BradleyUffner, to archaeology in Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental?

Or we’ve evolved another finger since then! 😁


Fossil record says no

Olhonestjim, (edited ) to archaeology in Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental?

Flintknapping is extremely prone to finger and hand injuries, and nobody understood infection back then. Probably everyone was making and using stone tools constantly. Might explain things.

FaceDeer, to news in ‘Zombie deer disease’ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans avatar

And if it does they're sure to blame me for it somehow :(


WTF? What did you do 😳?

renard_roux, (edited )

I’m guessing they’re Obama.




Their username

BoastfulDaedra, (edited )

Only if you get eaten. Are you planning to get eaten, or do you keep company with people who might take interest in eating you?

I suppose you could theoretically just have sex with someone and hope for the best.


Are you planning to get eaten, or do you keep company with people who might take interest in eating you?


yo_scottie_oh, to news in ‘Zombie deer disease’ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans

may jump to humans

That’d be some shit!


Seems about on par for 2020 part 5.


I mean there’s precedence. Avian bird flus have been known to infect humans.


The deer disease is the same family as BSE which does jump to humans, so it’s fairly likely.

Hazzia, (edited )

But it’s only transmissible via consumption like mad cow disease, is that correct? If so, at the very least it shouldn’t become an epidemic, just very bad for the environment and deer jerky enthusiasts.

Edit: Nope, nvmd, I’m dumb. They said it’s really contagious and these prions can persist a long fucking time on surfaces. I’m gonna just never go outside again, thanks, I ain’t fucking with no prion disease.


It’s tricky. So I was listening to a BSE radio doc recently which had an episode about the deer. They actually don’t know if BSE was transmitted through eating the beef, in fact there’s cases of vegetarians getting it. It’s still being studied. They’re very worried about people eating infected deer, which is quite likely being as they’re easy to kill, but also having anything to do with them because they just don’t know how it moves from animal to animal, deers rarely eat each other so it’s not super likely that’s the only way.

CrimeDad, to news in ‘Zombie deer disease’ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans

People think I’m joking when I say that we need to repopulate wolves and mountain lions in North America.


Maybe share this: How Wolves change Rivers.


Colorado is doing it as we speak.


I think what trips people up is that I explicitly include New Jersey for wolf reintroduction.

t3rmit3, (edited )

I say put them everywhere they natively lived, and make it VERY bad for people if they hurt them.


everywhere they natively lived

sorry ma’am, your child was one of thirty five killed when we reintroduced wolves to kindercare because they were native here in the 1300s, but their comeback is something to behold, and the survivors have quite a story!

I kid, but also, reintroduce them to areas where they’re least likely to bump up against population, all the areas they natively lived in the past are, unfortunately, overrun by humans. I live in Washington state, where we’re seeing grey wolves slowly come back. I’m all for it. And here in Seattle, we’ve always had Coyotes living around the town, on the large greenways. Keep your cats inside if you love them!


And your elected leaders are fighting it:…

goddamn she’s dumb.


There’s progress being made on that front. According to the internet, there are already a lot of cougars in my area.


Lol nice

Pratai, to news in ‘Zombie deer disease’ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans

Somehow this will end up being Obama’s fault.

admiralteal, (edited ) to upliftingnews in Animal shelter in Pennsylvania empty for first time in 47 years

Does "reunited with their owners" mean these were lost animals whose owners were identified? How does the SPCA help with that and why were there hundreds?

Or does it maybe mean companions that were taken from homeless people and then held hostage with a fee.

Alto, avatar

Im assuming it's primarily through microchip tracking and just dogs getting out. Dog runs out the house, gets lost. If they don't have a chip or tags, the shelter has no real way of contacting the owner unless the owner sees a post about it/someone at the shelter sees something about the dog being lost. Lost pets are more frequent during holidays due to traveling, running out the door when letting family in, etc.

blanketswithsmallpox, to upliftingnews in Animal shelter in Pennsylvania empty for first time in 47 years

By the power of distribution issues by not ordering more dogs from Texas… We have… Feel good headline!

Seriously. At least 3/4 of the dogs at every shelter I’ve been to in the Midwest have been from Texas shipments. At least you occasionally get stuff that isnt a Pitt mix that way.

flambonkscious, to upliftingnews in Iceland’s ‘bike whisperer’: the vigilante who finds stolen bicycles – and helps thieves change

I love that idea of asking people to tell him their story - this is a fantastic story

RootBeerGuy, avatar

I wonder if some just go “ah fuck it, don’t talk to me, just take the bike back…”


lol sure, some have. How many bike thieves are there in a small city of about a little more than 100k, and who is buying those stolen bikes? I imagine he has regulars he’s visiting now when a bike is stolen xd

S_204, to news in ‘Why are they forgetting about us?’: Sudan watches allies turn from war to aid Ukraine and Gaza

Qatari money isn’t being used to prop up a terrorist organization in Sudan, obviously they’re not going to get the same support the general populations attention has been pushed away from Sudan in favor of Chinese psyop apps and Qatari state media.

American politicians aren’t any different than the general public. They go where they’re led. If they don’t they quite often get run out of office.

Curious_Canid, to upliftingnews in Iceland’s ‘bike whisperer’: the vigilante who finds stolen bicycles – and helps thieves change avatar

It’s worth remembering that no one thinks of themselves as the bad guy. Their reasons for doing things may not be good ones, but there are always reasons. Treating people like human beings goes a long way toward solving a great many problems that anger and outrage can only make worse.

davel, (edited ) to news in ‘I can’t sing any more’: The survivors of China’s prison camps in Xinjiang – in pictures avatar

Those photos are so harrowing 🙄 Meanwhile, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and other American black sites are still open, and an actual genocide is happening in Palestine with American material & political support.

The Uyghur genocide has already been debunked several times over, but go on Guardian.



paywall article

sketchy source

“Wiki” where all the source links are CGTN or other CCP things



Weird that these deniers don’t just go straight to the CIA saying it’s not genocide.

Of course, the CIA does lie professionally, and isn’t exactly known for being anti-genocide.


This seems kinda fishy :((


Great whataboutism, tankie scum. No shit the US does some truly fucked up shit. Nobody realistically thinks their government is a paragon of virtue. Just that the Chinese government does fucked up shit as well. Both can be true, bootlicker.

Kalkaline, to news in Many hostages released by Hamas still being treated for trauma avatar

No shit.

CrimeDad, to news in Many hostages released by Hamas still being treated for trauma

Don’t miss the last four paragraphs of the article.


Bro, I heard you like trauma… how about we make that generational?


Israel out here breeding the next generation of Hamas recruits.

bartolomeo, to news in Many hostages released by Hamas still being treated for trauma avatar

It’s great that these people are receiving treatment, not only because it’s the right thing to do but also so that the world gets an accurate idea of how much damage is actually being done and what kind of resources will be needed to heal from this war and occupation.

The trauma experienced by hundreds of thousands of children and their parents in Gaza will also have long-term debilitating effects, psychiatrists and psychologists have warned, particularly as there are no therapeutic facilities left. Few of Gaza’s hospitals are functioning any more, even for operating on the severely injured.

There are also thousands of examples in the West Bank, especially with warrantless entries to Palestinian homes (most often done at night to instill more fear and suffering from sleep deprivation onto the Palestinians) and indefinite incarceration without charge, sometimes subject to torture.

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