And the southern US is where a lot of our produce comes from in the winter BUT now that they are losing the consistency of the jet stream maintaining milder temperatures they are seeing crop failure due to hard freezes they otherwise wouldn’t even have to contemplate worrying about.
I’m kinda drunk given its New Year’s Eve but I am 99% sure I could find and implement a QR code based authentication method in short order if I tried.
Plex does it, everyone else does it, in this day and age there’s no reason why you can’t generate a token and then a uri and then a QR code if you are able to handle the rest of it.
Again, how is it on Apple or any vendor for that matter, to be on the hook for them?
if they really wanted they could use Apple based oauth
For arbitrary text input id ask you to point at any other remote / UI that handles this limitation better.
Yeah but again that is on the app creator not the Apple TV.
Apple implementing a really nice keyboard using your phone to work around the app developer being lazy should be considered a bonus not a “well why didn’t they do this other thing” which is what I’m saying.