Normally I’d be on board with this, but the picture is literally in front of an elementary school! If there’s any place that I’m ok having speed cameras, it’s in a school zone.
But yeah, if it’s a speed camera on a major highway raking in cash for everyone going 10 over? Fuuuuuuuck that.
Speeding cameras are revenue generating equipment, not safety equipment.
Roads are engineered to be comfortably driven at a certain speed. When legislators put a lower speed limit on these roads it creates a safety hazard and a moral hazard. If you want people to drive slower, you have to modify the road to lower it’s design speed. These modifications (lane narrowing, for example) are a safety tool, not the speeding camera.
I’ve never met anyone who thought these cameras were safety equipment!
I would be more inclined to trust this stuff if local governments weren’t able to make money off of it. If all traffic court fines went to say the state level government then the only motivation for enforcing the law was because the law was good. We don’t expect homicide units to be a revenue stream because we have collectively decided that murder is not a good thing to have around.
If these things were actually used to increase public safety I’d be all for them. Unfortunately our current system rewards corruption, so that’s not the case. Speed and red light cams are never actually used for safety, they’re used to extract money from the populace.
This article is about red light cameras rather than speed cameras, but corporations and municipalities (corrupt or just naive) can be trusted to find ways to fuck over the public for profit using the speed cameras too.
Can we stop wasting food for these dumbass “cursed” images? Just goes to show how little we respect our food, the people who work to grow it, or the massive privilege we have to mostly be able to eat whatever we want.
Put yourself in the shoes of a mom who’s been struggling to feed her kids for weeks on end, and then you see this picture from some American.
I understand your concern, and I hope you’ll be pleased to hear that I didn’t waste any food making this silly recipe, but simply recycled someone else’s image of it.
They had already wasted the food making it, might at least make it worth it by getting as many laughs out of it as possible, right?
You’re correct, by a large margin. WV has 275 according to Wikipedia. Now I’m wondering what qualifier was used, was it drop height, discharge, accessible vs inaccessible…
There’s a place on the Blackwater River I have marked. So far I’ve traced 7 waterfalls trekking uphill from the water side. But I can hear more in the distance!
If could have used a few more colors for in-between ranges but I think as-is, it does a decent job of dividing the country evenly between the two blues in the middle.
I don’t think dubious scrappers taking obviously stolen copper are paying fair market value. You’d have to throw in a vcr or two amd haggle a bit to get enough for a dub.
I know. I never traded scrap, but I guess many or most won’t trade in so low numbers, I’d assume professional scrap traders have a minimum amount to not waste their time.
A pile of speed camera guts, 10 meters of 900-pair phone line, a grounding grid from a substation, and some coils from an orphanage’s air conditioner, probably.
For instances like Rhode Island (5) and Florida (4), the map groups them in the same range, even though Florida is far larger than Rhode Island. I wonder how it would change the map to have the scales be determined by density, like waterfalls/km^2.