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earmuff, in Do You Have a Fire Extinguisher in Your Home and is it Still Pressurized?

I don’t use permanently pressurized fire extinguishers anymore, as they are hard to maintain and rarely reach a life span of 20 years.

Make sure to check at least once every 3 years if the pressure is still in the green. If not, replace it immediately.


Can they be repressurized at all with a regular pump? Or is it something more in depth than that


If you look at the gauge, you can see that the ideal pressure is 1344 kPa or 13.44 bar. If you own a pump capable of using at least 14 bar, you are good to go.

afraid_of_zombies, in What sci-fi-esque inventions are the most plausible and could happen soonest?

Breadlines except for meal replacement drinks. We have meal replacement drinks we have breadlines. Eventually this will make sense.


I hope so, because you’re not making sense. Could you rephrase?


A bread line, but with a nutritious drink provided. Pretty clear?




There are plenty of parts of the world where governments/aid groups have to distribute food. Most of it is staples like bread and rice. We also have these protein drink things now that brag they can replace any meal. At some point the cost of those drinks will fall to making it worth giving out meal replacement drinks to people instead of bags of rice.

RampantParanoia2365, (edited )

I’m not sure any of those are full diet replacements though. They serve as a good breakfast or lunch, but I don’t think it’s recommended you replace all meals with them. At least not in more ideal circumstances.


We’re hardly in ideal circumstances. Now, some of these meal replacements are true, well-rounded meal replacements that are full of nutrients. Huel comes to mind.


Thank you, I had no clue what breadline meant, this clears up everything.

AutistoMephisto, (edited ) avatar

Yes, but where will the protein come from? My guess is bugs. It’s already a staple of the Cyberpunk franchise both videogame and tabletop, where most of the world eats something called scop, or single celled organic protein. A megacorp called All Foods produces a beef substitute made from genetically modified flatworms called EEZYBEEF. Or how’d you like a pizza with vegan cheese and pepperoni made from locusts?


I imagine soybeans.


How often does this happen?


Soybean based protein drinks? Umm fairly often, I had one yesterday.


…will? The powders exist now, and they’re…not bugs…they’re plant based mostly.

AutistoMephisto, avatar

Yeah but with climate change affecting the world so drastically, how much soil is going to be suitable for plant growth?

MeatsOfRage, (edited ) in Is Sync for Android worth the cost?

I’ve been through all the apps but for me nothing feels as good as Sync. $20 a year for something I use hours every single day is a comically good value considering that’s the cost of Netflix monthly and don’t use it nearly as much.


Removing ads in sync is $20 lifetime, not per year

Passerby6497, (edited )

Removing ads in sync is $20 lifetime *

  • the time this is valid is not guaranteed to be lifetime.

I bought Sync years ago to support the dev, and they removed and republished their Sync for Reddit app and made everyone repay the ‘one time fee’ to get rid of ads again. Don’t believe for a minute that ‘lifetime’ means anything.

kiwifoxtrot, avatar

You bought the reddit version, and it was for the lifetime of the reddit app. He had to rebuild the backend from scratch for it to work with Lemmy, it isn’t the same app anymore.


Yeah, people confuse “product lifetime” with “my human lifetime” a lot.


No, you misunderstand. They made me pay for the reddit app twice, hence why they’re not getting another cent out of me and I’m not paying for the lemmy version. I bought Sync for Reddit twice because one day the app was no longer on my phone and there was no ability to restore it, just a newly released version to download that didn’t recognize my previous purchase.


That sounds like an issue with google play store, or perhaps you bought “sync for Reddit pro” (the app) in addition to the “remove ads” (in-app purchase on the free app)

I bought redditsync (what it was initially called before Reddit made everyone rename their apps) for $3-4 and used it for a decade without issue


Agreed, i had a weird issue with reddit sync, major upgrade or something. I lost the premium features, i just had to restore purchases.

I wonder if the guy were are taking too reached out to the dev at all


Maybe when Reddit Sync Ultra was released, they misunderstood what was happening. That was an opt-in cost.

LemmyKnowsBest, in Your greatest weakness becomes your greatest strength. How is your life different?

I’m suddenly a prolific businesswoman and a CEO of my own corporation with millions of employees and I am thriving in life.


If this happened then everyone would be a CEO but where would the millions of workers be?

They are all CEOs now too.

raptir, in Do You Have a Fire Extinguisher in Your Home and is it Still Pressurized?

Yup. We had one but after we had a smouldering fire in our outdoor trash can we got several for different points in the house. We also have escape ladders in the bedrooms.


After being directly adjacent to three separate apartment fires, we also have several fire extinguishers and escape ladders stashed around the apartment.

afraid_of_zombies, in Where are all the anarchists of Lemmy hiding?

