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MashedPotatoJeff, in Current and Former (Fast) Food Service Workers - How do you handle requests like “All the fries you can give me”?

It’s been a long time, but I used to work at a corporate dining place that did a lot of take out business. I once had a man ask for “as much thousand island dressing as possible”.

I was going to just give him two portions, but my coworker convinced me to fill a large soda cup instead. Why not? We worked for tips after all.

The customer was pretty bewildered. He clearly didn’t really want that much dressing.


Man was lying to you. He deserved it.


When you work for tips, you are actually working for the customer since they’re paying you more?


It certainly creates an incentive to act in ways that please the customer at the expense of the business. But the restaurant controls your access to the customer, so it’s best to tread lightly.


I doubt you or anyone here will disagree with me, but it still needs to be said: that man was 100% in the wrong.

Asking for a bunch of extra dressing is one thing, but asking for “as much as possible” means when they actually go out of their way to accommodate you, you better show you’re ecstatic, thank them, and tip them well. I don’t care if you have to lug a bucket of dressing home, maybe you’ll learn that words have meanings…


I agree! And I like to think that, as he looked over his several bottles worth of dressing in a beverage cup, he did learn to consider his words more carefully.

But I didn’t mind the whole experience. It’s not my dressing and it made for a pretty funny story.

andrew_bidlaw, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? avatar

Medicine and not taking anything as the will of god you should just accept, this and perception of death. That direct war, colonies are necessary - because now soft power, investments, influence, proxies are seen as more effective and better for business. That raw physical fitness means an easy superiority - and not a gun. Slavery and serfdom took other forms, so are associated stereotypes. Talking while seemingly alone is, arguably, not a solid sign of a mental illness now. First paleness became no longer a wanted trait, then we learnt that sun tan can be bad too. Putting fire to a field or a property isn’t a good idea like it was before. Natural resources are free, limitless and harvested with no consequencies. Finding a stash of gold isn’t that tempting too. Mass production, services kind off changed the amount of skills one needs in an average household and added complexity to it. Knowledge of how to get a clean water noticeably changed our ways. And perception of sex and family in different cultures drastically changed over time due to religion, law and science.

yamanii, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? avatar

I don’t know how common it is but my grandmas always said that you shouldn’t eat pork after being released from the hospital or while sick. Then I finally remembered to ask a doctor about it and he said there’s no such thing.


I understand that the notion behind it is to eat easy to digest foods, instead of red meat, in order not to burden your body trying to metabolise them while it is also fighting a disease.

I can sort of get behind this, but I also say you still need your protein. Over here a chicken stew is quite commonly given to sick people, maybe for this reasoning.


Vegetables are harder to digest because of the cellulose or something. That’s why our intestines are so long.


We don’t digest cellulose, our intestines and appendix are not long enough. Compare our body plan to a horse or rat (giant appendix) or cow or sheep (multiple stomachs, filled with bacteria that break down cellulose). Cellulose goes right through. But that’s the fiber that is always so highly praised and not actually a bad thing.


Oh wow, fascinating!


Cows have four stomachs and rechew their half digested food for hours for a reason!

Plants are not proper food for animals and people with sensible digestive systems!

yamanii, avatar

That’s the thing, you can still eat beef and everything from bovines, fish, chicken, my grandmas only said this about pork!


Could have been because of the prevalence of trichinosis in pork until relatively recently (i.e. in your grandmother’s lifetime). If your immune system is in good shape, it’s not terribly risky, but if you just came out of the hospital you probably aren’t in peak form. So avoid pork for a while until your body can properly fight off parasites again.

Proper food safety and livestock handling has dramatically reduced the risk of parasite infections from pork in most of the developed world.


Cheap Pork is the best medicine. Eat it three times a day. It’s full of antibiotics. /s

Clasm, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

How they used to get rid of motor oil back in the day.


I mean… the wisdom not really incorrect - the oil would soak into the ground. In this era people just piled up garbage in their back yard and burned it. Obviously this isn’t an appropriate way to dispose of things in 2024.


