It’s a rite of passage! I had to learn it so now you do too! Why, when I was young I used to have to walk to school, uphill both ways, in the snow… :-P
I need more data. Send me higher resolution feet pics immediately, to this address: Donald.Trump at Please send me as many feet pics as you have!?
I recently wanted to run tegaki, and my experience is pretty much summed up by the meme. I consider myself fairly tech-savvy, but I just couldn’t figure out how to compile it. So I just gave up, downloaded the .exe and put it into a fresh wine prefix. After installing CJK fonts, everything ran fine. Now I’m trying to get...
Close - they meow for their cat mothers too in the wild, it’s just that humans keep cats in a permanently juvenile state when we keep them as pets. Also, our patting them mimics their mother’s tongue action, which causes them to purr, which is also an entirely natural sound for them to signal the mother that they are alive and content. We did not change them so much as co-opt what was already there, using it for the benefit of both human & cat:-). From there, some things like level of aggression and body size were bred to suit our mutual partnership better.
Today is almost literally all that we ever have - the rest is a hope/prayer/wish/thought/fantasy that will only ever become another Today just like now.
I don’t know what to do. If I upvote this, then people will have to go through the agony that I did, in listening to this. :-( On the other hand, if I upvote this, then people will have to go through the agony that I did, in listening to this. :-)
Alright, I will sacrifice some of my karma for this, if it helps:-).
The meme is trying to wrangle the premise that “large corporations are (most often) bad” (which ofc is true:-P) into a humorous statement that engineers in the state of Texas have limited opportunities to find jobs.
The problem is that it messes up all the details - e.g. if you have ever heard of GameStop, Dell, or Texas Instruments (just to name 3) they all have their headquarters in Texas, plus numerous top tech companies have branches there like Samsung. A 5s Google search shows many, MANY more.
For extra context: moving between states is nothing at all like moving between countries - and e.g. the state of California has a GDP comparable to Germany - plus there are many jobs in the state of Texas for both Engineers and also non-Engineers, especially if someone is willing to make less money in exchange for other QoL factors (like living closer to family?) so… in short, it is not your fault for not understanding this meme.:-)
Though there must be just enough of something in it for it to have gotten this many upvotes, in spite of all that. As someone who hasn’t lived in Texas for many years, I must be on the outside looking in now and thus don’t get it:-P.
I uh… might have forgotten the terminal condition, so feel free to report me for violating Rule 2 of this community - breaking the law! (of good sense):-P
Bold of you to think that they even think of us at all.
I actually mean that seriously: we continue seeing, over and over, that no, quite often they do NOT expect people to NOT do that, they quite simply DGAF. They pirate us, we pirate them, it becomes just another “cost of doing business”, until they are strong enough to eventually crack down further. See ad blocking & Chrome recently, after multiple decades of internet ads pushing the limits.
It’s like a zombie nom noming your brains - after like 2 bites it’ll get bored and wander off, and it literally doesn’t even need to “eat”, it simply is so fucking DUMB that it doesn’t know what else to do with itself. It is truly horrifying b/c while your entrails may be strewn about on the floor, or in the throats of tens of zombies, they in turn… don’t even have the decency to be aware that you’ve died!?
Lower-level managers sell ideas to higher-level managers, and “logic” has little to do with those conversations, compared to the amount of emo-stroking that goes on “oh, you will become so rich, and powerful, and handsome, and brave, and precious” (from here:-P) - and so long as enough people play along, that happens!
Our world is just so fucking STUPID.
That said, what they do is on them, while what we do is on us. Find a way to live - hopefully by finding a way to contribute, if/where you can.
That was my first thought as well. They have to take the same trek, do additional work in it, yet do not have the financial resources to buy the same type of gear… nor can they complain b/c “that’s the job”. :-|
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I recently wanted to run tegaki, and my experience is pretty much summed up by the meme. I consider myself fairly tech-savvy, but I just couldn’t figure out how to compile it. So I just gave up, downloaded the .exe and put it into a fresh wine prefix. After installing CJK fonts, everything ran fine. Now I’m trying to get...
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Source: Alzwards Corner...
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The template if anyone is interested: Template
a miniature vase made on a potters' wheel, glazed and fired (cat for scale) (
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