Me personally I grew old. It will happen to you one day, or at least you should hope it does. Little bit different quoting Bakunin at age 17 while having a mohawk (yes I did have one) vs trying that at age 35.

Things change and that’s okay.

AtmaJnana, (edited )

When I was in college I told my girlfriend’s dad I was a Marxist and he “quoted” someone on the topic (which I’m pretty sure was made up on the spot):

Never trust anyone who wasn’t a Marxist before age 25 or was, after.

JusticeForPorygon, in What made up movie title would make it hard to sell it to the public? avatar

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Except it isn’t made up, and it’s a phenomenal movie.


Is it a continuation of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter? (Also not made up, but this one is actually bad)

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

No but that movie actually sounds interesting enough to look at.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was based on a book of the same name, released in 2012, and actually had a hollywood-level budget.


FDR - American Badass is a pretty good movie as well as long as you go in without super high expectations.


The only thing I remember from this movie are the crazy segways. I don’t even remember them just that they were memorable.

CaptainBlagbird, (edited ) avatar

Even the 3D was good. I’m still amazed by this:

In the images for the left and right eye, they gave the vampires slightly different pupil colours. That means when you watch it in 3D, the eyes of the vampires kind of shimmer ominously. It works great because it’s only such a small detail. A larger area would be unpleasant to watch.

I’ve never seen another movie doing something innovative like that with 3D.

Edit: Here I found an example that can be viewed via crossy-eye method.


Usernameblankface, in What are some small things we should change about the human body? avatar

Appetite is 100% linked to calories needed. You still enjoy food, but the moment you swallow enough calories for whatever you did since the last time you ate, you have zero appetite and anything put in front of you loses all appeal.

Terrible for survival situations, great for modern life where an abundance of food is a bigger problem than a scarcity.


Yes, but with a tweak.

Being able to tell how much food you need in advance would be better, so that instead of thinking that you’re really hungry and piling your plate, you only buy or prepare as much food as you need. That would cut down on food waste too.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Maybe it could be based on the average daily calories used each day over the past month to replenish exactly what’s been used plus predict ahead until the next meal time?


My appetite is at least 90% based on calories needed, since I was around 25, I 'm over 50 now. My kids laugh at me when I sometimes say I’m still full 6 hours after eating, but sometimes I am. Or eat, then eat ten minutes later. And usually I stay at the same weight unless intentionally bulking or cutting.

One exception - I lose appetite when stressed, and rarely but but sometimes have anxiety around eating still. But most of the time, my appetite just follows my calorie expenditure. Can’t be the only person like that, it seems a normal state?


No, you are fortunate. I’m always hungry, I have to consciously resist the urge to eat constantly.


I am sorry, that sounds dreadful. Always you have had hunger? Eating does not cause satiation? I also can feel empty without being hungry sometimes, it’s honestly a good feeling and best state to fall asleep.

Yes the tuned appetite should be universal.

In the interest of full disclosure - I did reach it coming out of anorexia so not overweight but underweight, but it has settled out to keep me at a healthy size as an adult. Except for a few very stressful years in my early 40s I lost some but bounced back. I think more people, at least in the US, are coming from the other side and I don’t have experience with that.


Always. Haven’t always been overweight though, that started in my late 20s. When I was young, I could eat nonstop and stayed skinny mostly because I was riding a bicycle nearly every waking moment.

DerpyPlayz18, in Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?

Gray smoke is a worse type of visual pollution imo


Yeah and blurry vision is pretty shit.

pineapplelover, (edited ) in What is the least shit online store of the shitty ones? such as: Wish, AliExpress, etc..

I’ve ordered everything from audio stuff to knives on aliexpress. Find a good reputable seller and you’re good. That’s pretty much the same for any platform like Ebay. Amazon has increasingly gotten worse. Now it’s either really big name brands or cheap chinese clones

Edit: check out Louis Rossman’s video buying electrical equipment from Amazon. If you buy the top rated results, you’ll probably fuck yourself over. One of the top products is a fuse that won’t blow like it’s supposed to, if you put this in your system, it will be catastrophic and life threatening.

militaryintelligence, (edited )

Every name brand clothing item I’ve ordered on Amazon has been fake


Aliexpress also has fakes, but if you want to shop for brands that originate in China, you can find actually good quality products for very cheap. Like Ugreen, who makes nice phone/multi chargers, cables, powerbanks, or Sonoff for smart home stuff, or Anycubic for 3D resin printers.

Amazon is a shitshow, I can’t even find the original stuff. Wish is just a scam. Ebay is okay, but their shipping is not the best.


I’ve had some bad sellers on AliExpress, but support tends to be quite good. They don’t take any bullshit from scam sellers.


