
Some IT guy, IDK.

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Nope, I’m an IT guy with a nurse for a wife. I’ve taken first aid (including proper handwashing) for about 30 years being a member of St. John’s ambulance for a long time in there.

It’s been beaten over my head for most of my life. Looking into it, the rabbit hole goes deeper. I also found a TED style talk (may have been TEDx? I forget) talking about the best way to dry your hands while using as few paper towels as possible.

I know I’ve only really scratched the surface with what I could know on the topic. I also understand that there’s helpful “germs” on your skin, and over washing or over use of hand sanitizer can be detrimental to skin health and long term health; of course with a huge number of caveats that are just so far outside of the scope of what I’m trying to say.

Looping back on topic, I’m a science nerd, first-aid trained, very curious and knowledge seeking individual with a large exposure to medical people. Hygiene is very important.


I’m rewatching TNG and season 1 was pretty… Off. Most of the characters seemed to be cheap knockoffs of their established personas. The most distinctive for me was Brent Spiner (Data), where, I can’t put my finger on it, but he just seemed off the the data that I know and love.

I chalk it up to him coming off of being a comedic bit actor and he was still finding himself for the more dramatic role of data. He hadn’t really nailed down the robotic methodology of his actions and speech that really makes data stand out. His responses were often quick, to the point of speaking over others, and his actions were fairly fluid and organic, which isn’t Data at all.

It really didn’t take long for him to work his way into the role (and into our hearts), I’m not criticising Brent by any stretch. He was and I’m sure still is, an incredible actor… Judging by his fairly recent role reprising Data on Picard, he really hasn’t lost his touch.

There’s plenty of other things about season one that are odd, but I found Data to be the most notable. Still, worf was a lot more brooding, Picard seemed almost more timid, Riker didn’t have a beard… The only person from season one who I can point to with certainty and say that they didn’t seem off from season 1 (compared to how I know the character), was Dr. Crusher. She was hitting it out of the park from day 1.

No matter the oddity, almost all of it was simply gone by the end of season one. I’m partway into season two now and I wouldn’t be able to differentiate the characters on screen from any other season of the show, or from their movies.


I’d “suffer” through school again happily if I could take some opportunities that once passed me by. I was at a good age when Bitcoin hit the scene. I thought it was not very interesting and probably wouldn’t amount to much… At a time where you could get several a day with little more than the computing power of an era appropriate smartphone.

$10M now vs mining as many Bitcoin as you could back then, and then cashing out when it peaked in 2021… Just that simple change and the 10M seems like nothing.

I also made some strategic errors in my youth, dropping out of school and going to work full time at a dead end retail job, and working there for years before deciding to go and finish my education. I had saved nothing from my time working and put myself pretty deep into debt by the end of it.

By the time I graduated, I was pushing 30, I was something like six figures in debt, and I had no job prospects. I ended up working at a call center.

So yeah, I’ll suffer through grade school and high school again if it means I can do it right. I wouldn’t excel so much that I stood out… Maybe just enough to skip a grade, get started on college just a little bit sooner. Invest any money I had into Apple or something, right before the big iPhone explosion. I would still be financially set for life, knowing what I know.


Red pill.

I had a few pretty rough years in there… I wasn’t suffering or anything like that, I was just… Going in the wrong direction. Took me a while to get back on track.


This is kind of my family. My brother and I have not fathered any children, he’s a step dad, with no intention to have any of his own, I’m happily in a childfree relationship.

The only (sort of) exception is that my eldest brother (of three), had four kids… All girls.

So our biological lineage will continue, but our family name ends here, since once my niece’s get married, our family name will be dead.

The closest continuance of our family name is through my one male cousin on my dad’s side. I don’t keep in touch with him enough to know if he has kids or he’s planning to have kids, or to even be informed as to whether or not those children would be boys or girls, etc.

After that, you would have to go back about 3 generations to find someone of the same lineage that’s actually continuing the family name. Second or third cousins… I believe. I’m unaware if my grandfather had any siblings, or cousins… So that part of my family tree is a complete unknown.

For my brother, he wasn’t in a stable relationship long enough to get married and have kids (though, he’s on his second marriage, the first did not last very long… It’s a long story as to why)… And since his second wife (his current wife) already had children from a previous marriage, he has no interest. For me, I never cared either way, and stuck to the philosophy of “I’ll let my wife decide”. My current, and longest, relationship, under which we’ve been together for nearly a decade now, is with a beautiful woman who has been very childfree for a long time, and I support her in that. I also wouldn’t be able to financially support children, which is why I kept waiting for marriage before kids. I at least wanted the illusion that someone was going to stick around before making that commitment.

My oldest brother got married pretty young and to his credit, they’re still together. I’m mostly estranged from him, but I’m aware of some of the details of his life. His children are at the age where they can start having kids of their own now (which should give some indication of how old I am… I’m “great uncle” age). I don’t have any pressure to have kids at this point because my SO doesn’t want them, my breeder brother is estranged, my father is dead, and I’m estranged from my mom. The only time I even hear about kids is either from my sister-in-law taking about her (now post-teen) children, and from my SO’s family, who we see online only a few times a year at most.

