If its the courtyard I’m thinking of, a well placed fireball can also be the most satisfying spell of the game.
My favourite spell for Shadowheart was always spirit guardians. Partly just because it was funny to watch her dashing around the map, mopping up weaklings.
I make Gale an Evocation wizard every time, and spend almost all his spell slots on Shatter, Fireball, and Ice Storm. He mops the floor of a crowd very efficiently!
Bless at low-to-mid levels and spirit guardians later are the best things Shadowheart can spend her concentration on for, like, 95% of situations. Both spells are extremely good, just like they are in the tabletop. Never understood people criticizing Shadowheart for being useless; she’s a Cleric, and that’s great already even if her subclass (which you can respec her out of) is subpar for the class.
She was so slow for most of the game that I couldn’t make much use of those. Near the end she got some boots that gave her freedom of movement, and longstrider, and then I started doing the same thing with her. Just using dash and running over next to everyone. LOL
Edit: it was the courtyard right before you start climbing to get to the brain. I dropped an ice storm on top of the group with the spectator, and that was pretty satisfying. It killed everything except for the spectator. Is that the courtyard you’re talking about? My favorite playing with fire moment was a fire bolt in the sewers on all of those grease monsters. Half the sewer went up in flames!
This makes me miss having auto pause on trap found from Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. Would be kinda cool to have a setting to automatically turn on turn-based mode when a trap is spotted.
Man, that takes me back to the unforgiving text adventure games of yore. A simple screw up in any of the early Sierra titles, or Zork or even the Hugo titles, will condemn you to an unwinnable game without telling you.
Dragging down the games it owns and the stock with it, the powers that be at Hadbro instead decided to stick with the sinking ship.
The spin-off would have been beautiful. Run by gamers, for gamers; like it was in the beginning with people like Peter Adkison and Richard Garfield at the helm.
If you’re that opposed to earning something and feeling like you earned it you can just exit the game through a hard close (alt-f4 or going to home screen and force closing the app on console) as that doesn’t save to the save file. But then you’ll feel like a dirty rotten cheater every time you look at your shiny dice. So you do you.
That kind of sucks. I’ve intentionally kept her around so that she would be useful in this last fight. Oh well. I think I’m almost to the brain and I haven’t had to call on reinforcements yet.
I remember Divinity Original Sin was the same, the song was really shrill too, they don’t appear to have a good track record with a games musical score
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