That’s what I’m still doing now. I upgraded the RAM a couple years ago and the GPU last year, both with cheap older parts that were about $100.
The main problem I’ve run into so far is that Blender no longer runs since they only support CPUs ten years old or newer. But I don’t do that stuff anymore really anyway.
How do you know that you actually figured out the meaning though?
How many words did you guess wrong about and now you think you know but you don’t actually. You’ll never know if you read the context properly without looking it up after.
Try to guess the meaning of the word lugubrious from the following sentence:
Although he was wealthy, he often found himself lugubrious.
There isn’t a single clue in that sentence as to the meaning of the word.
Don’t just guess; actually learn properly instead.
So you consider the law to be the definition of safety?
My question was intended to get you think about the fact that laws (and speed limits) are made by people, with all their flaws and biases, and they don’t always do a good job.
Sorry but it’s a black and white thing in this case, r either you’re under the speed limit and not breaking the law or you’re over the speed limit and breaking the law.
Your words make it sound like you think the speed limit is some objective truth that cannot be questioned.
I can’t find it now, but there is an Existential Comic that addresses this attitude perfectly. The philosopher is talking about how he always has some form of freedom, so he gets chained to a wall in a dungeon, and then he says “at least I still have the freedom to interpret my situation!”
I see a lot of posts lately, mainly in ‘world news’ communities, that when I investigate their source, I cannot come to any other conclostion that purposefully spreading of fake news and propaganda on lemmy....
How far does that freedom to do what you please extend? Am I not actually free because I can’t beat up people I disagree with? Personally I feel the freedom to disagree without the threat of violence is more important.
There is freedom to, and there is freedom from. Don’t undervalue freedom from.
I can’t stand watching film with anybody. I shush them as soon as they start talking, even if there’s no dialogue happening. I just can’t divide my focus like that. But even worse is when people pause the movie to explain things.
No, we literally have photorealistic rendering. It might not look real at all times but the math is true to the real world physics. That’s literally what physically based rendering is.
The limitations in real time rendering are hardware limitations now, not software. But for regular applications, PBR literally simulates individual photons. It doesn’t have a ways to go. It is already true to life and physically accurate.
But of course, even the best tools in the world can be misused by a bad artist.
Always slackin cause I'd rather be quackin (
elders (
are you sure? (
If you're reading something and you don't understand a word, should you stop and research it or should you keep reading the whole thing first?
18 January 1987 (
Get to work, crackheads (
EDIT: since apparently a bunch of people woke up with the wrong foot this morning or forgot to check the group they’re in:...
Waffle Squarf (
Your average Wine enjoyer (
Age range (
Need to switch to Hanna Montana Linux now (
Every Job person now (
Funtastic 😅 (
The only thing worse than this is when your boss says it on a Friday afternoon. (
What can we do, as lemmy users, to fight fake news being pushed in the platform?
I see a lot of posts lately, mainly in ‘world news’ communities, that when I investigate their source, I cannot come to any other conclostion that purposefully spreading of fake news and propaganda on lemmy....
We are not the same (
Dilema (
Wanna watch a movie? (
Sealed shut (
*cleans room* (
Truly an advancement (
Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows?
Additionally, what changes are necessary for you to be able to use Linux full time?