That story is so old that the fisherman can no longer survive because his fish is undervalued, the water overfished, and polluted, the beach illegal to sleep on, and his property unaffordable.
I think it’s the fact that people will openly write the exact same words as you do, and they won’t be joking. It won’t be satire. And there is no way to tell the difference even if they did look at your username - it just means “Anonymous”
Edit: See Poes Law. Guess I’m not first person to think about it.
Credit Card Numbers by themselves are technically worthless because you have no guarantee they aren’t just randomly generated.
Verified Credit Cards are worth significantly more on the black market. There is no reason to set off fraud detection by using a fake address. Those resellers do not want the goods - they want good credit card numbers.
Significantly less risk in reselling numbers compared to goods and no logistics, or fencing, to speak of.
Because Jen in accounting doesn’t believe in it, and Tom the CIO likes his data stored raw in TXT Amphibious Delineated. Then our biggest client prefers data as Jason so we swapped half of our database to that to speed things up.
But the real problem is high turnover because we don’t pay anyone enough to work on things they are proud of. After 2 years we stop doing even 3% COL raises so they go elsewhere. So every 2-4 years each position gets a new opinionated asshole.
What’s wild is that you’ll see them get a night job, or have to stay up late on vacation a few times and they’ll be 100/10 miserable af. Never adapt to it, and still keep believing iTs aLl SeLf DiScIpLInE
I want to get back into reading, so I’m thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it’s possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books....
Taking this opportunity to argue why Fahrenheit over Celsius makes way more sense. Fahrenheit is essentially based on a scale of 0 to 100, which is a scale we use for most things in life. Yes we can go below 0 or above 100, but it’s such a perfect scale to understand exactly HOW hot or cold something is.
It’s 70 degrees outside? Wow, we’re at 70% heat. I bet that feels really nice and not too hot. Oh no it’s 100 degrees so we’re at 100% heat? Probably want to stay inside today. Water freezes once we get to 32%? Makes sense, that’s pretty cold. I’ll need to wear a winter coat. 0% outside? No way I want to go out in that.
In terms of understanding how how or cold it is outside, looking at the temperature as a number out of 100% is a perfect way of understanding that and having a frame of reference.
Celsius is so dumb. A 70 degree day in summer sounds great. 70% heat, not too hot, not too cold, just right. But convert that to Celsius? It’s 21 degrees in the summer? What does that even mean? Stupid.
Also because of the way the math works, the scale for Celsius makes no sense. It’s 0 degrees out in the U.S., that’s -18 Celsius. But if it’s 100 in the U.S., that’s only 38 Celsius? What kind of stupid scale runs from -18 to 38? 0 to 100 is the way to go.
Imagine if test scores ran from -18 to 38. Would you support this nonsensical scale then?
To be clear, I’m on board with the metric system and I definitely don’t think the U.S. does everything right. But Celsius is trash.
this plug doesn't have the little holes (
Dreamcatcher (
Q intentionally leaves his cart in the blind spot behind the most expensive car in the lot (
Looks like DRM prevented to watch movies in many theaters yesterday (
From the article:...
It's over (
Utterly insane (
And this is why I no longer have cable. (
We had a virtual card number leaked and used. Somehow we received what was ordered. (
Everything was reported and changed, fairly quickly to our luck. Another charge was denied the next day.
it always interesting when multi billion dollar company's costing system is a 63 tab excel 97 spreadsheet at it's core... (
I found it! The manual! I'm not sure it's helping me though... (
Why do it (
Directed by JJ Abrams (
They aren't, and I'm sick of being told they are (
Glad it's almost over (
I'll just be a quick 3h (
Night vs Morning people (
E-Books, best places to get them?
I want to get back into reading, so I’m thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it’s possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books....
It's like everyday (
What does a PhD mean? (
something to look forward to? (
This post (
It's almost like a zombie movie for them (
Pretty funny indeed (Crossposter note: thought it would fit here very well) (