Jesus. Got my house 7-years ago on a Habitat for Humanity mortgage, for which you pay cost. ~85K? Also, no interest on the loan. Also, no property tax.
3-bed/2-bath/80’x200’ lot/1,140sq. ft. living space/$550mo.
Call your local Habitat chapter, go to the next meeting and learn. Keep going with the program if you can. Took my ex-wife and I 14-months, start to finish.
I can’t tell you the qualifications, they change and are different from one area to the next. I can give you some basic answers, at least I’ll try.
I say “gracias” all the time. But now I’m wondering…
Went to the local Mexican joint, waiter started talking to my Filipina wife in Spanish. She gamely answered back with a word or two, was obviously confused.
Now I’m scared that people will think I’m mistaking them for Mexican when I toss out a word or two.
Just to fuck with my wife; She was talking to a friend in Tagalog when I walked in the kitchen.
We just played the anti-immigrant game in Florida. Harsh legislation passed, they ran away, and fuck me, crops are rotting in the fields.
There were a couple of business owners brave enough to say it out loud on video. “Well, yeah, we wanted this legislation, but just to kinda scare 'em. We didn’t think we’d actually lose our workers! Maybe we gotta rethink this whole thing.”
Props to those few self-aware SeaWolves. Some are getting it.
If you want slave labor, you gotta put up with slaves living on the plantation.
blame the immigrants for pursuing rational self-interest as if it were a moral failing, instilling hatred in part of the working class toward other working class people to garner political support for representatives who pay lip service to anti-immigration policy
^ Tip of the spear right there. Gets votes!
But let’s talk real talk. Americans want slaves. I can provide 100 anecdotes, but they all come to the same observation, we want cheap labor. Immigrants provide it and we can’t do without it.
And it’s not just the “evil capitalists”. If a Mexican dude tells me his gang will refloor my living room for $5/hr. per man, I’m all in because I can’t afford to pay “real” labor prices. Either they make some money, or no one gets paid and my carpet is rotting.
OK, one anecdote. My wife is Filipina, not a US citizen. Her education in early childhood education is stunning. I’ve watched countless videos of her private school back home. And I’m screaming, “FFS! Why are we not teaching our children like this?! Why are our teachers not trained like this?!”
She had to quit her job teaching because the airport hotel pays far more. Philippinos are in demand because everyone knows they work hard, don’t bitch and are grateful for what they get. LOL, she was hired on the spot, just for walking in the door and asking.
Meanwhile, I make $80K for sitting and sleeping my ass off working for a software dev, from home.
Don’t know where I’m going with this. Guess when we Americans say we’re a “nation of immigrants”, we really mean, “a nation of immigrants who started as slaves and worked their way up the food chain over a generation or two”.
In this scene a white man is waiting on a fence and then two guys in a low rider who are part of a gang come and ask him what he is doing there and he says he is in California for holiday or business and they threaten him with a gun and take his money and phone. Then he goes to a leader of a black gang and asks if they were his...
My first wife didn’t make her son eat anything he didn’t want, but he had to try it, once. Worked out.
It was sometime around then that I learned, and realized, that kids have different taste buds. They make Oscar Meyer wieners bland on purpose.
My kids? Scrawny little fucks won’t eat anything. At all. I don’t know how they function. It’s like hugging tiny skeletons. But, that was me as a little kid. All the adults frustrated as hell with me.
I got some .22 to play with. It’s wildly underpowered, which is the point I guess. Coming out a pistol, it spreads really fast (see video above). I doubt it would seriously wound a rat at 10’. After some very informal testing, I doubt it would go through 2 layers of sheetrock, and maybe not one. (Depends largely on barrel length.)
Also, anything you would shoot these out of is going to have a rifled barrel. Makes shot (pellets) come out in a pinwheel. I have a 410-gauge derringer I’d dare you to shoot me with from 15’. LOL, I’ve never got a single pellet on a 3’x3’ target at 8’, it’s really that crazy bad. Maybe if there was a snake right at your foot or something? 🤷🏻♂️
And now I see they have .45 rat shot. Thanks OP. I really didn’t need this rabbit hole tonight.
EDIT: Damnit OP. $2 each before shipping, so probably $4 each. Too rich for my blood. Why did you start me on this?!
like you know you’re a good person at heart but life circumstances and trauma and bullying and etc prevented you from learning the proper social skills to find companionship. not necessarily a forum to actually find friends (i find going into things with that intention feels fake and weird), but rather a forum to commiserate...
I feel you on all that, I really do. Guess my brain responded to bullying by going the other way, fighting to learn socials skills to make it stop. I’m old BTW, we might have different definitions of “bullying”. Mine definition is; “getting the shit kicked out of you daily at school, while the teachers watch or participate, and/or being constantly on the lookout to avoid said ass beatings”. All that to say, I get you.
Anyhow, you might not like this take, but going outside is probably your answer. I know how facile that sounds, but you’re not going to make any sort of meaningful human connection with a keyboard.
What does “going outside” look like for you? I got no idea, but I got experience. If you like, DM me and I’ll give you my email or phone number. Hell, maybe we can help motivate each other.
Shout out to my skinny guys: Girl clothes are cut for us, especially at the waist. Hoodies and jackets are the bomb. Try it. Wife about shit when I strapped on my new women’s jacket. “OH! SO sexy!”
Got plenty of casual clothes given to me by exes. That’s how I learned.
Buttons and zippers on the “wrong” side are a pain, still worth it.
(For context: I’m a middle-aged, white guy living in the South. No one so much as blinks.)
Shout out to my skinny guys: Girl clothes are cut for us, especially at the waist. Hoodies and jackets are the bomb. Try it. Wife about shit when I strapped on my new women’s jacket. “OH! SO sexy!”
Got plenty of casual clothes given to me by exes. That’s how I learned.
Buttons and zippers on the “wrong” side are a pain, still worth it.
(For context: I’m a middle-aged, white guy living in the South. No one so much as blinks.)
I laugh at people bitching about their pay. Move. On. Why would the company suddenly throw you a 20% raise!? Out of the goodness of their heart?
My last 3 jobs (top pay): $14 -> $22 -> $39. At this point I could probably jump ship for more but I’m quite content to retire out of this place.
Stay put 3-5 years, gain experience, jump. When we moved here my buddy took a job at an oil change place, barely above min wage and far below his skillset. Kept job hopping and now he’s making $120K+.
Sometime relatable (
You ask too much of him (
I need to buy better band-aids (
Gold for house (
wood for sheep?
Oh nooo (
It's just a coffee (
Lemmy world irl meet up footage 2024 (
Something on the wing [Tyler Hendrix] (
Damn freeloaders takin' all the jobs! (
Looking for 2000s movie about gang?
In this scene a white man is waiting on a fence and then two guys in a low rider who are part of a gang come and ask him what he is doing there and he says he is in California for holiday or business and they threaten him with a gun and take his money and phone. Then he goes to a leader of a black gang and asks if they were his...
Magic π (
Me IRL (
Follow your heart, they said (
Rat destroyer (
What physical features do you find attractive on a person that would be considered unattractive by your culture's beauty standards?
They’re the same (
*Sigh*, unzips (
Is there a forum for people who are lonely and sad but specifically not incel sickos?
like you know you’re a good person at heart but life circumstances and trauma and bullying and etc prevented you from learning the proper social skills to find companionship. not necessarily a forum to actually find friends (i find going into things with that intention feels fake and weird), but rather a forum to commiserate...
Skirts are breezy and comfortable. Fuck off. (
Taking for granted (