Amazon definitely has. Almost all the clothing is either brands I can’t afford or no name brands that are terrible quality. I have returned my last sweater. So freaken down with them. Go back to clothing shopping in a physical store like it is 1999.

Appoxo, avatar

I enjoy buying merch from some youtubers tbh.
LTT makes awesome quality garments. I was multiple times commented that they look high quality. And I really like how they feel.
Kurzgesagt has some cool shirts.

But outside of those: Hit or miss.

ISuckAtGaemz, in What is the least shit online store of the shitty ones? such as: Wish, AliExpress, etc..

AliExpress has never failed me. I bought some Nintendo DS reproduction carts and they work flawlessly.

Appoxo, avatar

Ali isnt even a shit site.
The sellers are what you have to look out for.
It’s basically Amazon but more obvious amd with less protection for the buyer.

captainlezbian, in Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?

Windmills look so much better than rural Indiana


Would suggest a driving trip on I65 just north of Lafayette Indiana…

It is a flat boring patch of rural farm land just like the rest of rural indiana, but they added hundreds of wind turbines to the fields that stretch as far as the eye can see. It is truly a marvel to look at…

In essence, i drive through rural indiana every so often… i can definitively confirm that the section with windmills is far more interesting looking than the rest.


Yeah I drove from central ohio to Chicago once. The thing that struck me most was how little renewables ohio had. The wind farms were exactly what rural America needed to look fine.

But yeah also I advise against driving through rural Indiana because you still have to be there to do it

Pons_Aelius, in What sci-fi-esque inventions are the most plausible and could happen soonest?

we need teleportation frankly

Sorry but not in this universe.

It is the same for pretty much all the narrative hand waves that are used to push the story forward. This is not knocking SF but to temper expectations.

Deep sleep/human hibernation.

FTL travel of any description, including FTL communication.

Sentient, Self-aware AGI.

Directed energy weapons and EM shields.

Deceptichum, avatar

How’s quantum teleportation work in this universe? Because that’s apparently a thing already.


That’s quite the question to ask, but as far I can tell it only works with quantum information. Sending a body would be like you trying to fit into a fiber cable to be bounced inside of beneath the Atlantic to avoid the otherwise long flight.

Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

From what I know of sci-fi, teleportation is often a machine that scans, destroys, and replicates the particles in your body at a secondary location.

So if we could figure out scanning and printing at the atomic scale, with zero defects, and pair it with sending information at near instant speeds via quantum teleportation, we could have a teleporter.


… if we could figure out scanning and printing at the atomic scale, with zero defects

I think this is a bigger issue currently than sending large amounts of data across the globe. Though I wonder how much data a full copy would demand.

Deceptichum, avatar

You just made me curious and we're not alone in wondering

To have a scanner that can record the position of every atom in the body to an accuracy of the order of the size of a hydrogen atom would require position accuracy of about 10-10 meters. To get that accuracy over a distance of order 1 meter, this would require 30 decimal digits, which would be about 100 binary digits per atom. However, there would be a lot of redundancy in this data, so let’s be optimistic and assume you could compress this down to 1 bit per atom, so we still need approximately 1027 bits of data to just specify the positions of all the atoms in a human body. According to Wikipedia (Exabyte), the approximate data storage capacity of all the computers and storage devices in the world today is roughly 1 zettabyte = 1021 bytes = 1022 bits. Therefore, the data for the scan of one human would require at least 10,000 times the total storage of all the data stored on Earth right now.


Ah, that would take a while to send 😁


Now I'm wondering how long it would realistically take for that to become a not-insane demand. I know data storage multiplies pretty rapidly, but not that rapidly, so are we talking decades or centuries?

Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

Apparently we can already do it, a gram of dna can store 215 petabytes and we can encode to dna at 18Mbps.

Gonna be a long upload.


I was getting incredibly confused because the copy/paste didn’t copy the superscript for the exponents. I was like, “there’s definitely more than 1027 atoms in the body… wait, how are there supposedly only 1021 bytes of storage in the whole world? Oooh…”


Quantum “teleportation” is not capable of sending information FTL. Quantum entanglement means that the wave functions of two or more particles (in essence, the information possessed by the particles) are correlated, but the information must be encoded by a device at the midpoint between the two observers and sent to the observers at a speed not exceeding the speed of light.


Teleportation in that term means “make a thing disappear in one place and appear in another”. No “immediate” is ever implied.

Wikipedia article has a great diagram on the topic. Add an article on “no cloning theorem” to understand why “teleportation” is a fitting term. I recommend reading both without expectation, just read through the steps as if you’re learning a new math tool.

