There are a lot of things ppl seem to ascribe to adhd that aren’t (and also it often depends on the severity/frequency whether it’s normal or not) but also symptoms for different mental afflictions often overlap and distinguishing between them can be hard. So it’s very possible something is related to adhd, but someone experiences the same issue without having adhd.
I have no idea if this particular issue is related to adhd though, but doesn’t seem unlikely.
Adhd-ers aren’t living in alien bodies, we’re all uniquely human. The problem with adhd is in the executive function of the brain. So we make certain human mistakes others (can) also make to the point where it becomes a disorder. In this case to all the things that have to do with executive functions. Looks different for everyone and there are many different expressions of the disorder.
So you can relate? Okay now imagine this happening everyday multiple times a day with things big and small. The other day I wanted to put lotion on my face so I put toothpaste on my gf toothbrush. It’s harmless and small most of the time, but it’s constant and you have to work hard to overcome it.
Ear cockroaches are actually worse since they are not very good at moving backwards. So once they’re in they don’t have any chance but to burrow ever deeper.
This is relatable. In my experience, the only way to prevent is to make it literally impossible to leave for the place without bonking into the thing. Like don’t put the thing next to the door, put it in front of the door.
For real. I have sometimes put important things on my jacket, and my jacket in front of the door. That works. And I still tend to pick up my jacket so the thing I was to remember falls to the floor because it somehow still doesn’t occur to me that I put my jacket on the floor in order to remember something…
I’m the 2nd child and was pretty much free roam type. Ended up with less baggage than the 1st, but had like 10 near death experiences before 15, and my friend and I would’ve been smoking crack at age 12 if we could’ve found any.
Lucky. In my case the first went wrong, so I got the obsessive-control emotionally abusive don’t-you-dare-breathe-wrong type… Yay PTSD and a suicide attempt at 12 years old… Yeah I’d prefer the near death experiences, but at least not wanting to die.
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