Yes cause new ideas are risky and scary to the executives. Oh no, a new concept might not rake in buckets of nostalgia money. Can’t risk people not liking something new, let’s regurgitate every possible franchise and property in the pursuit of unending growth of the box office revenue.
They love to blame flops like this on things like feminism, but generally it’s just because Disney has no idea what they are doing anymore after killing off the A-listers and then releasing nothing but wet farts for the last five years.
Yeah, I feel like Avengers: Endgame was an ending for the MCU. I’m not complaining, because a good story needs to have an ending, but I’m also not motivated to see superhero movies coming out after Endgame (at least not cosmic-scale superhero movies - I’ll always have a soft spot for Peter Parker).
That and they’ve oversaturated the market and made it hard for non fans to keep up. When you have to watch 2 5-8 hour Disney plus shows just to understand who the characters are in the movie (Maria Rambeau and Kamala Khan) then Disney as a company is probably doing something wrong. Comic people might love it but everyday joes not so much.
Yep. In order to understand this film, you have to have watched the Captain Marvel film, the Wandavision TV series and the Ms. Marvel TV series. Meaning this is basically a way to tie you down to Disney+ so you don’t miss out.
Yeah it’s like the films are kind of safe cash grabs, but then they also have this barrier to entry. Even as a fan of marvel I couldn’t finish all the mini series because some of them just don’t grab me, and then what?
They’ve made it hard for even the die hard fans to keep up.
One of the major reasons I never liked comic books was there was always a hundred different storylines going on. That’s now crept into the MCU and it’s just no longer fun to try to keep up with
Not to mention how expensive it is to go to the movies! For us, this has less to do with how medium the marvel movies have been and more that a single ticket is a month of a streaming service and I already cut all our streaming services. If I decide to splurge, it’s going to be on a month of content, not two hours.
I kinda stopped liking him when the whole beef with the Rock happened because boy did that make him look like an arrogant bitch
That’s also when I learned he made directors shoot scenes with them together in such a way that made them look the same height which is just…how self conscious can you be? You’re Vin Diesel. Nobody gives a shit that you’re “only” 5’11"
He also has a contract term limiting how badly fights can go for him. But apparently that’s common for action stars, so whatever.
I did find it amusing that during his feud with the Rock, they had to count the exact numbers of hits each took while fighting each other on screen so neither would look bad. It’s like, Vin is a D&D nerd who turned his horror franchise into a science fantasy opera and started his own video game company because he was frustrated at bad movie tie-ins (side note: Escape From Butcher Bay is one of, if not the, best prison games ever made). Embrace nerdity, reject this toxic masculinity crap. There’s a massive audience for that thing now - just look at Ryan Reynolds, nobody talks shit about him being a massive nerd.
Though this lawsuit is about events from thirteen years ago, so he was already too far gone early in his career. If it’s true, fuck him. Rapists and sexual assaulters get no sympathy.
Who asked for this? I also heard they are reshooting the next Capt America, which was almost complete and now moved from 2024 to 2025, to take out a new hero called Sabra, a zionist superhero who works for the Mossad (I am not kidding.) Gosh, I wonder why. Who green-lit this?
This movie was already catching heat because they went with Black Falcon as their next Capt America, instead of, or I don’t know, rebooting Steve Rodgers, the original Capt from decades of comics. This is why we can’t have nice things.
I don’t disagree, there have been more than a few questionable decisions made by Disney execs on the MCU.
I’m pretty sure Sam Wilson has been Captain America in the comics, more than once I think. I don’t think it’s a bad move for them to make this change, especially with how well they wrapped up Steve’s arc in Endgame. Actors age and using canon replacements is a great way to continue a franchise and introduce new stories.
Also: it’s not Black Falcon, it’s just Falcon. Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren’t being racist about it.
This is literally the first I’d heard of the movie. If it’s anything like the other marvel movies, it’ll be overwhelmingly OK (not terrible, not great).
Superhero movies are infantile comfort films, art is supposed to be challenging and interpretable. When you know the ending from the genre it's a bad movie.
Yet pseudo-nerds will sperg out over the meaningless cameos and "cannon implications."
Honestly, I still believe there can be good Marvel movies. Just pull back on the number of releases. And not every movie needs to be Avengers Endgame successful. They are trying to do that for every release and it is understandably backfiring hard.
If they went back to doing standalone movies with very loose tie ins (or none at all) to the MCU at large, instead of every movie feeling like a 105 minute trailer for the next movie, more people would see them.
One of the best things to come out post Endgame (for me at least) has been Moon Knight, precisely because it stood by itself with no connection to the MCU at large.
Once they realize that movies can be reasonably successful without having to tie in to one overarching, decade spanning plot, they’ll go back to being good.
Disney is in the business of beating dead horses. But I’m happy for them to keep trying, I just won’t watch until they make something good. I still want to see a film with avengers/xmen/fantastic 4 in it at some point, but with the massive loss of momentum that’s starting to pile up who knows how this will unfold.
The thing is there is so much source material that they could refresh it with a completely new take and new characters. But.the shared universe has become unwieldy, both in production a nd in narrative.
What they should be doing is backing off the slavish attention to continuity and letting auteurs do their thing without worrying about setting up future installments or following up stuff that came before. And they seriously need to slow down their rollouts. When it was still new, it was exciting to be getting two new shows and three new movies in this world every year. But the novelty is gone now, so they only have the strength of their stories to hold them up, and lately, those have been suffering because of the brutal production line.