Yes, and my question was: using the user-agent switcher, which user agent do you switch to in order to get rid of the 5 second wait before the site loads?
Empirical reasoning, of which the scientific method is a tool. If you think history is the same thing as faith, then you have no idea what reality is. We don’t even know if Jesus even really existed, a problem that we don’t have for others who were alive at that time. The Bible isn’t a historical record.
My friend, don’t waste your time. As soon as I saw that you’re attempting to proselytize, I chose not to continue reading your comment. I spent ~20 years of my life as an evangelical Christian, and I probably know the Bible better than you do. I have no interest in your hateful ideology.
I honestly feel bad for people like you… You dedicate your life to a lie, while simultaneously becoming a smug loser that nobody wants to talk to because they never shut the fuck up about the invisible magic man that has a history of accepting large amounts of children’s foreskins as a gift. Totally normal, reasonable stuff. Makes complete sense.
Don’t even want to get started on Job. Or the horrific events that took place with Lot’s family in Sodom & Gamorrah. Or the first born Egyptian kids who didn’t deserve to die. blahblahblabh etc.
Imagine using such a piss poor method of finding truth for literally anything in your life besides religion.
Would you consider me delusional if I told you that I have an invisible dragon in my garage, and that he’s died several times, and has returned to Earth after each time?
Come on by my garage, the dragon’s right there. Though I guess I did forget to mention that he’s invisible.
(In case you weren’t aware, I’m referencing a famous Carl Sagan essay/short story from his book “The Demon-Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark” and obviously he did a much better job laying it out than I ever could. Here is the text of the essay plus explanation: By the way, incredible book that should be required reading for every adult human on the planet.)
Here is the conclusion of the essay where he does a pretty good job explaining what the point of it was:
Now, what’s the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all? If there’s no way to disprove my contention, no conceivable experiment that would count against it, what does it mean to say that my dragon exists? Your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true. Claims that cannot be tested, assertions immune to disproof are veridically worthless, whatever value they may have in inspiring us or in exciting our sense of wonder. What I’m asking you to do comes down to believing, in the absence of evidence, on my say-so.
Maybe you missed the part where I said I’m not reading your comments? Please stop wasting your time. I see Satan/Lucufer as “the good guy” in your holy book, and I see your “god” as pure evil.
I truly do not care what kind of weird mental gymnastics you can do to justify believing something so idiotic. It’s not necessary.
(By the way, there was no census in that area at that time. And even if there was, they only counted adult males. There would be zero reason for a pregnant woman to return home for a census, that’s fucking stupid. Also, you know, assuming a single word of it is true, she definitely fucked a dude…)
I don’t know. Scientific evidence that is reproducible would be a good start. The scientific method is the only method I’m aware of that we have to accurately explain and predict the natural processes surrounding us.
One thing I do know, if I were God and I wanted people to know I was real, I would know exactly how to do that. There wouldn’t be a question about which sect is correct, because I am all-knowing; I know exactly what it would take for each person.
But we also know that there are people who will not go to heaven, and instead will suffer for eternity in absence of God… So that means that there are people (quite a few) that God created knowing full well that they are “destined” to burn for eternity. Sorry, but that’s really fucked up.
Yahweh committed genocide several times, usually for no reason. He is petty and acts out on petty human emotions like jealousy.
He creates humanity, only to damn them to eternal damnation. He knows all (all the hairs on your head, “it’s part of god’s plan,” etc.) about the lives of all humans from the moment they are born, therefore, it stands to reason that there are humans that were created with the sole purpose of suffering for eternity in hell. Sounds like a great guy. He “loves” you, but gets jealous and will punish you for eternity for even the most minor slight against his pride. That’s abusive.
Let’s compare that to Lucifer/Satan/etc. How many people is he responsible for killing in the Bible? Spoiler: none.
The serpent did not give Eve the fruit, nor did he even tell either of them to eat it. He simply told her that eating the fruit would give her the knowledge of good and evil (let’s set aside how fucked up it is that god would create fruit with that capability, and tell them they can’t eat it. Why? Who would do that? He didn’t want humanity to understand the difference between good and evil? Why would he want that? Why are you OK with this? Sounds abusive).
Who is responsible for literally killing Job’s family and livestock, basically ruining his life, over a bet? Another spoiler: it wasn’t Satan.
How about slavery. Should we be living our lives based on an ancient, non-historical, book that includes specific rules around buying/selling/beating/fucking slaves? Does that seem like a good idea?
