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Rokk, in What are Lemmy's unwritten rules?

FOSS but also no ads. And don’t harvest any data to sell either.

I genuinely don’t understand where revenue streams are meant to come from for any of this software with peoples expectations.

But honestly Lemmy is so pro piracy that it doesn’t really matter if you were to charge for your product

AceTKen, avatar

The internet existed for a long time prior to monetization of it. People used to do things because they were good ideas, fun, or helpful.

Revenue streams made things worse.


I think it’s a pretty bold statement to claim that the Internet today is worse than it was 20 years ago before things were being monetised.

People still do stuff just for the sake of it. To be fun, helpful, whatever. However to expect things to just be done for us out of the kindness of people’s hearts I think is bordering on entitled.


However to expect things to just be done for us out of the kindness of people’s hearts I think is bordering on entitled.

Yes, there are people who do that, but there are many more people in the FOSS world who don’t expect anything and instead contribute.

Focusing on the entitled people won’t make you happy, reagardless the topic.

Tattorack, avatar

Funny, because the Boost app I’m using shows ads on the bottom.


You might need to buy it

UndercoverUlrikHD, (edited ) avatar

People being mad at youtube for trying to force people to pay for the insanely expensive service they are providing was/is strange to me, on a similar note.

For FOSS, it’s sort of given in the name though. If it’s not free, it wouldn’t be FOSS, and companies like Google and Facebook have permanently destroyed most people trust in ads not also being paired with data harvesting. Other than offering paid tech support, it’s difficult to find a non intrusive way to get money.

People want prefer a tiny icon in the description where the author(s) ask for donations, but don’t they dare pop up donations to ask for donations though!


Nobody has a problem paying, people have a problem with Google tracking and selling off their shit


I don’t think those people want revenue to exist, as in everything and all should be free forever and always.

HipsterTenZero, in Wat is your favorite breathing technique and what effect does it bestow? avatar

autopilot breathing is pretty cool, its one less thing to think about. A bit difficult to get running once you’re aware its no longer active, though.


Is there a formula/format like what I gave?

Radicalized, (edited )


ChonkyOwlbear, in What game do you play to just chill?

Especially in the winter,I like to fire up The Long Dark. I put on the exploration setting where the wildlife doesn’t attack. You still have to deal with the need for food and warmth, so there are still stakes. Just not the anxiety inducing animal attacks. There’s a sort of bleak beauty to the game.


Top shelf game


I just realized, if there was ever a wildlife photography mode in that game, I would play the shit out of it. RP-ing as an ‘extreme’ wildlife photographer trying to shoot around blizzards and keeping your gear in working order would be a really cool way to shake up the gameplay. Would easily get another 200 hours of play out of me.


I’ve forgotten about this! I played it way back when there wasn’t even a real story, but I believed that’s changed.

Constantly finding resources to survive was quite anxiety inducing, lol.

southsamurai, in Would you choose invisibility or teleportation? avatar

Yeah, teleportation solves way more real life problems than invisibility does.

Invisibility in the real world, for a civilian, is really only good for pranks and crime. Which isn’t exactly a bad thing, but teleportation can do all of that and more.


You could use your invisibility to become the most effective citizen journalist in the world though. Get footage of Exxon execs scheming with politicians to fuck the planet or get world leaders on tape dismissing the Geneva conventions, that sort of thing.


You could do that just as well with teleportation, possibly even better depending on what security measures you need to bypass. Teleport in, plant a bug, dig through their computer for anything incriminating, teleport out.

Of course, obtaining evidence in this way makes it illegal to use in court, but that doesn’t really matter because the people you’re after will never be taken down in court anyway.


Of course, obtaining evidence in this way makes it illegal to use in court

That’s why I said citizen journalist. Exposing corrupt people in the news is a major step towards criminal court, and even if there is no case, public opinion can be swayed and that’s a death sentence in many ways.


You could in most cases so the same with teleportation


Assuming they don’t have access to thermals…


Good question whether or not invisibility extends to the infrared and ultraviolet spectra. That’d be pretty clutch.

Rogmonster, in I read that weed makes you not dream, then when you go off weed you have crazy dreams. So heavy, heavy weed users that quit, how long did you have crazy dreams for?

I dont remember my dreams when I use. It’s the main reason I do. I have terrible nightmares and weed helps me not wake up screaming… But when I stop for a time, it all comes back. It’s terrible that I have to choose between being too tired to function and being able to pass a drug test


You could talk to a doctor about prazosin. It’s a blood pressure drug that stops dreams for some unknown reason. I have PTSD nightmares and will take it for a week or so when they crop up again. Just something to consider


I appreciate your suggestion. I have some of the same issues as a few other commenters. I have low blood pressure from an autoimmune issue which contraindicates BP drugs. I’ve tried a lot of things, but I have a sensitive system and the side effects tend to be worse than the dream.


Plus one for prazosin. I have a family member with PTSD nightmares. Prazosin has made them able to actually sleep for the first time in their adult life.


I took a BP medicine called Clonidine for PTSD nightmares as well. I wonder what it is about them that help.

My biggest issue was having already naturally low BP, so couldn’t take it at the dose they wanted. Luckily, it still worked. Just had to go in frequently to have my pressure checked.


Are you chronically dehydrated?


Not at all. Just runs in the family.


Hmm. I have low BP and my physician said they didn’t recommend it. Maybe I’ll see if a low dose would work. I can check my BP at home 🤞


The going in part was for their records. Apparently me checking at home wasn’t official enough for them.


What are your nightmares about?

Seraph, avatar

That question doesn't strike you as mildly inappropriate?


