I can answer your question: When the Boomers are gone the Millenials will be called “Boomers” and blamed instead.
I dropped into a European Discord server a while back and got called a Boomer when I mentioned my age (40). I’m a Millennial. Apparently the server was full of 16-19yr old kids so I wasn’t made to feel very welcome. Not been back since.
But Millenials will most likely take the hit when Boomers are gone except the term “Boomer” is now just a generic insult against people in middle age+.
I kept buying Pi Zero Ws, hats and phats then put them all in a drawer cos I couldn’t decide what to do with them. I think I’ve got about 7 or 8. I really should do something with them.
I didn’t plan to sit down and write a literature analysis on the comic so I’m not sure. Your idea could work but it’s a comic, it’s not worth fighting over…