As the other person said, having a house or flat (apartment) door with a slot in it is probably the most common mail receiving method in Britain and maybe other European countries too. Ireland almost certainly, and common or not, I've definitely seen them in pictures of the Netherlands.
Some buildings might have a dedicated separate slot, but due to convention it's often very near the door, and any external mail boxes aren't far away either. They're often on the wall next to the door.
I’m in California and the house I grew up in in the suburbs had a slot like that. I was kind of jealous of friends who had a “real” mailbox and going out to check the mail was a thing they got to do every day. I live out in the country now and the mailbox is 150 meters from the house so I only check it once per week. If there’s a package that’s too big to go in the box the letter carrier has to drive all the way up to the house and gets pretty pissy about it, they definitely would not come shove letters through the door every day.
If you mean the mail slot, it’s perhaps old-fashioned, since it’s a security weakness.
I remember seeing an old movie where a family kept the house key on a string just inside, so when the kid got home from school they could reach in, get the key, and unlock the door (parents were at work).
And a couple where someone put fire or explosives through the slot.
There’s a widely spread, rumour that the last Australian Prime Minister - Scott the liar from the Shire Morrison shat himself in an Engadine McDonald’s in 1997 after his team, the Cronulla Sharks lost the finals. The rumours were persistent enough that he had to deny the rumours ~20 years later on one of the most popular radio show in the country.
Considering how much time he spends with a gormless shit-eating grin plastered all over his dumb mug, some of that shit was bound to overflow at one point or another.
You may want to reconsider your dietary choices, or if that’s not it, see a doctor for either your alcohol problem or your severe digestive issues, depending on which it is.
Not true either. 10k just came out of this Japanese company selling step counters for the Olympics, far as I remember because the sign for 10k vaguely looks like someone walking. Definitely healthy to walk, but 10k is likely more than necessary. Ultimately as with all things, it’s catchy but your need will be individual.
Plenty of evidence that physical activity is healthy though. Not disputing the 10,000 steps being made up but absolutely a good thing to regularly go for a walk.
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