I don’t feel like I’m missing out.


Probably… She is about a day bigger than most.


He had connections. May he rest in peace.

He had fallen in with some questionable types throughout his life, partly due to his work. I won’t get into many details here, I don’t want it to be traced back to his family or anything; but due to the circumstances he found himself in, bluntly, he was worth more dead, than alive. He would only be worth anything if he died “naturally” or something, since life insurance is kind of a stickler for that sort of thing.

All I was told was that he had made arrangements for his body to be found, and around what was going to be done afterwards to ensure that insurance paid out so his family would be taken care of.

The circumstances were kinda BS too, it wasn’t his fault, but he was liable and there was little he could do to change that. He knew what the outcomes were and to him, death was the better option. I’m not saying I agree with his choices. I had no real part in them, I was too young at the time to really grasp what was happening, and appropriately, I was not aware of, nor involved in any of it, and heard most of what I know through my older siblings and from my father (his brother). He apparently sent my dad a note the night before he was found dead basically summarizing what was about to happen, so it was very clearly planned. As far as I’m aware, everything went according to plan and though I don’t have much contact with that part of my family, I believe they’re doing just fine.

Just a touch more detail on the circumstances, it was some legal issue he found himself kind of “holding the bag” for (so to speak) so his outcomes were: (extremely unlikely) he would be found innocent, and allowed to return to his “normal” life - obviously he didn’t think this was possible at all. (most likely) he would be found guilty and sentenced to many years in prison. Being a convict would ruin his chosen vocation as there’s a lot of trust required in what he does and a conviction would basically exclude him from working in his field. (alternatively) he dies, insurance pays out, his family gets a big wad of cash, and he would be just as useless as if he was found guilty; but now with a pretty significant amount of money given to his family.

I don’t hold it against him. I don’t have any strong feelings on the matter. It’s just something that happened.


Oh, so that’s what I taste whenever I watch those videos now…

It’s shit.

… Never ate shit before, so I had no idea that is what it tastes like.


I’m excited for the day when a generation is born whom is domed to fail at continuing the survival of the human race.

The last generation of humans, all because the majority kept either foisting it’s problems onto future generations that will never come, or thought exactly like this.

Nothing was done, and humanity ended. Not with a bang, but more like a sigh.

Gg everyone. We both won and lost. We defeated ourselves.


I’m not sure the mods are going to care honestly. I think most are in agreement that the Orville is basically star trek adjacent, and close enough that… Honestly as long as it doesn’t take over, nobody will bat an eye at the occasional Orville meme.


Yes. The stimulants used have a side effect of basically being turbocharged coffee… That’s the best way I can describe it.

I’ve been in prescription ADHD meds for more than a year and after forcing myself out of bed long enough to shove my medication down my face hole, within an hour, of that, it becomes impossible for me to get to sleep for at least 10-12 hours, even if I’m fully acclimatized to my dose.

Once when I neglected to take meds for over a month straight (pretty significant depression after a job loss, I’m ok now), the first time I started back on my medication, I was wired for at least 20 hours after taking my normal dose. Messed up my sleep pretty badly, but I got back on the horse right after and things calmed down a lot.

Since getting onto this prescription, I haven’t had any issues staying awake, and usually as the meds wind down (wear off) near the end of the day, I can get to sleep at a reasonable time.

It’s a stimulant, so that’s not really surprising.


My pet peeve about headlights is that auto manufacturers used the same fittings for standard and HID bulbs and allowed users to replace them of their own accord.

So plenty of places and third parties made HID bulbs for standard bulb fixtures, and people installed them thinking they would make everything better for them when driving at night. They’re the brightest and therefore the best, right? Nope.

HID bulbs should be in specific housings and fixtures which control the direction of the light better than standard bulb housings. With regular bulbs (incandescent), this isn’t a problem, since the amount of misdirected light is not enough to cause problems. When you exponentially increase the amount of light with an HID bulb, that leakage is no longer trivial, and rather blinding.

This is why I’m in support of LED headlights on cars. They’re still “blue” and very VERY bright when you’re in the cone of light they emit, but they’re usually a non-user-serviceable component. So unless someone intentionally goes and screws with their headlight alignment, they generally eliminate most issues with very bright headlights. They keep the light directed at the ground, giving the driver very good coverage of the road while not blinding oncoming drivers (mostly). The downside, IMO, is that, since the bulbs are no longer able to be changed by the user, by design, you now need to buy a whole new headlight assembly if your headlight stops working. While LEDs are generally very long lived, that life can be significantly reduced due to problems beyond your control, like manufacturing defects that can go undetected for years until suddenly the light simply stops working; costing possibly hundreds of dollars to fix, where a standard set of bulbs would be maybe $20 at most.

