
Some IT guy, IDK.

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I have a framework. The smaller one. I think they have two now. One of the older CPUs. Got it now than a year ago and it’s been solid. Disclaimer: I don’t run Linux on it, so IDK what that’s like at the moment.

I’ve used most makes and models of laptops and desktops at some point for some duration… The hazards of being in IT… I can’t recommend anything from Microsoft. Simply too hard to do anything with when anything goes wrong and you’re entirely at the mercy of MS for everything. I personally don’t like Lenovo, I’ve had a few Lenovo’s that have their PCIe slots locked to only accept specific device I.D.s in the firmware. I had to flash a hacked firmware to upgrade the wifi in one. It was an unpleasant experience. It did eventually work, but it was not fun. I also don’t care for their keyboard layouts. That’s been improved recently from what I’ve heard, I’m still equally not a fan of their systems.

I’ve had the most experience with HP and Dell, and for the most part they’re very similar. Anything from their business lines will perform quite well though graphics may only be whatever comes integrated with the CPU.

I always push towards business systems because from what I’ve seen, they’re more robust and usually don’t break nearly as fast.

I’d think about getting an eGPU for gaming since no matter how powerful the system or it’s GPU is, it will be massively outdated long before the system fails or becomes inoperable from age. With an eGPU external enclosure, you can upgrade any time you like to a desktop card for much cheaper than replacing the system. Most eGPU enclosures can also act as docking stations, providing power and even network and other things along with the graphics connection.

That’s a lot of hardware talk though. I’m not going to tell you what to pick, I’m just making the best recommendations I can given the information available to me.

Good luck


Work is what keeps me away from Linux. That and games. I know things have gotten a lot better for gaming on Linux and that’s great, it’s still limiting, quite bluntly. The games I want to play are not all available on Linux, and some have been more or less abandoned, so they may never work on Linux properly.

Work is the worst offender, since a lot of “business productivity” software seems to require Windows, since nobody in business runs anything other than Windows… Except if you’re running web services, then it’s usually Linux… Almost every app has a “cloud” component now that relies on something running Linux… But you can’t get the client software for Linux because fffffffuuuuuuuuuuu


I think VR is going the other way.

Zuckerberg killed VR with the metaverse…


He also made the Oculus lineup so cheap by subsidizing the costs with selling your data, that many VR startups couldn’t compete. Now there’s only a handful of groups still making any VR gear. Immediately after that he killed all PC based VR, though you can still do it with an add-on cable or wirelessly (which sucks on most WiFi), as an afterthought.

This just locked everyone into the Oculus ecosystem and Facebook by extension, bricking more than a few headsets in the process. Now you either have to pay thousands to boutique VR outfits, or buy an Oculus and sell your soul to Zuckerberg for a cut rate product.

I hold Mark solely responsible for killing VR as a consumer product.

Good luck web devs (

Alt text:Twitter post by Daniel Feldman (@d_feldman): Linux is the only major operating system to support diagonal mode (credit [Twitter] @xssfox). Image shows an untrawide monitor rotated about 45 degrees, with a horizontal IDE window taking up a bottom triangle. A web browser and settings menu above it are organized creating a...


Auto correct got me again. Coroner.

For those that are genuinely confused, there’s two very important things you must know. The coroner is the job title for the guy who writes up what caused you to die. They do things like autopsies (when required), and they’re basically a doctor for dead people.

The other thing is the English idiom of “paying [someone] off”, which is basically a common way to not so subtley say that you’re bribing them.

So in plain language: there is an extremely good chance that my uncle bribed the coroner to ignore whatever he found on my uncle when he died and say he perished from natural causes. This normally implies something about self deletion and insurance, since insurance basically never pays out if you die by your own hands.

Is anyone still confused? Please let me know if you are and I can address any part of this that might not be crystal clear.


Therapy is about the patient getting into a better, more positive, and happier mindset.

Happy people, don’t tend to get angry enough to rise up and overthrow their oppressors.

So yeah, there’s a correlation there, but if therapy was being used as a vehicle for “the man” (or whomever) to keep you from their oppression, IMO, therapy would be a lot cheaper, or free.

To me, since therapy isn’t free for so many people, that’s not it’s primary motivator. The main push for therapy is in self analysis and understanding the reason why you feel as you do. All in an effort to help the patient have more control over their emotions, and feel better overall, or process through things that may have been very disruptive to their mental well-being. Everything from a sudden job loss to childhood trauma.

