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em2, in What prevents you from going to bed early? avatar



Dark wing duck!

THE_ANON, (edited )

I thoght there was a spin off about him coming ?

Klear, in What are some tech predictions for 2024 that actually could happen?

Elon Musk is gonna say and/or do something stupid. That’s tech, right?


Statistically that has already happened


I’m surprised it didn’t happen by 12:02 AM on the first.


I hate /r/technology. Thanks for reminding me

HurlingDurling, (edited ) avatar

you mean !technology


Haven’t visited it. I’m assuming it’s less of a dumpster fire than the reddit version

Illuminostro, in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

Promoting greed and selfishness as virtues. We have lunatics trying to take over the country who are true believers.

frankramblings, in Court documents naming Epstein associates are to be made public this week? Who do you think will come out the worst?

One can only hope the Trumps and Clintons get taken down, but that’s too optimistic


Worse thing you’re going to see about bill Clinton is he flew on the plane. Epstein lent his plane out for various people to take to any number of places, charity events, whatever. There was some rumors about a pilot claiming Clinton visited the Island, but nothing that was confirmed by a second source that I recall.…/bill-clinton-identified-as-…

xylogx, in Ancient wisdom often sounds like common sense now that it is commomly taught. What is some ancient wisdom that we no longer teach because it was wrong?

Phlogiston, its where heat comes from!


it’s* where

spiderhamster, in Mayo, mustard or ketchup?

Fuck mayo, marry mustard, kill ketchup.

squeakycat, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

I too miss the LED notification light. If you have an amoled display, check this out:


That’s really cool, thanks!

bg10k, in Mayo, mustard or ketchup? avatar


oxjox, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? avatar


iPhones are far too big and have too many huge cameras for me. Everything requires a subscription or some login to do anything. Applications and operating systems are updated at the whims of CEOs while the job of UX designers is de-prioritized. Software updates keep breaking established workflows. I can no longer rely on devices or apps to maintain a consistent experience from one year to the next. It’s just been years and years and years of disappointment and stress as technology changes for the worse.

All this is pushing me towards a more unplugged lifestyle. Which is a bit ironic given how it adds more complexity with the need to own and travel with more things. A bag of five ‘things’ that always work regardless of network connection is better than a little tablet that could crash or die or be updated at any moment and having a significant impact on your lifestyle.

There’s just no fucking zen anymore. I feel like I’m living inside a simulation built by the same people who brought us Windows 95.

douglasg14b, avatar

One part about this you may be surprised about is that the random updates to software tend to be pushed by UX designers in my experience.

They want to do “something”, and that’s something often is changing something that currently works. Or pushing for design that goes against UI best practices because it’s their pet.


oxjox, avatar

As a former UI I artist, I wholeheartedly disagree. The interfaces and operating systems that I’ve struggled with recently go against human interface guidelines. It’s more likely that middle management is creating projects to make themselves seem more relevant. Or, in the case with Apple, my assumption is that upper management is trying to push all their other devices towards synergy with Vision Pro - a product which has yet to hit market and find acceptance.


iPhones are far too big and have too many huge cameras for me.

It’s the same outside of the Apple ecosystem too. It’s as if everything is tied together. If I want a high end phone with nice build quality and a good, high resolution + high refresh rate display, I’m usually forced to also pay for 3-4 different cameras that I might never use. If I want to constrain myself to a more reasonable price, I’m limited to either a last year flagship or a current midrange model.


I kinda miss the simplicity of Windows 95. Pre-OSR2, the last version before the integration of Internet Explorer, one of the last few versions before the analytics era, where everything you do is collected, catalogued, compiled into data that drives further UX change (which A/B test did the best this week? Cool, now let’s change it up again). The last one where I could reasonably understand every process that was running. And it was even possible to shut almost every one of them off in the name of giving every CPU cycle to the processes that I wanted to run. (Back when 350 mhz was as good as I could get)

NullaFacies, (edited ) in Will ublock Origin be blocked on chrome soon?💀💀💀 avatar

No, it won’t be blocked.

That being said, it will be handicapped.…

Safari doesn’t have uBlock Origin at the moment AFAIK; it was discontinued. uBlock Origin on Firefox will continue using MV2 which allows for better extension/list updating.

orbital, in What word do you always forget? avatar

I was going to answer this but I can’t remember.

A_A, avatar

Same here, I have that same word on the tip of my tongue and can’t remember it either.

CubbyTustard, (edited ) in What are your best flight tips and tricks?


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  • Oderus,

    These are stellar tips.

    I would add avoid alcohol before and during the flight and noise cancelling headphones.

    Also, apply for GOES or the trusted travel program. Nexus for Canadians.

    I love traveling with my Nexus card. Never have to wait in line ever.

    supercritical, avatar

    Love it so much this straight up sounds like an advertisement

    TheRaven, avatar

    It’s $50 every 5 years. As someone who’s sat in border lines nearly 2 hours long, it was an easy buy. The eased up security in American airports is just a cherry on top.


    I do sometimes feels like I’m selling Nexus cards because it’s so amazing, I want everyone to have the same experience.

    I once flew into Victoria BC, Canada. Airport is really small so they don’t have a dedicated Nexus line like they do for major airports. I walked up to the guard at the front of the line and asked, ‘where’s the Nexus line?’ and he said to the crowd of people waiting, ‘wait here. I’ll be right back’ and then told me to follow him. He lead me to the front of the line like some movie star or big shot and everyone was eyeballing me like wtf is this guy. They tell people to move back to make room for me, right before the scanners and I just slink my way to the front with all eyes on me. As the guard leaves, I said, ‘I have a Nexus card… $50 for 5 years, it’s totally worth it’.

    Prior to having a Nexus, I once nearly missed a flight due to airport issues, not because I was late and the stress alone was worth $50 per flight, let alone $50 for 5 damn years. Even better? Americans pay $100 USD for 5 years and we only pay $50 CAD.

    Seriously, apply for one.

    xenomor, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

    Ethan Klein and H3. Before the Israel stuff happened in October, the silliness was enjoyable because it seemed like the guy had an earnest, intellectual curiosity underneath it all.


    I dropped off when he stopped making content and switched to the podcast full time. Seems like every 6-18 months Ethan has another controversy where he accidentally lets his mask slip and a whole new group of people find out he’s actually an asshole.

    Blue_Morpho, (edited )

    What did he ever do? He seems to be the YouTube equivalent of famous for being famous. I’ve tried watching but it’s a lot of nothing talk and seemingly contrived drama with other YouTubers who also talk a tremendously long time about nothing.

    Linkerbaan, (edited ) avatar

    He gave a few lukewarm takes but the worst one was probably him sticking with “we gotta get rid of hummus” which is literally impossible because every time the IDF does a genocide tour through Gaza they create three times as much Hamas as they destroy.

    He really hammers on the “both sides are bad” when almost everything in the conflict is clearly israel’s fault. It’s like the teacher punishing both the bully and the bullied kid when the bullied kid fights back.

    edit removed a rumor that’s most likely untrue from further research


    I spent too long trying to figure out what chickpeas did wrong lol


    I stopped watching when they stopped doing the prank vids, I was subbed when he did the “it’s a ten” vid and all the edits and meme vids, the Vape Naysh.

    SlurpDaddySlushy, in What's the funniest WiFi network name you've seen?



    Damn you, I snorted a bit in public.

    sik0fewl, in What is your favorite time travel movie or show?

    Terminator 2.

    sentient_loom, avatar

    A perfect movie.

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