The wisdom is incorrect though, in the sense that you aren’t ‘disposing’ of the oil using this method. You are simply hiding it while simultaneously toxifying your immediate environment.


Semantics. What does it mean to “dispose” of something?

to get rid of something, especially by throwing it away

cambridge dictionary


I love how nowadays they made it illegal to wash your car out on the street because it pollutes the ground.

Like motherfucker where do you think this dirt goes to when it falls off the car while driving?

They should outlaw cars to fix this.


illegal to wash your car out on the street because it pollutes the ground.

If you have a rainwater sewer, you’re basically pouring soap and oil straight into the nearest river or lake.


It’s the soap


We have safe cleaning detergents, the government agencies themselves claim it’s the dirt hence a reply to their claim

geogle, avatar



I’m not gonna scroll through instagram until that advertisement shows up again.

You’re free to move here in scroll senselessly to get the ad again.


Best. Sauce. Ever.


Another one.

Go outside, have some real human interaction and learn to get over yourself.

Log off for a couple weeks and see if you can become a real human boy once more.


First the blatantly incorrect assertion. Then the clueless fumbling to justify it. Now the generic ad hominem attacks.

This is better than a movie… what’s next?


I’m bankin on projection.

“No it was you who said soap was bad for the environment”

Aleric, (edited )

They’re just trolling. There are many stupid people out there but this one is just too perfectly stupid to likely be real.

If they aren’t trolling… I feel sorry for them.


Your trolling game is weak.

Lmaydev, (edited )

Tbf you’re the one getting riled up. Maybe take your own advice and also stop using random ads you can’t even name as a source.

Luci, avatar

I’m sorry, but are you getting your information on the effects of car detergent on the environment from an advertisement!?!?

Remember when those dish detergent ads were washing oil off birds? THOSE BIRDS STILL DIED ANYWAYS

CrowAirbrush, (edited )

An advertisement from the official government thing over here. It’s the governments own official website.

Stop freaking out over some dude online you’ll never meet irl.

Collect yourself and go offline for the day, maybe try to relax for a bit and breathe some outdoor air. Have a conversation with a neighbour or local shopkeep.


Says the guy getting his information from Instagram ads.


Does the content and veracity of an ad change depending on where it is? Either you trust the source or you do not.


Does the content and veracity of an ad change depending on where it is?

Well, yes. That has always been the case, even before the Internet but now ESPECIALLY on the Internet.


I’m not sure why anyone would trust an ad; at best it’ll be one-sided and at the worst it’ll be a downright lie. That wasn’t the point of my comment though.

I just thought it was funny that a person getting their info from Instagram ads was telling someone else to go touch grass like they had any high ground at all.


I just assumed that ad meant an ad from a campaign, not a commercial. The trust level for those vary depending of the source, of course.


Someone digging in mud: “Mah sourciz!”

Luci, avatar

I’m sorry I offended you. I didn’t know this was an offical advertisement from the department of thing over there.

Relax, dude lol.


He said can’t wash on the street which implies you can wash on the driveway which will immediately spill into the street.

I suspect the law is more of a safety law created after some teens were hit while washing their car and the parents demanded something must be done.


Dope username


It’s illegal to wash on the driveway or street over here. Well, technically not, it’s just illegal to wash it in a way without proper waste water disposal, which means that you could put up a water barrier (think kiddie pool) to collect everything and then dispose of it properly.

Rain water drains usually don’t go to waste water treatment, shit might get in there from ordinary use but there’s no need to put all kinds of random detergents and polishing agents and whatnot on top of that. Also at least on the Autobahn they have separate waste water cycles to catch all the tyre microplastics etc. And if you can afford a car that’s worth washing you can afford going to a DIY washing place stop whining.


Soap is not a grave concern for pollution. What got it banned - at least where I live - was the occupation of public space and consequent danger for circulation of other cars and pedestrians.


