You’re presupposing there was nothing at one point. We know that is the case for the physical universe because otherwise entropy would have ended actions an eternity ago. An eternal being not subject to the laws of thermodynamics has no logical need for a beginning.
I have recently come to the conclusion that there are cognitively functional people with a sound mind that believe that it is not possible to know anything for sure. Like, it’s not possible to know if the scientists are telling the truth. We just have to take their word for it. Why not stick to the thousand year old belief system then? It has better apologists, armed with an experience of hundreds of years of demagogy and dogma regarding fending of criticism of said belief system.
That’s just the excuse they use. Sadly it works on a lot of people who think it’s a legitimate question when it’s not, and is in fact easily disproved.
Take away their wallet, phone or medicine and then ask them if they still aren’t sure. Or point a gun at their head and ask them if they’re not sure a bullet will blast through their skull and kill them if they don’t stop talking.
Or just tell them that means their religion is still bupkis because if we can’t be sure, we can’t accept it as true. Hold them to their standards.
UBI is neither left or right, it’s ridiculously logical. If people don’t have money, you don’t have an economy. No economy, no taxes, no taxes, no government, no government, no support for the people and no military, no military, no defense from aggressors, no defense from aggressors, welcome back to the age of Gengis Khan.
You don’t need to assign a political leaning to something that’s fundamentally economic in nature.
There are entire industries that are dying as we speak and they will NOT be returning and they will NOT have jobs to replace them like there has been throughout history of automation. (Manufacturers got automated bots, but those bots required people to set, align, and assist or repair. Now all of this will be able to be done by other bots with a single site overseer who, eventually, will also be a bot)
This isn’t a printing press situation where the writers are replaced by a printing press so they can better focus on journalism instead of writing individual papers by hand, this is a situation where we will have entire industries die and entire sets of professionals age out and entire professions lost to the void.
Another example of this would be bank tellers vs ATM’s back in the day, the tellers thought ATM’s would remove their jobs, it reduced their jobs at first, then changed their jobs outright to financial administration and management, rather than doling out cash to people, made their jobs more efficient and fundamentally different.
This is not that situation. The tellers will lose their jobs as well this time, and so will the bank managers and investors.
in Earthbound, there’s an exploit where you can have technically infinite PP if you put a Magic Truffle to the last slot of your inventory and buy a good amount of Ketchup Packets.
When you use the Magic Truffle in a battle, only just a Ketchup Packet will be consumed but not the truffle - you still gain 90 PP.
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