Food banks. Look at your local church, synagogue, or mosque. A lot of them do community outreach and have some kind of food bank.
If you’re skipping meals or you have $5 'til next Friday, the food bank is for you. Don’t feel like you’re taking something away from someone “more needy.” It’s you. You’re needy. Take the help. That was a hard lesson to learn in my 20s.
Oh yeah. I firmly believe every single American should be forced to work either retail or food service for 1 year. Maybe it’ll teach them some goddamn empathy.
My worst was working for Best Buy. One Christmas someone’s hellspawn decided that if he didn’t get a new PlayStation he was going to knock over the DVDs. All of them. It was like a cartoon; he just sprinted down the aisle with his arm out cackling like a tiny Joker.
The trope is your typical suburban, middle class white family are soft parents who let their kids get away with murder. You’ve seen the type - parents whose kids are on an absolute rampage and their response is to squat down and say, “Now Kayydenn, we don’t do that here.” The implication being that if the non-white kid did that their parents would beat the hell outta them.
NB: I’m whiter than Wonder bread and 35 and I still wouldn’t dare call my mother by her first name.
It was true at one point, but has since changed. The systems are totally air-gapped and worked 100% of the time, so there was never a reason to change them.
Also true: Boeing still uses floppies to update their 747s.
Nope. I worked retail for years at the same yellow-and-blue themed electronics store and they’re spot-on. The absolute worst are the ones carrying tacky designer bags. Think the giant LV logo ones. They were almost universally nightmares to deal with that had $1000 deposit requirements for cell phones.
I’ve been encountering fewer and fewer of those that still work lately. Most IVR systems I’ve interacted with just disconnect you if they can’t understand your input.
I’ve done the same thing from the other end; got in to my car and realized my music didn’t start playing. Look around and, oops! No phone. My first thought was, “oh no big deal, I’ll just call-DAMMIT”
What really baffles me is how people that have dishwashers manage to do this. Like, use bowl/whisk/cutting board/whatever > put in dishwasher. That way, all you have to do is wash your knives while everything else cooks.
I had a roommate that loved pour over coffee in the morning. That in itself isn’t the issue; she taught me how to use her V60 and it actually makes pretty good coffee.
No, the issue was she ground her beans fresh. Every morning, at 6AM. Know what the loudest sound in the universe is? An electric coffee grinder at 6AM.
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Oatmeal raisin are amazing. Surprise oatmeal raisin is not
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… and if you don’t know I’m not going to explain it.
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Floppy disks were high-tech weapons once (
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while it seems everyone else says ‘happy christmas’...
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Not necessarily your favorite, but something you recently discovered or rediscovered.
Quick. Before the Americans wake up. (
Little shit (
Destigmatize Bankruptcy. (
So, who or what ruined Christmas this year?
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Night vs Morning people (
Wait (
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