The oil is now outside of the environment


It’s not IN an environment, it’s been towed OUTSIDE the ENVIRONMENT


But what about the front?

It’s still attached isn’t it?!

Mostly_Gristle, in Lemmings without bidet: how do you deal with your period?

Portable bidets are a thing. Basically a squeeze bottle with a special nozzle to direct the stream. Periods aren’t something I have to deal with, so I really don’t know what kind of cleanup is required, but it seems like it would be better than nothing.

iquanyin, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? avatar

if it as wrong, it wasn’t wisdom, just a belief.


lmao at the brilliant wordsmiths downvoting this literally tautological and necessary truth.

iquanyin, avatar

that night air is bad for you.

dylanTheDeveloper, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong? avatar

‘A clock is right twice a day’ and ‘two stones one bird’


But a BROKEN clock is right twice a day?


The clock on my phone is right at least twice a day and it seems to be working fine.


No, your clock is right 1440 or 86400 times a day. Not exactly twice.

The saying is “even a broken clock is right twice a day”

uriel238, avatar

Lewis Carol noted that a clock that doesn’t work at all is right twice a day whereas a clock that loses a minute a day is right every 1.97 years, and by this calculation the broken clock is the better value.


But of course, if we know the clock loses a minute a day, you could derive the current time based on how long ago the clock was set to the correct time, or you could just throw it forward one minute at the end of every day and reset it that way with no reference. The broken clock is just completely useless as a timepiece, though. I think lewis carol was wrong.

uriel238, (edited ) avatar

I’m pretty sure Carol was being facetious. There’s more value obviously in a mechanical thing that works — even if not well — then one that doesn’t. The joke is in the notion that we judge clocks based on how well they tell time, which is not a good metric once they deviate significantly from that standard.


Do you mean ‘hit two birds with one stone’? That’s not advice, it’s a useful expression for describing getting good value.

vivavideri, in Lemmings without bidet: how do you deal with your period?

Well, firstly, you don’t need a lot of time between tampons, technically – so long as the absorption size isn’t too crazy and you’re changing them frequently enough. Secondly, fuck tampons, get a menstrual cup. For the uninitiated, it’s a silicone doohickey essentially shaped like a bell that fits around the cervix. Learning curve? Yes. Squick factor? Probably. tons of sizes. Safer than tampons (see Toxic Shock Syndrome).

Pays for itself in a few months if you have heavy flow.

Bidet would be a little less necessary but still, if heated, v nice.

If I’ve had a rough second day I’ll half-shower rinse, sure, but the merula xl is just about big enough to handle it otherwise.


I switch between those and Period Panties. Sometimes anything internal makes cramps worse, and honestly, I really dread rummaging around in there to drag it out while covering my hand in blood. It’s just not practical to empty/rinse at work and I do 16 hour shifts, so it’s not possible to just pop it in for the work day either. I use the cup when I’m not at work and it’s past the crampy days. Sometimes tampons + period panties are the only solution for me.


I tried the cup. I have several sizes. They just got stuck in there and never popped open and almost ended up going to the ER to have it removed.


My condolences.

My super jenny isn’t firm at all and I don’t have trouble maneuvering it but the merula xl is very firm and that fucker hurts if it pops too soon ☠️

couggod, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

5.25 inch drive bays on computer cases.

Varyk, (edited ) in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

I’d say if you aren’t on them and don’t need them, there’s no reason to dip your toe in.

It’s okay to be a little weird and save tons of time and not have to read worthless comments.

I was part of the main ones, but got rid of everything, LinkedIn Facebook, all of it. They are useless or detrimental personally, and I don’t need them for my job.

This is the extent of my social media now.

Potatisen, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

I know how you feel but joining in now might be a mistake. The trend at the moment is people leaving social media, soon people won’t care if they can find you or not.

Stay away!


