Aside from being cringe, this I can very much understand. It’s not that the ad itself is so bad. It’s them being data hog and making shit unreadable to the point where literally there are sprinkles of useful(or not so much) information here and there. I can understand this kind of popups. Even the cheapest VPSs are not free. Can’t really blame if there’s a continue w/o disabling.
Likely not in the same country as the person you asked but where I live, being homeless means you don’t want to go to the government and ask for housing/money. You get both. Those people who run around crowded areas do that as occupation, not because they’re starving.
It depends on how well you get by and how widely drugs are available in your area. If I’m barely making ends meet, I don’t want to give the little I have left to someone who will likely spend it on drugs
It’s a very fine line. I try to help real homeless people, but there are literally scumbags that are professional panhandlers who will stand by the side of the road with a sign or come up to you with a sob story asking for money, only to get into their car that’s nicer than yours a few hours later and drive to their home that’s bigger than yours. I make horrible horrible pay at my job, there are plenty of these guys that have figured out how to be systematic about it and make 4x what I do from doing so.