There must be a legal point where something is so obviously meant for a use that no amount of “not meant to be used for this super obvious purpose” can no longer protect a company, right?
90s mascots were so random. Like why an owl with a graduation hat? He just graduated, so now he is wise, and can offer insight into lollipop licking? Was that his major?
Reblog if youre american (
Try it (
should i??
Does Lemmy skew old enough for this one? (
Crackers (
Fishing (
new rule (
Waiting (
This is the way (
Especially with a real one! (
Cock check (
What a relief! I was kinda getting worried (
I want to thank everyone who gave me a bunch of great advice
My taste in women be like. (
Poseidon why (
Fine. Just combine your powers without me. (
Oh No, anyway (
GTA: Real life (
I think it's white [VIDEO] (
From too many memes (
It Waddles My Dees (
Strange cameraman (
It's Wednesday my dudes (
Belching in a gopher (