True. If only the was more than one story from his life between being a child, and being in his 30s… Oh well I guess we’ll just have to assume he lived as a monk and denied himself of anything pleasurable 🙄
Though I recently learned that there is a book about it, it’s just that it wasn’t chosen to be “canonical,” and therefore means you can ignore it completely? Curiously, Jesus does some really fucked up things in that book, including showing off his powers, and killing people just to bring them back to life. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas is the book btw.
Who gets to decide that book isn’t true but the rest are?
The Gospel of Mark probably dates from c. AD 66–70, Matthew and Luke around AD 85–90, and John AD 90–110. Despite the traditional ascriptions, all four are anonymous and most scholars agree that none were written by eyewitnesses.
Imagine using such a piss poor method of finding truth for literally anything in your life besides religion.
Would you consider me delusional if I told you that I have an invisible dragon in my garage, and that he’s died several times, and has returned to Earth after each time?
I think mm/dd/yyyy is better than dd/mm/yyyy, because you can sort by the first number and the dates will be in chronological order (though I agree with the below comment that YYYY MM DD is the best).
Every now and then I see threads like this on lemmy where people are getting downvoted into negatives despite being objectively correct about something (and the wrong info being upvoted). I think there may be a lot of very young, inexperienced, naive, and gullible children here. At least I hope they’re children.
2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done....
That argument might fly in the EU, but in the current US political climate? Not so sure. Hopefully they’ll keep making laws with actual teeth to drag these multinational corporations to change things that may lower their bottom line
The problem was doing the dishes. Just let them pile up, it’ll be fine.
Side note though: Work/life balance for the win. I get paid slightly less than others in my field, but I also work ~40 hours a week, and never take work home with me. It’s wonderful.
Steam Deck is great for this. Especially since you can suspend mid-game like a Nintendo Switch. No down time to select a game, wait for it to load, etc., if you don’t want that.
Great for quick sessions if you only have small bursts of time.
Question for anyone who’s got one of these things: would it be practical to like keep it in a cabinet, and pull it out when you want to use it, then put it back when you’re done? Not much counter space here… Also, someone mentioned about not needing a water hookup and just pouring water in. How difficult is it to drain those ones? I imagine if one were to try to store it between uses, you’d want it completely dry before putting away…
Damn, 5 more hours a week made that much of a difference? I’m also on a 4-day work schedule that is hybrid WFH which I forgot to mention. Having that extra weekday is clutch for things you can’t do on weekends.
I’ll gladly pay those union dues, because it wouldn’t be like this without our collective bargaining power.
alt textA black cat stands in an awkward profile pose, on hind legs with one front paw raised and one lowered, looking directly into the camera while holding a small red fluffy toy in its mouth. Caption: Basically, any European coat of arms… (alt text by @dgar)
I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...
Yes, which was the point of my comment. A significant number of people have no fucking idea that they need a different DVD player to watch their 4k DVD in 4k.
You just weren’t clear in your original comment. It was mostly for other people who may have been reading the thread to clarify that when you say your streaming is as good or better than their “Blu rays” (no specification that they were 4k), that you’re comparing apples to apples. That you weren’t just telling people that your 4k streaming is better than their 1080p Blu rays (again, no specification there and I know tons of people aren’t aware there is a difference), because no shit it is.
I’m not sure why that set you off so much, but I think you need to take it down a notch.
Go back and read the edit I just made to the original comment since it was so confusing to you.
It seems so strange to me that we are locked in battle with providers mining our lives for whatever, and we have to work our asses off trying to stay anonymous, to the point of being denied service
or even pseudo-incriminated for attempting to maintain our own life....
NASA has some explaining to do (
Also, the Jewish God and Muslim Allah are on the International Space Station.
Yummy Mummy (
Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. (
Year of Linux on the Desktop (
2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
He knows (
Break my phone if she ain't (
Stanley Kubrick is a magician (
Sony is going to remove certain purchased titles from user libraries (
As always, the paying user has the worst experience. “Purchase” a show, can only watch on a certain console of a certain brand, no transfers, no backups, then it suddenly disappears from the library and nothing can be done....
"Dunkin" by Extra Fabulous Comics (
I can't wait to play tonight [Clueless Hero] (
Coat of arms (
alt textA black cat stands in an awkward profile pose, on hind legs with one front paw raised and one lowered, looking directly into the camera while holding a small red fluffy toy in its mouth. Caption: Basically, any European coat of arms… (alt text by @dgar)
I'm currently downloading a show that is on a service to which I subscribe
I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...