Many people have terrible gaits and slam their heels down as they walk. I don’t know how someone comes to walk this way, as I’d imagine it is comfortable or great for the joints.
Basically, moccasins. Very thin, very flexible soles, with a wide toe box, so your feet can fully splay. They offer some protection against sharp rocks and similar hazards, but absolutely no support. Some have individual toes instead of a toe box.
They also make your feet absolutely ripped. I bought a pair from Vivo Barefoot a year and a half ago and they took about a month to not be tiring to walk in. I felt muscles in my feet I didn’t know existed, and now my feet are the most vascular part of my body and look like I do some crazy for specific exercise. I can’t wear normal shoes anymore because my toes feel cramped, not being able to feel the ground feels weird, and I feel like I’m gonna slip way more because I can’t “grip” the ground with my foot.
My back doesn’t hurt from walking anymore. Highly recommend, but you gotta give yourself a month to get used to them. Many barefoot shoe stores do 90 day returns no questions asked to give you time to adjust.
Shoes that don’t restrict the feet movements. Basically gloves for feet. Only protect superficially to allegedly allow the foot full range of motion and train and stimulate the use of all the muscles when walking and running. They reached peak popularity back in 2010. Recently some studies had questioned this claims as they seem to increase the rate of injuries, for of course, they provide no ankle support or torsion protection.
I accept this. I saw these when they premiered- like lining up outside the theatre and everyone cheering, etc. That was in middle school and high school and it was a true experience at the time. So, I’ll always have a soft spot for them, but you’re basically correct.
Same with original Star Trek. I love Trek, but that shit is unwatchable. I read the novels to get the context to better enjoy TNG and after, I can’t hand the godawful sound effects and William Shatner’s smug mug. How are there so many episodes based around how “attractive” that man is?!
At 13 I realized one’s religion - and therefore whether they live in paradise or suffer for all eternity - depends almost entirely on the place of birth.
Why would God do it that way? There is only one correct religion and thousands of false ones? I would need to be very lucky to have been born into a culture that spoon fed me the one correct religion while discouraging all the others. What were the odds of me not going to hell?
From around 18 on it was religious people’s behavior and politics. Why do religion’s “morals” support irresponsible and hateful legislation?
Mid to late 20s I got into philosophy and realized “because God” is never the simplest answer.
Where did the universe come from? God made it of course.
But where did God come from? He was always there.
Then why couldn’t the universe just be the thing that was always there? Or at least the conditions that allowed for the universe to come into existence?
Adding God into the mix only complicates the answer and makes it less likely to be true compared to whatever our current best, simplest hypothesis is.
Move to the couch, and read a boring book if you can’t sleep. Don’t do anything stimulating or chances are it will make it harder to eventually go back to sleep.
It's most probably feelings from your nerves, that you are re-interpreting as coming from inside your brain. Kind of like how headaches sometimes feel as if they are in the middle of your brain.
Yup. Samsung sold smartwatches that promised an upcoming ECG feature to have it only available when connected to a Samsung phone when it came out, but not other Android phones. They also try and force you to put their TVs on your network so they can track everything you do. Never again.
You’re not missing out on much. I stopped using the ecg feature on the Samsung watches when it gave me an AFib warning and I went to a doctor about it. They hooked me up to an EKG and said I was fine and looked at the chart my watch generated and said the chart there also looked fine. I put on both my apple watch and galaxy watch and was measuring both at the same time and the apple watch gave out either high heart rate (I just got back from a walk) or inconclusive meanwhile the galaxy watch fired off another false AFib warning.
Consequences aren’t the only thing that cause people to act they way they act. It’s certainly one reason some people don’t do certain things.
One reason Homelander is the way he is is because how he was raised. If tomorrow I got all Homelander’s powers, I wouldn’t instantly become a psychopath. I mean it might occur to me that any action I might take, and no one could stop me or punish me. But as Homelander observed (at least in the prior season, I’m not entirely caught up) that alienation from his fellow supers is actually a consequence he deals with.
A good example of this is asking yourself if you would kill your immediate family if you could do so with impunity. For most of us the answer is, of course, no. That’s because of familiarity, and how we think of them as our “in group.” Same goes for anyone else. If you’re morally developed then no one should be afraid of you, except maybe the truly vile.
I’m not a violent person and never get into trouble but if I suddenly became superman I’d immediately punch Putin to death. And a bunch of other politicans / plutocrats that have made the world 100x worse.
Spoilers for the first few seasons: the righteous non supers find drugs to give themselves superheroes so they can battle the corrupt super heroes. Yes, this cheat code to power begins to corrupt them too.
Further, the super hero Council and corporation works hard to replace the roles the military covers. They then become an unaccountable shadow agency that the people want to keep doing the work of the government… But then democracy is slipping away.
See I wouldn’t do any of that. I work from the top down only. Just keep punching assholes at the top to death, then the next person takes his place. Eventually there won’t be assholes left, so we’ll actually get good leaders 😅
I wouldn’t touch anything else, policing, military democracy it all unfolds as it does. But assholes wouldn’t run for office or lead any douchenoozle armies becuase, you guessed it, punched to death!
The person says “I don’t know” fairly often. It shows that the person is not quick to draw conclusions, based on little to no information; this is gold, it means avoiding a lot of personal drama where they could blame you for things that they assume that you did.
They’re generally on the same page about common acquaintances as you.
That’s different. I’m talking about avoiding to rush towards certainty, not lack of opinion/preference.
That said, “I don’t know… it’s too late to buy groceries, but we got a frozen lasagna, there are some vegs in the fridge, and I could whip some fried chicken if you want. What do you want?” sounds perfect for me. So the issue here isn’t the “I don’t know”, it’s the lack of input.
[Dunno if you were speaking seriously or joking. If joking, sorry for the serious answer.]
Nuts are super nutrient-dense. Just a handful gets you a decent amount of calories & protein. You can crush some up and mix with your oatmeal if they’re too much to chew.
Peanut butter is kinda my go-to snack in general, especially with some of the no sugar added flavored ones (I have one with coffee mixed in that’s amazing).
With women who have already had breast cancer, taking 12mg of lignin (found in flak and some other seeds) every day correlated with an 80% reduction in death after 5 years.
Beans are good also. As well as Greens, Onions, Mushrooms, & Berries.
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