Getting your most loyal servant to almost murder his child for a laugh. Abusive.
You are in an abusive relationship with your god.
Should we get into foreskins, or have you had enough? I could give reasons your religion is wrong for hours without repeating myself.
Neither of them exist, of course, but if I had to choose between god and Lucifer, the choice is pretty fucking clear. Your god could prove itself to me tomorrow, and I would still refuse to follow that evil piece of shit.
The Gospel of Mark probably dates from c. AD 66–70, Matthew and Luke around AD 85–90, and John AD 90–110. Despite the traditional ascriptions, all four are anonymous and most scholars agree that none were written by eyewitnesses.
True. If only the was more than one story from his life between being a child, and being in his 30s… Oh well I guess we’ll just have to assume he lived as a monk and denied himself of anything pleasurable 🙄
Though I recently learned that there is a book about it, it’s just that it wasn’t chosen to be “canonical,” and therefore means you can ignore it completely? Curiously, Jesus does some really fucked up things in that book, including showing off his powers, and killing people just to bring them back to life. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas is the book btw.
Who gets to decide that book isn’t true but the rest are?
Every now and then I see threads like this on lemmy where people are getting downvoted into negatives despite being objectively correct about something (and the wrong info being upvoted). I think there may be a lot of very young, inexperienced, naive, and gullible children here. At least I hope they’re children.
I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...
Close to your 4k blu rays? Because regular blu ray discs they play on regular blu ray players don’t do 4k.
If you’re comparing to regular blu rays, you’re not comparing to 4k.
Edit: what a strange reaction to this comment… I imagine the average American would not know that they need a different DVD player for 4k DVDs.
Was just trying to be helpful by clarifying. Guess I’ll just go fuck myself.
Edit 2: is it really that hard to understand my point? Dude said that his 4k streaming looks way better than blu ray. No specification of 4k blu ray, so I just wanted to clarify for those reading the thread, that yes, 4k streaming will look better than a regular blu ray 100% of the time. No shit.
Maybe instead of being a dick with your responses, you could have just clarified your original comment to be clear that you were comparing apples to apples (4k stream to 4k blu ray). It would have taken two characters added to your original comment (“4k”), yet instead you chose to be an asshole.
The Cathedral of Hope — an LGBTQ±affirming United Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas — has made a concerted effort to defend the queer community from “persecution,” as the state government targets drag queens and transgender people....
In case you didn’t see the other replies, Leviticus 20:13:
And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
I’m well aware of the apologetics. Whatever mental gymnastics you have to do, friend. Maybe one day you’ll be free of the constant cognitive dissonance. It’s a huge relief.
I haven’t. I’m currently at work and can’t watch. I was mostly pointing out that it becomes a pointless exercise when you realize that every human on the planet is considered immoral
Ok, but buying a cell phone isn’t the only potentially immoral choice made by people regularly, it’s just one example. Modern life is a minefield with this stuff, and I’m incapable of imagining a person in modern society who is capable of avoiding every single one of these pitfalls. Hell, it could probably be argued that even existing on this dying planet could be considered immoral or unethical. Again, maybe I’m wrong and you could think of one. Maybe some ascetic living on the street in India?
Also, I don’t really agree that awareness is even relevant. You can do immoral things without being aware that the thing you’re doing could be considered immoral. The thing itself is still immoral.
Which was kind of my point; that it’s impossible to avoid in a modern, interconnected world. I probably did a dozen immoral things before breakfast this morning.
Youtube slowing down due to addblock (
Any suggestions on alternatives for blocking adds?
not this again (
It seems so strange to me that we are locked in battle with providers mining our lives for whatever, and we have to work our asses off trying to stay anonymous, to the point of being denied service
or even pseudo-incriminated for attempting to maintain our own life....
NASA has some explaining to do (
Also, the Jewish God and Muslim Allah are on the International Space Station.
Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. (
Break my phone if she ain't (
"Dunkin" by Extra Fabulous Comics (
I'm currently downloading a show that is on a service to which I subscribe
I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...
RANT: I hate the fact that my ISP can restrict access to certain sites
How can it possibly be, that an ISP, which I’m paying for gets to decid, which sites I’m allowed to have access to, and which not?...
Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens (
The Cathedral of Hope — an LGBTQ±affirming United Church of Christ in Dallas, Texas — has made a concerted effort to defend the queer community from “persecution,” as the state government targets drag queens and transgender people....
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Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.
What is a beautiful concept or idea that continues to blow your mind?
For me it is Cellular Automata, and more precisely the Game of Life....