IMO, between this, and automatic headlights, and on some cars, automatic high beams, as long as people use those systems as intended, being blinded by headlights in most scenarios should be a thing of the past… Of course that requires that people use the systems as intended… Which is a bit like wishing for world peace. The populous unanimously agreeing to anything is basically impossible at this point. Even something as basic as “killing people is bad” is not something that everyone can agree on, since there are entire movements of people who think they should be seeking peace by killing all of the people who disagree with their position. I don’t want to name names on that, but it’s a thing that a few very notable groups fervently believe. To go into that a bit further, most would agree that anyone trying to commit the “murder, death, kill” on anyone should be stopped by any means necessary, which includes, but isn’t limited to killing the person trying to kill others; this is largely considered to be an acceptable exception to the rule, but again, not everyone agrees with that. I won’t go further with it, since I think the point is made… We can’t, as a society of people, universally agree on anything. So there will always be exceptions.

MystikIncarnate, (edited )

The phone in the movie was a Nokia. I believe it was the 7910, if memory serves me correctly.

The spring loaded slide wasn’t really a thing. I think one version of the phone had it in the production release, but it was limited to a very small geographical area… I think somewhere in Asia? I forget.

Everywhere else had the phone to some extent, minus the spring loaded sliding action. You just had up push the cover down.

Source: my best friend had one. After… I think, 3? Years of owning it, he was so fed up with its dumb quirks that I think he snapped the slider thing off… Which had the mic in it, so he got a new phone right after that.

EDIT: I was mistaken, it was the Nokia 7110.


I remember my first phone better than the last feature phone I had. First was the Nokia 5190

The last non-smartphone I owned was a Samsung I think. One of the first ones that supported media playback. It was a flip/clamshell design. After that it was a string of questionable choices until I got my first Nexus.

I had a strtrk phone (I think that was the name), which was a clamshell Windows Mobile phone and I really liked it but I went for a walk on a pretty warm day and got a call. After a long conversation, enough sweat got into the phone that it died. I also had the HTC touch, I think it was called. Anyways, it was a soap bar but slid sideways and had a qwerty keyboard, also Windows phone. I eventually picked up a Motorola milestone (other regions may know it as the Motorola Droid), which was similar to the HTC, but thinner, with a bigger screen, and it ran android, my first Android phone.

Then I eventually gave up on the hardware keyboard because nobody made phones with them that were any good, went through a few other HTC’s that were all Android and very forgettable, until I landed on the Nexus 4. I’ve been doing the Google thing since. I owned a Nexus 4, 5, 6, 7, and 5X, as well as the pixel 1, 4 and now 7. Over the years, I’ve had secondary phones, usually iPhones, but not always, sometimes for work, sometimes just to have something different with me. I think I’ve used the 6/6 SE and one of the cheap ones… I forget which cheap one, but one of them.


Okay, but, with other forces, like electricity, we understand that elections are bumping down the line and the force/motion of that can be used to do work or something.

With magnetism, it’s more like, a complete black box, we can see what happens when we do x, but we have no idea what makes it do that. Magnetism it’s measurable, we know it exists, we don’t know how it exists. We know it works, but we can’t figure out why it works.

It’s a bit like gravity. We have some good theories, but that’s about it.


Yeah, I’m just having a bit of fun.

Please don’t screw me though. I don’t think my wife would appreciate it.


mmmhmm. yeah, I understand some of these words.

Can anyone explain to someone who doesn’t play ranked?


Which is probably why webp still exists.

Most of the other things killed by Google follow this trend. Stadia is a glowing example of this self fulfilling prophecy.

Though, in the case of stadia, IMO, they should have probably worked harder to let people know that as long as you have a Google login and something to play with, you could have tried it without buying anything. There were a number of trials on the platform that were free to play. Since people didn’t generally know that, a lot were relying on reviewers to form an opinion, and most of the reviews were early access and wrought with issues that were quickly fixed.

I miss stadia.


I’m about as close to a Google fanboy as anyone I’ve met. I use nest protect, Google home minis, pixel phones, I even have a pixel watch.

I pay for YouTube premium and Google one for more drive storage.

I don’t love advertisers or companies, Google included. I’m aware of marketing and what it entails, and I know it’s required in business, including it’s involvement with advertising. I appreciate Google’s approach to marketing/ads for the most part, a bit less with what they’re doing about YouTube ads and YouTube premium… But they haven’t had a major data breach of client information, and they haven’t really had any huge and very public information related scandals. I can’t say the same about Apple, or Facebook, and people still buy iPhones, MacBooks and iPads, and exclusively use Facebook Messenger, and keep posting their entire lives on there.

People use and trust companies that have worse track records, much more with far more intimate and complete information than anything that they give to Google.

Amazon isn’t much better. At least Google services are a fundamental and important part of what I generally use and need. Everyone gets all up in arms about privacy, and what Google knows about them, ignoring all the other companies that are so much worse that they freely pour their data into without any regards to privacy. I’m not excusing Google for the information they mine, but it seems to me that they’re generally more responsible with the data they have, in comparison. IMO, that’s a bit like comparing a cobalt or diamond mine and their human rights (or rather lack thereof) to companies that exclusively hire minimum wage workers. They’re all varying levels of terrible.

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