I don’t think that any therapist would ever encourage you to stay in a situation that you were actively being harmed in (either mentally or physically). At worst, they wouldn’t tell you to stay in that situation, but also wouldn’t push you to get out of it, staying neutral. Bluntly, it’s not the job of therapy to tell you “that’s toxic and you should get out”, their job is to have you recognise that the situation you’re in is toxic and decide to exit that situation. They want to lead you to that decision, not make it for you.

Long story short, the sum total of therapy in my opinion, is to ask the tough questions and honestly pursue solutions to any problems you may have in your life. The therapist is just a guide on that path, but you must walk it. If that leads to finding a new job or getting out of a relationship or something of that nature, you have to make that choice; the therapist can help you see things in a better, more neutral light (untainted by your own perspective), and think about things more critically, but can’t and shouldn’t be simply telling you what to do.

This is a big reason why the stereotypical phrases we see in popular culture about therapists is that they’re sitting back, listening to you saying things like “how does that make you feel?” And “why do you think they did that?”… Because that’s what they’re doing, they’re forcing you to consider what other people may have been doing, or what their motivations were, and how it affected you. It helps you have perspective on what’s happening in your life and look at things in a way that makes sense, rather than just be frustrated by others constantly being demanding or whatever they’re doing.

Therapy, IMO, is 100% about the patient making sense of what’s around them and making good decisions about what to do next.

Simply put: you cannot control others and what they do, but you can control how you react to those people and how you allow them to affect you.


I promise you, I have no savings nor investments, mature or otherwise.

I completely understand where you’re coming from. I’ve long considered that the next generation is going to be royalty screwed. Millennials are not doing great. I know many that are struggling, but gen z didn’t even get a chance.

Give your dog some pets for me and I hope things get better soon… Or the government collapses under the insurmountable weight of all the bribery that’s going on.


shakes fist at cloud

Now that I’m older, I understand.


This. It’s like “Let’s wreck the paying customers! Ha ha, that will show those pirates.”



I’ve seen pirates put in a modified version…


I feel like this is what bungee was going for with Halo infinite. Multiplayer is free, but if you want the story/campaign, you have to pony up for it.

Too bad infinite was not the strongest game for Lanning… And that it’s requirements are kinda silly… And that it’s huge, even just the free version.

It looks great if you have the hardware for it, but the guys I usually LAN with are all working professionals with bills and mortgages and stuff… No time or money to keep up to date on the latest gaming hardware.


I believe the exception is towards ordering to satisfy strong emotions. There are exceptions to the exception, but yeah. Pizza ordered to assist with the processing of significant feels is generally exempt from litigation.


Except they didn’t. Whomever purchased the stock initially did, and often that amount is a shadow of what the stock is currently traded at.

It’s also a figure that’s been repaid over and over again as dividends have been paid.

With government organizations, the public, aka debt devices, aka the public wallet, pays for the initial investment. Once that investment is made it pays for itself over and over in goods and services over the lifetime of the investment.

Shareholders are basically the landlords of wall street. They contribute nothing and feel like they deserve everything.

MystikIncarnate, (edited )

Where’s the nearest bridge?

EDIT: for reasons, this is a joke.


I’m curious how that person thought that butterflies rested… Or did they just continually flap their tiny little wings until they died?

But, I mean, you were at a church…


Thank you very much for not replying. I really do appreciate it.


The RIAA drove me to piracy in the early days.

Then stuff like Google Play music came along and I stopped because I can actually pay for basically any song I want to listen to, all at my fingertips and that is still true. It makes me happy to support the artists and their music though I know they don’t get very much of the cut.

The MPAA was much of the same story.

Then Netflix happened and I was all set for the same thing to happen, but it didn’t. Now streaming is almost as fractured as cable TV packages, and I went right back to piracy.

Screw it. I don’t feel bad about it because they haven’t shown any regard for the people they continually exploit, namely their customers. They don’t give any shits if I financially sink while trying to afford to enjoy the things that they make, so I won’t give any shits about their financial situation while I enjoy it anyways. Fuck them.


As a disclaimer, I understand the logic in most cases, it shouldn’t imply that I agree with it.

In an ideal communism, everyone would have their basic needs taken care of, regardless of who they are, what they do, how “valuable” they are, or what they know is, etc.

