
normanwall, to lemmyshitpost in They're good dogs, Brent


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  • kamenlady,
    @kamenlady@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m gonna talk to Brant now: “what’s up Bront?”. Let’s hear Brent’s answer.

    @MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

    I see you understood the reference.

    JoMiran, to lemmyshitpost in A time-honored tradition
    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    Tupperware?!? In this household we wash the plastic takeout containers and reuse them for years until the become brittle and shatter.


    We use butter and cool whip bowls.


    So, is this JoMiran or the micropladtics speaking?


    Where i from, some of us call it tupperware too, every plastic container is tupperware.


    If you are still doing that, don’t do it. Those takeout containers leak microplastics like crazy


    Don’t tupperware leak as well?

    I mean, unless you use some sort of glass container or metallic, you’re eating microplastics.


    Basically not / barely anything


    Do you have any source for this information? If they’re plastic containers, they probably leak aa well.


    I’ve heard that they do, but for certain it must be less than re-using takeout containers.

    I, myself, I’ve been avoiding all plastics and using strictly glass where possible

    potatopotato, to memes in Oil is oil guys

    … Why does the sunflower oil factory have a plasma cutter?

    fishos, (edited )
    @fishos@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s all I could see as well. Either BBC just grabbed a stock photo, or something is up lol


    If they like sun, surely they like plasma.


    And how exactly are you supposed to cut sunflowers with a rotary CNC?

    Thcdenton, to lemmyshitpost in A time-honored tradition

    And I still eat it - unsweetened cotton candy and all


    This is how new superheros are born


    This is also what keeps life expectancy lower.

    smuuthbrane, to lemmyshitpost in A time-honored tradition
    @smuuthbrane@sh.itjust.works avatar

    If you freeze it and eat it later that’s called meal prep.


    The accidental LPT is always in the comments

    @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

    If you freeze it and forget about it and instead buy another freezer to store more frozen food, that’s called hording.

    Hellstormy, to lemmyshitpost in A time-honored tradition
    @Hellstormy@lemmy.world avatar

    Sometimes I have even thrown it out with the tupperware because it’s gotten so bad that opening that container would probably poison everything in a 100m radius.

    @MaxVoltage@lemmy.world avatar

    in my experience its best to ooen those into the compost directly


    If you wait long enough, it will throw itself away.


    You can freeze the bad ones (mark it as bad in case you forget about it) then dump it as one big block and take the trash out before it thaws.



    gac11, to lemmyshitpost in A time-honored tradition

    I’m too cheap to throw it out. So my role in the house is to eat all the leftovers before they go bad


    A few years ago I had a roommate who just did not give a fuck about food never found enjoyment in it. All the leftovers went to him he’d vacuum up anything completely neutrally. I miss him


    It’s me, I’m that roommate.

    Well to be honest, I do enjoy and appreciate tasty food. But I don’t mind eating plain bland food (as long as it isn’t disgusting). I don’t really have a high bar. If it’s edible, in it goes


    You wouldn’t happen to live in the Seattle area and have a roommate opening in like a year would you?

    Agent641, (edited )

    Same. My folks never eat leftovers. I patrol the fridge each day and assemble a cast of weird and wonderful characters to have for lunch at work.


    The joys of having children eventually. Leftovers are just meal prep for lunch the next day!

    Establishing a leftovers night is the way to go though.


    My friends call me “the city council”. Whenever we go eat at restaurants, my job is to clean out everyone’s leftovers. I love it

    TrendigOsthyvel, (edited ) to lemmyshitpost in What's wrong babe, you barely touched your hot dog bologna cake

    Almost as delicious as the traditional swedish sandwich cake



    This actually looks good though.

    OPs thing makes me sick.

    @MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

    Damn, that’s next level

    @M137@lemmy.world avatar

    Smörgåstårta is actually delicious though.

    synapse1278, (edited )
    @synapse1278@lemmy.world avatar

    You can make one yourself following this guide


    I love me some voileipäkakku. Especially the salmon one, that’s the tits and always gets eaten first at weddings haha

    qyron, to lemmyshitpost in What's wrong babe, you barely touched your hot dog bologna cake

    Burn this. Burn it now. Burn it with fire.


    In my experience cooking it makes it worse.


    Cooking it is not the objective.

    Kolanaki, to lemmyshitpost in What's wrong babe, you barely touched your hot dog bologna cake
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Horrible. It’s fucking raw!

    @Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

    Katie I think we need some black bars over that cake

    @MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

    Actually, both hot dogs and bologna are pre-cooked, otherwise they wouldn’t be safe to consume cold.

    @Octopus1348@lemy.lol avatar

    Yeah. That’s why you can just throw the hotdog in the microwave and it tastes exactly like if you cooked it.

