xantoxis, stormtrooper is also what they called troops of the SS under hitler so hmmm hmmm hmmmmmmm
olosta, I like star wars, but people choosing to dress up as the Nazis always confuses me.
- They’re fictional
- They look really cool
Duamerthrax, There’s a subset that are a little too fascinated with the image of the Empire. Same with the Zeon fans.
creditCrazy, To be fair zeon is arguably just as evil as the earth federation so it’s either be a fan of the boys in derpy guntanks or of the men in zakus
Duamerthrax, I once walked into a full gundam panel and the panelists had gotten everyone to do the Zeon salute. You can be a fan of gundam, the characters and the robots without picking a side.
Cethin, Well, in the original trilogy they really didn’t outright do anything we can clearly point to as wrong (except for blowing up a planet). We get very little information on either the rebellion or the empire except they’re the good guys or bad guys.
Star Wars in general has this problem where the good guys are squeaky clean and the bad guys are comic book villains without any background. That’s why Andor is the best thing to happen to Star Wars at least since Disney purchased them, if not ever. It actually fills out why the rebellion exists and what they have to do to survive. They aren’t these perfect good guys anymore and we get to see how boring the evil of the empire actually is, and how willing so many people are to follow along as long as it benefits them.
possiblylinux127, Time to to go murder half the people in my local town and bury the evidence in mass graves
VikingHippie, (edited ) There’s a genocide themed Maybeline ad parody about your username but I’m not quite finding it… Something something possibly it’s Linux
Kusimulkku, And also called certain troops during WW1 (that’s where the name comes from afaik)
Duamerthrax, That hair cut looks familiar…
Fades, Who the fuck capitalizes “BIO”?? It stand for one word not three, the fuck?
Kusimulkku, It’s so short that they probably think it’s an acronym lol (lol)
derfl007, LOL
Natanael, Lol, lmao even
Moc, Obviously BIO stands for Biography Iography Ography
I_Am_Jacks_____, P as in Phoebe, H as in hoebe, O as in Oebe, E as in Ebe, B as in Bebe, E as in 'ello there, mate
xusontha, Time to bust out the Youngling Slayer 9000 and send this kid to The Void
Stamets, The Void is actually the name of the landfill where I bury the bodies I mean what?
PsychedSy, I have incorporated this as a fable in my personal philosophy, but I also really like youngling jokes.
Phoenix3875, Why are you calling another skin in Fortnite?
Cethin, Why don’t we just shorten that to Forskin. It’s so much easier to type and not confusing.
tias, I don’t have a Fortnite skin, it was removed when I was little
Johnhones, This reminds me of that time Kanye West gave that young upcommer Paul McCartney a boost by having him guest on a song.
VikingHippie, I don’t think they called him young, but yeah. That shit was hilarious 😂
JusticeForPorygon, He doesn’t play Fortnite you idiot, he’s a former Nazi.
Pregnenolone, A good opportunity to teach a youngling about the force
RampantParanoia2365, I don’t get it.
x4740N, Person in the image is contacting anakin skywalker to kill the youngling that messaged them
RampantParanoia2365, Thank you.
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