Stuff keeps breaking in my house. I hate fixing the stuff, but I always feel super proud when it’s done.
In the last month I replaced an electrical outlet that released its magic smoke when the electric griddle cord short circuited. I replaced the igniter in our gas oven. And just today I replaced the insinkerator garbage disposal that started leaking water under the sink.
Are you only considering the hardware/price, or also the software side?
Which OS’es do you have experience with, and/or preference for?
The previous Mac I used was the first one they made with a colour screen (yes, I’m that old). Then last year I got a Mac laptop and I wanted to love it … but man, that OS is getting in my way something fierce! To such an extent, in fact, that I switched over to my own (arguably inferior) Thinkpad that’s been running Linux since forever.
MobileTechReview ( ), Lisa’s reviews feel the most authentic to me without too much bullshit and they always helped me with my buying decisions.
Time. Crushes are naturally a temporary infatuation. They pass given time. Have fun with the fantasies, but I personally would not suggest trying to actually hit on her.
It’s poor form to hit on people in their work places. If she initiates, that’s one thing, but I wouldn’t try anything otherwise.
I do this with any new song I discover. When I first listened to Radiohead I consumed their albums like opioids, now I’m being more careful with The Smile, I listen to Bending Hectic once a week max.
A lot of comments here on adult competitive sports.
Any restrictions for school children would be highly invasive and detrimental to a child’s wellbeing. Many school contact sports will have weight grades, which suffice to manage risks.
Also bare in mind that in the current culture wars, you may have a fixed idea of what “trans” means that does not meet the myriad of actual circumstances.
One of the main issues is the lack of competition. There are now only 3 main browser engines, Blink, Gecko and WebKit. Blink (which poses Chrome and Edge) is by far the largest, and has a the enormous marketing might of Google (and Microsoft to a lesser extent) behind it. WebKit runs Safari, which only runs on Apple platforms and arguably only has the market share it does is because Apple doesn’t allow other browser engines to run on iPhones and iPads. Gecko, the engine of Firefox, continues to slide into irrelevance (which pains me to say as a long time Firefox user).
We are in real danger of the web being trapped in a browser monoculture again, like the dark dark times of Internet Explorer’s dominance. This led to a period of stagnation in web technology Microsoft at the time put little effort into developing IE. Allowing Blink/Chrome to do the same will likely be just as damaging, albeit in different ways - particularly for privacy on the web.
For the good of the web no one company should ever be in the position to dictate web standards, which is why we need a healthy and competitive marketplace of web browsers and browser engines. The problem is that web standards have now become so complex developing an indecent browser engine is now a monumental task. Opera gave up on Presto, once the poster child for browser innovation. Microsoft, a company with far more resources, gave up on Trident. Mozilla was developing a new generation browser engine called Servo, but gave up on the project also.
people around me are starting to realize that firefox is the go-to browser nowadays. my dad has actually been using it since he bought his current computer. and i’ve switched back from opera gx due to concerns of me being in a walled garden of advertisement.
The big issue is that by adding more and more features, a browser has become an operating system and so complex that you can’t hope to make a new one from scratch.
The last “new” browser engine (that wasn’t built by a corporation) was KHTML which was stolen harvested first by Apple for Webkit and subsequently by Google for Blink. KHTML then rotted without support.
The most recent attempt was to build Servo in Rust. Mozilla “ran out of money” (they depend on Google for their existence), and it’s already rotting.
my mom started teaching deaf kids at a school in my hometown. this school is mostly attended by kids from poor families and some from nearby villages. the funding of this school is very small, and not much is provided to help prepare classes. note that my mom never knew how to speak sign language but she was very determined to learn to to.
my mom also wasn’t pc-literate and was previously not keen on learning to use it but in order to excel (pun not intended) at her position she was required to learn to use word and other teaching tools on the computer.
so i helped her get started and showed her how to prepare her classes using images and she was quite a fast learner and resources online to learn sign language, but i was especially happy to find some amazing tools that had kid friendly animations which helped her teach them to write and speak sign language
something that really touched me is that one day, her work computer was malfunctioning so i had to visit her and fix it for her. when i walked in, her students didn’t recognize me so they asked her who i was, and when she told them i was her son who got her those learning tools they became ecstatic and signed how grateful they were to be able to meet me in real life
they’re mostly 8-14yo and were marginalized especially since the class they attended was previously discontinued and they had no other way to become literate and integrate a bit more into society. ive sat through some of her sessions and ill never forget the look in their eyes and how happy and excited to learn they all were
they went on to get their 6th grade diploma and some of them even continued their studies beyond that, im also proud of my mom who helped save them and at least be more literate, even though its not much to a full education but its about as good as it gets given the circumstances
“take over texas” as if the federal govt wasn’t already in control of the states. the states pay federal taxes, and they receive various federal benefits. texas isn’t some separate nation. it’s just one of the regular 50 states.
They will refuse to hear this, Texans do believe they are unique little butterflies. They don’t understand that after the Civil War the Federal Government solidified its hold on the states. Probably for the better.
My favorite channel would have to be Destination Adventure with Dustin Porter. Why this guy doesn’t have 10,000,000 subscribers is beyond me. Not only does he go to some amazing places, but he’s a really gifted videographer. Everything about them is top-notch, and he does it all by himself. The amount of B-roll stuff he gets must be a tremendous amount of work. He picks great music too…
Apple does flat-rate repairs for Mac laptops that haven’t been damaged by impact or liquid damage. If they can perform a repair cheaper in-store, they usually will do so, but I am going on old info from being a repair tech at an Apple Store a decade ago. You could ask an Apple Store employee to get the cost of flat-rate repairs from a technician and then you’d know what you’re potentially looking at. I’ve owned many Mac laptops and only needed a repair on one (and that was still under warranty).
I’m a Mac nerd who’s fascinated by Framework laptops. I don’t think either decision would be wrong. I haven’t got to test drive one, so I can’t offer an informed opinion beyond what I’ve said here.
An unhoused woman recently asked me if I’d buy her some food at a fast food joint. I said ok because I think I have a moral obligation to help anyone who asks for food if I can afford to. She ordered the largest multi-item meal they offered (think bucket of chicken). The person ringing it up offered to do a smaller combo, but I said fuck it and let her get the largest. I figured she might have people to feed other than herself and it’s not like I couldn’t afford to let her indulge.
The reason I’m proud on this is because I changed myself into this compassionate person where once there was an angry person filled with hate. This is the product of years of therapy and deliberate self-work. I’m also proud of finally being able to love myself. That happened in 2019-2020.
You are amazing. I’m inspired. I’ve been an angry hate filled person for about 5 years and am recently pulling out through attempting some sort of self realization. Thanks for posting.
Stress is undoubtedly a massive factor in mental illness, but there are others. Genetics plays a huge factor, as does trauma. I suspect lack of community is pretty huge too.
It just seems like society is knowingly creating hell on earth.
Yeah. I agree with this one. We’re too invested in the current order to seriously consider anything else.
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