Only if the person being asked is compelled to answer.


The term is “common decency”.


I don’t find it an insensitive question online. Usually I’m committing horrible acts of violence. Stuff I didn’t even know I knew about. And I’m one of the nicest people you’d meet. It really fucks me up.

Rhoeri, in What difficult/unpleasant experience are you most proud of yourself for making it through? avatar

The beginning of the year, I lost my best friend of over 35 years to an overdose- nine days ago I lost my dog of over 15 years, and now my mother is intubated in a hospital 3,000 miles away because of severe liver damage causing internal bleeding and I can’t go to her because I currently have chronic maxillary sinus infections and and cannot fly.

I’m here.

Kyrgizion, in Which internet meme, if somehow erased from ever emerging, might have the biggest impact?

AYBABTU. It was one of the first “real” memes that grew organically. If youtube had existed back then, the creators would probably have been set for life off the views from that one video alone.

But back then, they did it for the lulz…


Somehow this is the first time I’ve ever seen, “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” shortened that way and it left me thinking it was something even more arcane 😂

tofubl, (edited ) in FOSS alternative to... Sending Spotify links?

What about this?



Cool! I didn’t know about this. Thanks for the recommendation.


That’s perfect! Thank you so much!

FoundTheVegan, (edited ) in What MMOs are you all playing? avatar

This fucked up pay to win one called "Life". Shit is hard as hell and I don't think the devs even care about balance.


Git gud noob


Not that hard: Iddqd, idkfa and you’re set

hellothere, (edited )

Oh my god don’t even get me started on this game.

Get this, you know how over time you get fatigue points and can only get rid of them by eating food items you’ve previously gathered? Well, when doing this one day last week my character nearly fucking died because of some race condition glitch where mid-swallow they tried to breathe for some unknown reason and because the devs, in their infinite fucking wisdom, decided that while there are two completely separate and incompatible systems for food and air, they must accessed via the same hole, but clearly not at the same time!

The mind boggles, I hope someone was fired for that blunder.


I’m sorry but this is actually pretty fucking funny!

lntl, in Are there r/WorldNews Israel bots or am I hallucinating avatar

would be embarrassing if intelligence services didn’t deploy bots to push propaganda and create divisions


I mean, at that point are they even trying?

shinigamiookamiryuu, in What are your thoughts on people being doxxed for ripping down missing israeli posters?

All I can say is everything about this conflict is getting out of hand, and this is a big part of that. The “remember the human” rule isn’t acknowledged by anyone over there, and with the elephants fighting, the grass continues to get trampled. Saddest part is we’ll probably see a bigger version of what’s going on when Pakistan and India boil over some years from now.

BackOnMyBS, avatar

when Pakistan and India boil over some years from now

What’s going on with that? Why are you expecting that to happen?


It’s difficult to explain if you’re not in their cultural atmosphere reading the room (in my case I have family from there). Outsiders can currently see propaganda show-offs going on, India is maneuvering thought in favor of Israel (one might say going against previous sympathies in the process) while Pakistan is covertly one of the strongest sympathizers of Palestine. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it’s the subtleties in the expressions that would raise the first alarms if an outsider begged for hints that something is about to erupt. I’d give it one to three years.

LesserAbe, in What are the dangerous levels of friendship ?

Not to sound like an after school special, but if a “friend” encourages you to do something harmful then they’re not your friend. (Making fun of others, physically fighting, consuming more substances than you’re comfortable with, generally breaking the law) But especially when people are younger they might be eager to have a friend, and feel pressured to go along with what another person suggests.


If your role in your social hierarchy is the same as Toadie from The Road Warrior, it might be time to reevaluate your friendships…


Depends. If you and the whole group are into fighting, abusing substances, and breaking the law, then you can definitely have real friends that encourage you to do those things.

TisI, in Lighthearted, upbeat shows for adults?

I highly recommend Bob’s burgers!

fubo, in Lighthearted, upbeat shows for adults?

Good Omens.

jcdenton, avatar

Just season 1 tho season 2 goes nowhere


It was pretty popular in my house, but we’re all frightfully silly here.


Season 2 was written purely as build up for season 3 tbf.

Ward, avatar

S2 was still fun!

Quazatron, avatar

Awesome, also read the book if you can.


That was years ago :)

Samsy, in What reasons are there for being concerned about companies like google and meta etc collecting data and tracking me?

It’s called microtargeting, all big tech companys are sorting people in groups, just by their use of the service. It starts with simple things, for example: cats or dogs? And this goes deeper to your religion or sexuality, politics etc. Created mostly for advertising it got used by political parties. Check the Cambridge analytical scandal. If you easily able to sort the people for your target you are able to manipulate your targeted people.

Newest scandal for microtargeting came from the EU-Commission with the chatcontrol.


Cambridge Analytica stuff though I think mostly revolved around them identifying more vulnerable users.

I don’t consider myself vulnerable to this stuff (I may consider grandparents and certain friends a bit more vulnerable) - should I still be worried about them having my personal data? I obviously would rather they don’t have my vulnerable relatives data so they aren’t manipulated, but for me personally does it matter?


You not considering yourself vulnerable to this stuff makes you exactly the type that is vulnerable to this stuff.


That’s kind of silly really. Consider the example above where the woman gets fired for being pregnant. Now just pretend it was a man thing instead. What if you are diagnosed with a curable cancer, but your employer only sees oncology and fires you. What if they find out you go to a bar that is NEAR a gay bar and they just establish a policy that draws a radius around them? I can go on forever. You don’t have control over what makes you vulnerable.

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