Yeah America fucking knows logistics. I worked at a non profit and our warehouse where we would store donations would become quite the mess during garage sale season. We had a squad of US Army Reserve logistical something or another who basically work in warehouses volunteer for the day so I went ahead and gave them the task of organizing and cleaning up the warehouse, a task I thought would take them a few hours. I go on my 30min lunch break and I come back to 5 dudes standing around and a warehouse so clean and organized that you could eat off the floor.
They got rid of my beloved double decker taco 🥺. And I’m even more mad about it because they didn’t get rid of any ingredients to make it and it wouldn’t be hard to make either. They just got rid of it and then put self serve kiosks in so you can’t finagle the staff to make you one. I feel you, brother. 2020 did a number on all of our favorite taco bell menu items and definitely not anything else.
I think it’s appropriate for me to say this given the place: prove it. Surely there would be no repercussions were you to provide the evidence. As the saying goes, the proof is in the pudding.
It’s a fake product in case that wasn’t obvious. As far as the claim about Pepto itself goes, I’ve never used it but you can just buy some at the store and find out.
The best science is that which you’ve done yourself. Anything you read on the Internet could potentially be fake.
I would take you at your word but since I read it on the internet…
On a more serious note, I didn’t expect so many serious replies given the community. But I did decide to look it up and yeah, apparently it may turn your pudding black. And yes, I knew it’s not a real product. For now.