnels which the one I use does not. I use unifi one click VPN which is subscription free.
Even the newest Pis use around 2W on idle (which seeding torrents basically is). I’d say the whole setup would be under 10W, or under 5W if the disk is 2.5".
I might dislike my natal country for many aspects (Mexico) but oh boy, it’s unlimited home Internet connection and 0 fucks given about torrentig aren’t certainly those.
Do you really think someone out there is going to see a random post where a guy says he has uploaded a bunch of… something and decide to try to investigate to find out what?
That’s not how it works. Even if he had included actual torrent names in the screenshot, the chances of someone caring enough to pursue it are infinitesimal.
I feel like you shouldn’t be advertising online that you’re uploading large quantities of pirated media? Just kinda seems like common sense? Some of you guys are very trusting lol.
Hey, I clearly stated that I was uploading Linux ISOs and research papers! I never said anything about pirated media!
spoilerIn all seriousness though, in hindsight I probably should have used an alt account to post this. If my home instance becomes compromised, I could end up in hot water…
Being up to date is VERY important. There’s a bunch of sites out there that scan the entire internet endlessly and keep information about each IP up to date. For example go here and search your IP.
When a vulnerability is found, attackers will go to sites like these and look for anything to hack. If you don’t update more or less immediately, you’re at huge risk.
Other then that, everyone else is right. Being available to the public means you’re going to have bots scanning you and sending random trash. The only thing you can do is try and block it (fail2ban) or limit it (block certain countries) but at the end of the day its the software that gets the packets (jellyfin) that you need to trust to be secure and discard random junk.
That line appeared in “To Live and Die in LA” in exactly the same circumstances two years before “Lethal Weapon”. TLaDLA also had the first wrong way car chase that’s now a staple of every action movie. It’s funny how it was so influential in the industry but has so little lingering cultural impact.
I know that with Minecraft it was as simple as toggling a line in a config to tell the server to verify the copy as legit, or not. This will break your ability to whitelist and apply permissions properly though, if i recall, as people could just change their name to pretend to be you so you’d only want to use it on servers populated with people you trust completely
I play MC like that, You can use mods to implement a type of login where players have to make a password for their name and have to login with it each time they connect. this wouldn’t help with players joining with different names as ban evasion but no one could pretend to be another player without their password.
one Discord server i was on had a Minecraft server with a specific mod installed that allowed cracked copies to join, and it allowed people to lock names in with a PIN so people couldn’t impersonate each other. i can’t remember which mod it was though
Biggest downside for me is that everyone has the default skin when not verifying that. But that could easily be fixed with a mod or maybe even just a server-side plugin.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.