People’s situations can be different, OP is asking how they can join while minimizing the harms

We don’t have to not join something because the trend is people leaving. Worst case scenario they meet the immediate need and leave alongside whoever they need to connect with

SorteKanin, avatar

The trend at the moment is people leaving social media

Eeeh… Is it really? I know that’s what many people on Lemmy would like to believe because that’s what they largely are doing, but lemmings are a minority. I think the vast majority of people don’t even know or care about how bad social media is these days and continue using it.

Cannibal_MoshpitV3, in Current and Former (Fast) Food Service Workers - How do you handle requests like “All the fries you can give me”?

Worked at an ice cream store. We had a regular that wanted the largest ice cream with a whole banana and absolutely drowned his order in caramel. Not a huge deal we just charged him for like 8 extra toppings or so

CaptainBasculin, (edited ) in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

Linkedin is the only social media I would reccomend to put yourself out (as in, put your successful projects in) as it’s used more as a networking tool to land yourself in better jobs.

Fuck other social media. Anonymity is best.


LinkedIn is getting shittier all the time too. I check it out twice a year or so and every time I look at my feed it reminds me a bit more of Facebook. It’s the only social media I haven’t deactivated and is likely to stay that way for a while longer at least but it definitely feels like it’s getting further and further from that professional vibe it once carried, and not in a good way.


It’s like the place where your bosses put lame boomer-styled memes and motivational stuff.


The only reason your boss ever posts something ‘motivational’ is for their own personal gain of earning more money off you.

He never posts “Try to enjoy life. Maybe take a day off sometime to be with your family on an extended weekend and forget work for a while.”

RootBeerGuy, avatar

They recently switched some feed algorithms and it became completely useless. At least in my case if I use their “adjusted” feed, or whatever it is called, I sometimes see the same posts up on top for several days! I anyway prefer the chronological feed which you can luckily still set as standard, but there I get so many results, I do tend to miss those “high impact” posts of some of my connections.

So, neither is great and I have no idea how they think its usable in any way. Not using their app by the way, so maybe thats the issue, but I refuse to put that on my phone.


LinkedIn has become a Tinder like hookup platform. Lol

Vipsu, (edited ) avatar

I second LinkedIn.

You dont really have to be all that active there either. Just login every now and then to add / accept new connections and to update your profile.

LinkedIn for me is basically public CV that recruiters can view. Depending on your profession you can also link your github, stackoverflow, portfolio, blog or something similar there to direct people to channels you prefer instead of social media.

DestroyerOfWorlds, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

Ignorance is bliss.


Yeah…isn’t this social media? lol

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

No, Its not.

crsu, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

Social media is so dead. Everyone has one yeah but it’s a placeholder. The novelty is gone

Sheeple, (edited ) avatar

Seriously I kind of miss the “Internet playground” era of 10 years ago. It felt like you could easily find not just one but multiple close knit groups for ANYTHING you might enjoy. It was easy to engage with people without huge effort.

Nowadays it’s monolithic corporate groups. Soulless without the close interactions. Content is at an all time high yet simultaneously true interactions are dead. Forget about trying to find multiple groups, they all have been cannibalised into a singular Uber corpo group if it exists at all.


i miss the mid 90s internet.

Where the internet was a curiousity, not yet exploited by companies and advertising, where to find new websites you had to click next on ring networks or find a website directory cause search engines werent even a thing yet, but every website you found was someones passion project and rife with the interesting and bizarre

Sheeple, (edited ) avatar

For me it’s the early 2010 internet. Where technological advances made navigating it easy and you could with no effort find several groups chatting about topics you liked. Information was easily available yet it felt extremely personal too.

That was before everything became ultra monolithic and corporate. You’ll be lucky if you find even just one active forum for something you like and more often then not it’s been cannibalised by one of the megacorp pages like YouTube or reddit where interactions are all dull and dead, soulless posting only for menial engagement instead of making friends


The internet has definitely lost its wonder, and more become a thing of dread due to bullshit, ads, spam, etc etc.


I honestly disagree, even if it’s a lot harder now. Discord kinda took the place of forums and other niche groups.

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