In reality, almost all attempts at communism are authoritarian at their core, and whomever is in a position of authority, due to them being human and inherently selfish, they value their own comfort and contribution more than they value the contribution of others. This will almost always devolve into a mass exploitation of the populous to serve those who are in control.

The ideals of communism, in and of themselves are not bad or evil. The practical result of the authority that arises from a communist country or society will very often result in human suffering on a massive scale.

So to put it simply, people generally romanticize the ideals of communism; at a high level, speaking very ideally, they’re not wrong. Communism has some ideas that should be taken into very serious consideration. When applied on a large scale in communist countries like China (as an easy example) it’s very easy for the majority to be living well below what most would consider “the poverty line” with little to no consideration from the governing authority regarding that situation.

Thus, while the communist ideal of a solution to this problem is preferable to the homeless and destitute results of capitalism, there isn’t any country in the world that lives up to providing a good living situation to those who are in need. Sure, in a communist country, you may get a roof over your head, given to you by the government, but you may or may not get adequate amounts of food on the table to not starve, or required medical care, or any of a plethora of other things that are beneficial to your continued existence. You just get to die in a bed, in an apartment, via starvation or treatable medical ailments, rather than dying from exposure with enough food in your stomach, and in otherwise okay physical health, because you had no place warm to sleep.

All options are equal levels of terrible.

IMO, the point of these kinds of posts isn’t to say that we would be better off with communism, but rather, that the typical capitalist “solutions” to problems are less desirable, and we, as a society, should consider other options and solutions in order to help our countrymen, rather than punish them for being poor.


Yeah, my last few statements were hyperbole. Sorry that didn’t come across to you. I’m also about as weird as they come, so “weirdo” really isn’t a jab, it’s just a statement of fact, we’re all different and weird from eachother.

The point, and fact remains that we’re the only species on the planet that can rationalize rejecting meat due to ethical concerns. Give a cat some factory farm meat and it won’t even think twice about eating it… rinse and repeat with pretty much any animal on earth other than humans.

Regardless of that point, I’m not about to tell anyone how to live, eat what you want. What you eat doesn’t affect or inform what I eat. I also want you to have options, so I don’t have any protest to the creation of things like veggie burgers or tofurkey or whatever. The only time I would have a problem with vegetarians/vegans is if their choices affect my ability to make a choice. eg. I can no longer get beef because there’s now a vegan law that forbids it (type of thing). It’s extreme to think about, but it’s along the same lines of laws forbidding LGBTQ+ people from getting married or something, or women getting abortions. Sally joe’s abortion doesn’t really cause any damage to your life, why do you care? if Jim and John want to get married, why do you care? It doesn’t stop anyone else from refusing to get an abortion, or refusing to get gay married, they’re just discriminatory laws that restrict people’s action based on other peoples wants… historically, vegetarians and vegans haven’t even tried to cross that line, and I don’t think that will change, which is good. The religious fanatics however, cross that line continually. I just want to live and be free to marry who I want and eat what I want and live where I want and how I want, with the understanding that those wants shouldn’t impact other people’s ability to do the same. On the same note, I want that freedom for mankind. Where everyone can do anything they want, as long as it does not impact others ability to do the same. If you take a look at most laws, that’s how they’re written, to prevent individuals from impacting others in a negative way; about the safety of the society as a whole. Don’t drive your car at excessive speeds, which may cause you to lose control and potentially crash, possibly into someone else, which will injure/kill them, which impacts that persons ability to pursue their own goals (etc).

I am a humanist above all else. I couldn’t give any fewer craps about who you are as a person (race, color, religion, creed, lifestyle, sexual identity, sexual preference, etc), as long as you’re not negatively affecting others to live their lives how they want, then by all means, do the things, be happy.


I’m going with sci-fi, because I’ve always liked sci-fi more than fantasy, but at the same time, Chapel is something else. Such a great character, top to bottom.


LJ actually removed my long term journal from inactivity. I almost cried.


I’ll be sure to pass this on to all my vampi… I mean, wow, that is a very fascinating thing to read, I’ll surely take what you said into consideration the next time I’m shopping for sunscreen.


They conquered that?


… you know, out of scientific curiosity.


Income tax in Canada, where I live, is already 15-33%.

It’s already horribly mis-spent. If it went up, I’m pretty sure the country would riot.

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