    M137, to lemmyshitpost in What's wrong babe, you barely touched your hot dog bologna cake
    @M137@lemmy.world avatar

    The 70’s called, they want their nightmare food back.

    @MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

    Would try. I’ve made the Swedish dish Flying Jacob (because it was so bizarre) and it was honestly great

    Flying Jacob (Swedish: flygande Jacob/Jakob pronounced is a Swedish casserole composed of chicken, cream, chilli sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts and bacon. The dish is baked in an oven and is usually served with rice and a salad.

    nexguy, to memes in Honestly
    @nexguy@lemmy.world avatar

    The U.S. was created mainly by Europeans so… you made the thing


    America has grown into something completely different from what it was when the British got kicked out.

    Time evolves things, funny that


    It was created by Europeans who were booted out of Europe. We didn’t want them here, so you have US now.


    European != European Union


    Yeah, even Russia booted out plenty of peasants into US.

    Vinny_93, to lemmyshitpost in What's wrong babe, you barely touched your hot dog bologna cake

    Actually looks like it might not taste that bad

    @MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

    I’d probably eat it

    MotoAsh, to lemmyshitpost in The more you know

    The parenthesis are pointless. Exponents go first, but multiplication doesn’t care about order, and there is only multiplication going on.


    The parentheses are for clarification and thus not pointless. Know your audience. 🙂👍


    Clarification of what? The joke doesn’t need them and neither does the math.


    That Z² is equal to ZZ.

    If we didn’t use parentheses in primary school, because “the math doesn’t need it”, then it would be quite unnecessarily hard on the students’ learning. Maybe it’s a joke someone made for a class?

    MotoAsh, (edited )

    No, it is syntactically unnecessary.

    I understand your point, and agree when it comes to programming with things like scope, typing, semicolons, etc, etc… Many concepts are easier to learn when enforced through syntax.

    Though if someone gets cofused on the transitive nature of multiplication with a single simple equation … They aren’t learning math.


    How old are you? Do you remember how stupid we were when we were like, 12? How learning new shit really required over clarification ad nauseam seen through our eyes now? Teachers are really patient people.

    Anyway, this is just a joke post. Get over it. 🙂 Laugh at the funny. Instead of sucking it out of us. ❤️ The parentheses help make it look like the math is more advanced than it really is. It’s fine. Shhh. No no. Shhh. It’s supposed to be funny.

    lntl, (edited ) to memes in Honestly

    да! divide the West!

    Россия навсегда

    @stevedidWHAT@lemmy.world avatar

    Hey big man this one’s for you

    Russian Apartment Bombings FSB False Flag Bзpывы жилых дoмoв в Poccии Фeдepaльнaя cлyжбa бeзoпacнocти Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции (ФCБ) Пoд лoжным флaгoм Free Chechnya Independent Dagestan Circassian Genocide Дeпopтaция чepкecoв Alexei Navalny Aлeкcéй Aнaтóльeвич Haвáльный Assassination of Anna Politkovskaya Убийcтвo Aнны Пoлиткoвcкoй Assassination of Boris Nemtsov Убийcтвo Бopиca Heмцoвa Alexander Litvinenko Aлeкcaндp Литвинeнкo Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal Oтpaвлeниe Cepгeя и Юлии Cкpипaль Anatoliy Chepiga Aнaтoлий Чeпигa Alexander Mishkin Aлeкcáндp Eвгéньeвич Mи́шкин GRU Глaвнoe yпpaвлeниe Гeнepaльнoгo штaбa Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 MH17 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade 53-я зeнитнaя paкeтнaя бpигaдa Buk surface-to-air missile Бyк Зeнитнaя yпpaвляeмaя paкeтa (ЗУP) United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 Peзoлюция Chechen War чeчéнcкaя вoйнá NKVD HКBД Katyn Massacre Кaтынcкaя peзня Little green men зeлёныe чeлoвeчки Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko Oтpaвлeниe Aлeкcaндpa Литвинeнкo Holodomor гoлoдoмop Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact пaкт Moлoтoвa — Pиббeнтpoпa Winter War Зи́мняя вoйнa Rape of Berlin изнacилoвaниe в Бepлинe Doctors’ plot дeлo вpaчeй Lavrentiy Beria Бepия, Лaвpeнтий Пaвлoвич Donetsk People’s Republic Дoнéцкaя Hapóднaя Pecпýбликa Deportation of the Chechens and Ingush(Aardakh) Чeчeвицa Soviet–Afghan War Aфгaнcкaя вoйнa Annexation of Crimea Пpиcoeдинeниe Кpымa к Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции Russo-Georgian War (2008)


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