Yes and they should have fixed it all the way in my opinion, but that would have been bad for tourism.
The granite was looted thousands of years ago, so the pyramid is long overdue for some maintenance.
I know archaeologists debate this, since many say that the pyramids have been known as ruins since antiquity, but it’s kind of weird to say “well it’s been that way forever and people like it, so let’s leave it”.
We have a very good understanding of how they were originally, and they would still be amazing if fixed. Just doing one of the smaller pyramids is a great way to dip our toes into restoration.
Like if you had an old rusty classic car in your front yard, and you and your neighbors thought it was cool looking to have it there. But if it were restored, people could really see its beauty, and it would last longer. Both are valid things to do; I just happen to think that the restored car is better.
Politicians constantly talk about stopping the illegal immigrants that are coming from Mexico, but putting a wall has never and will never be a solution since the reason why so many displaced keep coming across the border is mostly to escape the crime, corruption, inequality, and violence of they have to live in their home...
People are posting all kinds of ridiculous solutions that they know are impossible. Legalize drugs. Use less drugs. The cartels run more than just drugs! They run fucking avocados!! And electronics!! They have diversified. Never mind that it’s politically impossible to do anything like that. It can’t happen.
Invading Mexico and shooting the cartels CAN happen. It gives money to the defense industry, which itself is enough reason that it could happen. It’s probably even in the USA’s best interest to try and de-corrupt Mexico (never mind that this would be a bloody mess with huge loss of life). My point isn’t that it’s a good idea, it’s that it’s a solution that could actually happen in real life.
It’s also (western) safety standards. Even small cars are larger; compare an 80s Corolla to a 90s to a 2010s. Compare bmw 3-series across the same time span. To make cars safer for occupants, you need more metal and more space. So they got larger.
Public transit would be great if you didn’t have to ride with other people. That’s my real problem with it in America at least; there are always loud and gross people aboard. My town has phenomenal bud infrastructure, but people drive because it’s faster, and because you don’t have to be around undesirable people.
Maybe public transportation where each person or group could ride in their own automated pod, which would be publicly owned. That way you could still go skiing/hiking/etc, since mass transportation to those places is very difficult due to low volume.
I don’t like this comic because the frequentist statistician is operating with an effective n=1. You’d ask the detector 1000 more times, and use those results to get your answer.
An example is that I generally despise Jordan Peterson and most of what he says, but I often quote one thing that Jordan Peterson said (in the linked video) because I think it’s a good summary of why toxic positivity doesn’t work....
You ever see a dog that’s got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it’s never going to make the connection....
Many people, including myself, are too dumb to understand that other people don’t value the same thing in us that we value in others.
You see them try and become what they like, in order to try to appeal to others. “Well I wish I got more attention, so I’m going to give tons and tons of attention to others”. “I wish someone would make a grand romantic gesture to me, so I’m going to do that to someone else”. That kind of thing.
This is sometimes called “fundamental attribution error” although I think that concept covers a bit more ground.
The point is to mock those that post this kind of thing seriously. It’s to make you realize there is sometimes merit in the “stop having fun” side of things.
There are so many people who love cops and hate Israel, I don’t know what you’re talking about OP.
Personally I’m on team acab but I think israel has a right to go after hamas since they did a terrorism. That doesn’t mean they should kill innocent people; but on the other hand, look at how many German civilians were bombed to death in world war 2; it’s how war works.
A country’s responsibility is to their own people first, almost always at the expense of foreign people. In the case of Israel, it may be that their security is won at the expense of the Palestinians from whom they stole their land. So they are acting in the interest of Israelis.
But cops are different, they attack their own countrymen and enforce a power dynamic within the country that is bad for the country’s own citizens; specifically protecting the interest of capital. They are enemies of the state within the state. Different thing.
I used to love it, but all the non-standard evaluation started to give me a headache.
It’s easy enough to just not use it at all, except for ggplot which recently deprecated aes_() which fucking kills me; they really are dead-set on forcing tidy evaluation.
So you are going to wear some kind of pants that you can’t take off easily for 3 days. Maybe some kind of medieval armor, or a fursuit.
Gatorade has tons of calories because of the sugar, and it will leave nothing to poop out. It will give you the critical electrolytes (plants crave them) that you’re missing from food. Take a multivitamin too.
But it doesn’t have enough calories, and you need stuff to go in your stomach so you don’t suffer being empty on your temporary Gatorade diet. eat white bread. Your body metabolizes almost all of it, so there’s almost nothing to poop out.
You will need to poop out all your poop before doing this, so good hydration and veggies beforehand will clean you out. No need for laxatives, just switch to your new and stupid diet 36 hours before you need to stop pooping.
Good luck on your medieval battle reënactment or orgy.
Egypt pyramid renovation sparks debate (
What can the US do to help Mexico finally stop the cartels?
Politicians constantly talk about stopping the illegal immigrants that are coming from Mexico, but putting a wall has never and will never be a solution since the reason why so many displaced keep coming across the border is mostly to escape the crime, corruption, inequality, and violence of they have to live in their home...
Went dark because capitalism (
Beautiful (
Happy New Year Coders. (
Why are cars getting bigger? A theory. (
Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine. (
Probability.... Need I say more?! (
The Holy Trinity of JavaScript (
Why do people not understand that you can agree with one thing someone said or did while disagreeing with the majority of what they stand for? (
An example is that I generally despise Jordan Peterson and most of what he says, but I often quote one thing that Jordan Peterson said (in the linked video) because I think it’s a good summary of why toxic positivity doesn’t work....
Random 11-6-2017 (
"Implants. Those aren't your memories, they're somebody else's." (
What's the simplest thing humans are too dumb to grasp?
You ever see a dog that’s got its leash tangled the long way round a table leg, and it just cannot grasp what the problem is or how to fix it? It can see all the components laid out in front of it, but it’s never going to make the connection....
Fedposting (
Opinion: Why do so many young white men in America find fascism ‘cool’? (
How would you rate my stick? (
1-10. How good of a stick is this? I quite like it....
The Season of Warmth and Hope (
the ultimate police state - ‘security’ is one of their top exports
It's ok R, we still love you for diagrams. (
What are some places you can spend time where you're protected from the elements and it doesn't cost anything to be there?
The classic example is libraries, but ideally I’m thinking of places you can have a conversation....
Is the cure to male loneliness the Third Impact? (
I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can't take up too much space. What food do I pack?
Please don't ask why I need this....