How much money are you bringing with you? There are countries that offer golden visa programs to the wealthy. Some of them may still have residency requirements (e.g. live there for x years) but otherwise it would basically allow anyone with money to become a citizen, or at the bare minimum obtain a visa to live there.
Legalize and regulate the drug trade and prostitution. Would overnight make those activities significantly less harmful and you would be able to put all that blank check DEA money into treatments and going after child traffickers which is the only market that shouldnt be regulated or exist. Wow. Problem fucking solved. Let them keep their avocadoes and shit. Boom, we just solved billions of dollars worth of problems and can actually use these things to better society for ourselves and the people that the cartel terrorize with this shit. Almost like, they dont want the problem to be solved.
A thing to remember is that legal prostitution is still a vector in the human trafficking trade. Even where it’s legal, women are forcefully relocated to those nations and forced to work.
Most of the prostitution issues would be handled, but you would still need to account for it.
You would have to make it legal everywhere or at least as many places as possible. The world followed the US lead on the drug war Im sure they could follow our lead with this too. Especially if you could demonstrate how it would hurt these criminal operations. If prostitution is legalized in 70% of countries, you just destroyed 70% of their human trafficking operations. Yes there would be the remaining 30% of countries but they already are experiencing that the demand isnt going to go up 70% in those few remaining 30% of countries.
Even in countries where prostitution is legal women are being trafficked against their will to those countries to be forced into sex work.
They’re already being trafficked to the US to be forced into prostitution, why would they care if it’s legalized. It wouldn’t affect their trafficking.
But I also feel you may be inflating the ramifications of legalization of drugs and prostitution. I believe it was Canada or one of the US states where the cost of legally sold Marijuana was still too high and people turned to their old dealers. You’d see the cartel enter the market again with cheaper, more dangerous options for those who can’t afford the higher priced, taxed, and regulated products.
We can regulate those who wish to operate above board, but you can’t stop the pipeline.
“Religious suffering is the expression of real suffering and also a protest against it. Religion is the opium of the masses. Religion is the heart of a heatless world. Religion is the soul of soulless conditions.”
Religion isn’t a separate thing from culture that can be cleaved off like this. The form it takes is contingent on conditions of people’s lives and power structures. People also don’t make a conscious choice to believe or disbelieve in religion, if you’re an atheist you can’t just willingly choose to believe. Society is not directed by the willful actions of people’s collective beliefs like this either, it’s more a Darwinian process.
Also civil religion is a thing and it doesn’t necessarily align with what people think of “religion” but operates in a very similar way. A lot of atheists are probably adherents to aspects of civil religion without knowing or thinking of it this way.
if you’re an atheist you can’t just willingly choose to believe
I wouldn’t really agree with this. As a programmer, I was always sceptical and an atheist, but I never had problems with believing into something obviously not true, such as when LARPing or TTRPGs. And when I once got into a rabbit hole of mysticism in high-school, one of the movements I read about was advocating for doing “paradigm shifts”, forcing yourself to believe into a specific religion, like truly believe, so you can try it out in practice and see whether you get something out of it or not and should move on. And since that felt like a fun experiment, I tried it with various dogmas or religions, and once you get over the inherent jugement and feeling pretty stupid chanting, drawing circles and burning incense in your room (which may take a while), you may get to point where you slowly convince yourself to believe. That is, if you are serious about it. And it’s also pretty fun.
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