Not a device but your post reminded of how I always want very thin but warm gloves this time of year so I can use a keyboard and phone without my fingers getting cold. I try to keep my heater usage to a minimum.
why would i be volunteering? I’m having lag problems with the server because of it’s geographic location in the Netherlands, what does that have to do with volunteering as a mod? lol
The volunteer opening I linked is for a junior ops engineer. There is a separate opening for a mod. The ops engineer position is to help keep the servers running. If you want a server to stay reliable, you need people doing that.
ah. But at the same time it would be good if Lemmy was not as centralized on a single server. is most of Lemmy at the moment, and when it goes down almost every other server is a snapshot frozen in time.
I think it would be good if there were better tools to find closer servers (like geographically <1000km ) and to spread the fediverse out a bit.
Part of the ops engineering effort (if the person is up to it) could be improving the software for higher reliability. The improvements could then be used on other instances as well.
Just charge people for it. You could say $100 per teleport and then give your friends a “discounted” rate of $50. That’s still like $300 to move half a dozen people and all you have to do is show up and spend a couple of minutes going back and forth.
PowerGloveSoBad’s Mom: PowerGloveSoBad? It’s Mom. I was talking to Aunt Kathy and she said you charged her $50 to move that stuff in her attic. Call me back or I’m coming over.
I just don’t like that anyone with my number can simply just call me whenever they want and not answering is seen as something that needs an explanation. Don’t get me wrong, I think that being able to make phone calls is a great thing but not in it’s current form. Would be much better if people had to send a message first and I could then call back when it suits me or something. It’s crazy that you can just demand my full attention to yourself when ever you want. For the very least it should be something truly urgent.
In addition to what the other commenter said: from the description of OP, the teleportation is basically “magic”, ergo free potential energy (by moving objects from one place to another).
Create a large magnet in a generator that’s very tall, free transport the magnet up to the top, let it fall slowly creating electricity. It’s basically how hydro works: the sun “transports” water, in the form of clouds, to a higher point, gravity pulls it down, we use that to make energy.
There would be no limits on how many times or where you could teleport. The items you hold while teleporting would be teleported too.
Sure, if you choose to change the parameters from what OP said, it might change the outcome.
That said, the other guy already answered you. It would become less efficient if you only had your body weight, but it still a solve of unlimited (though small volume) energy.
During a natural disaster, you could jump back and forth carrying aid in, and the wounded people out. In any time sensitive crisis, you could get people out of harms way. This bit is more complicated, but you could potentially help out during floods and fires, depending on how far the ‘teleport other stuff with you’ extends to.
A reasonable limit might be ‘Only what you could physically carry yourself’, in which case you’d need to be a lot more strategic. In that case, you could work on personal strength and be a one-human-rescue-team. When there isn’t a disaster, you could probably shuttle light weight (but important) stuff for a fee, then use that money to fund your own charity to do good
As for this prompt, you could probably just teleport away when someone might see you, or teleport to spots that people can’t see. So you could do most things that invisibility would allow
I feel like opening a portal to the sun would result in lots of highly pressurized, super-heated plasma shooting through and fucking annihilating everything in a massive area around the portal. I guess you could do it if you wanted to blow up, like, an entire building with a tiny and short-lived portal. Same thing in reverse when opening a portal into space.
I think something to consider is the sheer timescale that evolving civilization implies, evolution takes a very long time, and as far as we know nothing else on earth quite is as smart as humans. That means that another species on earth developing civilization implies one of three things:
That we will have been interacting in some form with their ancestors as they evolve intelligence for a very long time, and so their civilization will have evolved with and probably around ours, rather than completely separately, meaning that they probably won’t be a separate civilization so much as we’d have a shared one, or at least a loosely connected one. (Like if over the next several thousand years, some octopus was to slowly get smarter and eventually evolve to civilization, they’d do so in an ocean littered with human artifacts and shaped by human activity, and they might even need some of this stuff in some way, like maybe they develop metalworking by shaping bits of metal in shipwrecks and garbage rather than extracting it from rocks for example.)
That they already were intelligent in a way similar to humans, with language and other such things needed to develop civilization, without us knowing, but simply had not invented it yet (like humans were until around 10000 years or so ago, most of our history as a species). In this case, I don’t think just leaving them to their own devices without contact is a great idea, because they’ll probably have an extremely bad view of humans (we don’t tend to treat wild animals all that well, and especially the more intelligent ones, which we have often hunted for food or to remove competition, and they’re probably going to have a whole lot of stories and oral history about us as a result.) Since they haven’t been able to really do much in retaliation (to the point we didn’t even recognize them trying), they’ll probably think of us less as just rivals and more like unstoppable monsters to be avoided at all costs. This kind of view is basically setting us up for conflict with them later on, and will take a lot of work to address given how ingrained it probably is with their culture, so both communication and helping them out with early civilization problems that we’ve already solved is probably a good idea for peaceful relations later.
Finally, the third possibly is that they are able to suddenly become intelligent and develop civilization because we made them that way, ie, they’re either AIs of some sort, or an intelligent species we engineered, or an existing species like dolphins or such who’s intelligence we have artificially enhanced (in science fiction this is often called uplifting). In this case, their civilization is intrinsically linked with ours from the start, and if they happen to need some of our technology to exist (ie, like machines need manufacturing equipment to make more of themselves, or maybe an artificially enhanced creature needs some kind of drug to get the intelligence enhancing effect or something) then making their own civilization without help from ours in at least giving them that tech isn’t even possible. It’s possible they might still want to go out and found their own government or something, but such a thing is less like a wholely separate civilization and more like just a new country, at least at first, and so probably should be treated as such.
Actions:- Orchestrated a coo and stole military equipment. - Funded a terrorist organization that murdered billions. - Conquered a solar system. - Run experiments on his (detained) citizens. - Almost turned humanity into a hive mind.
Ike - the shrink next door. I can’t remember a villin that made me so mad.
I’d like to see us study them from a distance, find out what’s different about them from us, and consider what could be improved about our civilization.
I built myself a HUD using a VuFine LCD and a raspi Zero W. It runs a custom TUI I wrote for myself that provides an interactive terminal session surrounded by configurable text widgets.
Currently, I have widgets configured to display the date/time, the weather (near-term and week), and CPU/Mem utilization. With the main display running my combined to-do/calendar app to help keep me organized.
It’s tacky as hell, bulky and exposed wires, but I love it.
Quite the opposite. I am very worried I would lose contact with some people that I talk to but not all that often and never have contact with them again. I’m isolated enough as it is. I’m glad contacts can be backed up.
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