Surely there are things that he says that I would even agree with - though I more often question how he says them (that is not me down-voting you though to be clear - a respectful conversation as you are doing is always welcome in my book).
e.g. I agreed with Hillary Clinton on the “ninth-month abortion” topic - there are only less than a handful of those all across the country, and at that point there is 0% chance that they are from irresponsible loose women forgetting to take a pill (or whatever the thinking is there) and 100% chance that it is a huge medical complication. Her answer there was “politicians should not be dictating such matters - that is a subject best left up to the experts and the patient to decide together”. She may be corrupt as sin and her answers were all focus-tested prior to delivery but… nevertheless she was right about that, imho.
Whereas his answer was “baby killer” - as if this literally heart-rending occurrence where the life of the mother is at stake and the loss of the fetus is virtually a foregone conclusion at that point was all besides the point.
They BOTH played the game in their respective ways there. And while I may not have liked her, I did like her answers, while his to that question was so incredibly juvenile that I could hardly believe my ears and eyes, seeing it from the leading candidate of an actual Presidential race. (btw funny video about it - she goes first but don’t worry, after the first minute he comes with some really great jabs:-P)
I would encourage you to remember though that even if you enjoyed his performance in the debate: he is so dumb that other people ended up pulling most of his strings after he got into office, and he never even realized how much he was being manipulated - in fact he still does not, years after-the-fact. Trump is not “conservative”, nor even quite “Republican” so much as a mad bull tearing through the china shop breaking everything that he pleases touches. A vote for him is a vote for anarchy, which sounds fun only to those who have neither experienced it nor studied history to realize what it truly means. imho at least, ofc take with a grain of salt (i.e. be properly skeptical), except it also happens to be shared by most people who study most matters all across the nation world. When the experts (almost) all agree on something, it is either the largest conspiracy of all time ever, or else it just might be true!
I agree that everyone uses the system… but not equally. She would have been a horrible President - more than half the nation agreed with you on that so hard that they outright handed the election to him (with deeds, not merely words) - but that does not in turn mean that he was a good one, and especially that he would be again.
Alright, I will sacrifice some of my karma for this, if it helps:-).
The meme is trying to wrangle the premise that “large corporations are (most often) bad” (which ofc is true:-P) into a humorous statement that engineers in the state of Texas have limited opportunities to find jobs.
The problem is that it messes up all the details - e.g. if you have ever heard of GameStop, Dell, or Texas Instruments (just to name 3) they all have their headquarters in Texas, plus numerous top tech companies have branches there like Samsung. A 5s Google search shows many, MANY more.
For extra context: moving between states is nothing at all like moving between countries - and e.g. the state of California has a GDP comparable to Germany - plus there are many jobs in the state of Texas for both Engineers and also non-Engineers, especially if someone is willing to make less money in exchange for other QoL factors (like living closer to family?) so… in short, it is not your fault for not understanding this meme.:-)
Though there must be just enough of something in it for it to have gotten this many upvotes, in spite of all that. As someone who hasn’t lived in Texas for many years, I must be on the outside looking in now and thus don’t get it:-P.
I uh… might have forgotten the terminal condition, so feel free to report me for violating Rule 2 of this community - breaking the law! (of good sense):-P