In short, quantum teleportation is a way to take a quantum state (which are fundamentally unforgeable - you can’t simply create a clone of a particle), destroy it, extracting classically communicable data, and they recreate it in another location.

ahornsirup, avatar

Directed energy weapons already exist today. They’re mostly experimental, but the US and Germany (and possibly others) are both investing millions into R&D and have working prototypes.


FTL is a weird one.

Speed of light is a singularity in a special relativity theory. Singularities usually indicate model limitations, not reality fundamentals.

The theory happily describes behaviours below and above this “speed limit”, but insists on it being unapproachable from either side, which is weird already. At the same time our other models tell us that matter loses a finite amount of energy when it gains mass and stops moving at the speed of light.

Problem is, we don’t seem to have a vocabulary to discuss ways around this singularity and universe is not so forthcoming with any clues.

It’s a general crysis of physics lately. We know our models have limitations, we often know where they break exactly, and universe just giggles along.

But yeah, it’s highly unlikely that any SF will correctly guess a viable FTL, even if it is possible. Especially considering how seemingly every author thinks quantum entanglement is it.

DaneGerous, in Your greatest weakness becomes your greatest strength. How is your life different?

Having my head chopped off now makes me stronger and more alive.


Every head chopped would spawn three heads

v81, in What hobby do you have that no one else in your family shares?

Amateur radio (Ham radio)


73, my friend, there are dozens of us out there!


73 de SA5FTP. I’m the only one in my circle of friends. Could be more active on HF, mostly on the local repeater


I got my general license, but I’m too scared to talk to people 🥲


Anything we can do to help with that? I’m a little mic shy myself, but it goes away as soon as a good topic starts being talked about.

You got access to Dstar/DMR or some other way of communicating internationally? I’m in VK3


I think there’s an EchoLink repeater near me? I just have a baofeng. I’m planning on building a QMX soon because I feel like CW and digital modes would be fun and I kind of want to go on bike trips and do radio or something. I think I need to look up how POTA and SOTA work. I’m not a big talker in real life, I’ve always kind of preferred written communication, so I’m hoping Morse code helps, haha.

The other thing is I’m just kind of worried about getting the etiquette wrong or doing something wrong, even though it doesn’t really seem that complicated.


Don’t worry about getting anything wrong. Most people are pretty excited to speak with someone new or that doesn’t come on air often.

We’re all just normal people, done of use are even a little introverted.

Just say what’s on your mind.

“Hi, I’m Joe, happy to be speaking with you, in kinda new to this and am a bit nervous. Anyhow how are you and where are you from?”

Chances are that will spawn a conversation that feels less forced and more natural as you move forward.

I’ve messaged you my email address. Never private messaged on Lemmy before so I hope it works. Just say hello and we can maybe catch up on echolink or discord.


Yeah, I had a couple of good conversations on repeaters when I first got my license, but I’m a bit of an introvert so I always feel a bit weird after a conversation like “did I fuck this up?” haha. And the extra rules and unspoken etiquette around radio is a bit intimidating, but I think as long as you identify every 10 minutes or whatever and stay in band nobody will get too mad at you.

I’m really excited about getting into CW actually, and QRP seems interesting and like a really fun challenge. I actually built a pixie kit recently, but I used it as soldering practice before building the QMX mini that I got recently. Hopefully I’ll have some time to build that soon :). I can mostly copy short 5 or so letter words in my head now at 40 WPM, but I haven’t practiced in a few weeks (and obviously I fall behind on complex words or longer ones). I’m a bit nervous about trying to actually send and receive Morse in the wild though, and I REALLY don’t know the etiquette and q-codes and shorthand associated with that yet, but I guess I’ll learn!

ranok, (edited )

Came here to say this, 73 from KB1OTE! Come join us at !amateur_radio


I was wondering if I should get into this. I’m more interested because it seems cool and I need some kind of backup means of communications in case communication is down or something

v81, (edited )

Sure, give it a go. The bands and the learning you get access to as a ham are a valuable tool.

But don’t be that kind that gets a licence just for ‘prepping’.

Having the gear without being proficient in it’s use or having someone to talk to is pretty useless.


Any guides to get started?


The process varies from country to country. Let me know where you’re from and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.


US of A


You’ll need to pay $35 (I think?) and write a multiple choice exam.…

The exam is relatively easy, and you can find lots of resources for practice exams and stuff. At first you’ll have a hard time with some specific questions, but you’ll get the hang of it. If you want they usually let you write the general and the extra exams after the technician for no extra fee (they’re harder but give you a better license with more permissions. Technician gives you a lot, though)

If you’re at all interested you should do it! Getting licensed doesn’t take much time, even if it seems a little daunting at first. Then you’re ready to go when you get the itch!

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