We’ve become so successful at getting food, we don’t have to move much to do it any more. So we have to go out of our way to be active to stay healthy since evolution takes so long to catch up.
I’ve got my money on that not happening until after an apocalyptic event sends us back to the iron age. And the adaptations we’re gonna get aren’t gonna be pretty.
Unless we get fucked spectacularly we probably wont devolve back to the iron age. At worst maybe the age of sails but even then it’d be rather scattershot on what tech would survive. You might have a scenario where most tech is at 1700s level but with radio and modern firearms or atleast ww1-gulf war level.
Yeah it’ll definitely be a mish mash of technology but a very large part of humanity will be left alone to their own devices having to find any way to survive
The main difference though was those were just societal not ecological.
People were able to bounce back easily because resources were still plentiful and food was everywhere. With climate change a lot of resources are going to become unavailable.
With the level of technical knowledge we’ve achieved, there’s no way we’re going back to doing things exactly the way they used to. One example that jumps out at me is the method this primitive technology guy on youtube uses to stoke his furnace. He’s basically made a little manual turbine out of leaves and vines to push his air rather than one of those little squeeze box things.
Obviously I’m not a blacksmith or historian so I don’t actually know how common something like that might have been, but I’m guessing it’s not super old. In any case, I’m sure there are other ways that we’d apply our more advanced knowledge to tackling the sorts of problems we’d be looking at with a collapse of manufacturing and shipping infrastructure.
Honestly, a technologically adept but non-industrial society of artisans sounds kind of cool.
A step further even, a lot of us need to burn off excess energy, because we’re so well off (evolutionarily speaking) that we practically can’t help but take in more energy than we burn naturally
I used to refer to going to the gym as the “farm work simulator”. It always amazed me that society progressed to the point where physical labor isn’t necessary, but we chose to pay money, so that we can pretend to do it, in order to live longer
Ngl, if they make gym work as some kind of “heavy work” simulator games like Farming or Mining, with tracking progress, achievements, and competitive ranking, I would be at the gym way more.
VR games already make me work out way more than I thought I would.
I had a room mate who would drive a 5 mile round trip to the gym and back to walk five miles on the treadmill. I didn’t have a car at the time and was always pointing out the nonsense of it. She said she just preferred the atmosphere of the gym to the side of the road or any of the many beautiful nature trails near by. 🤷♀️
To be fair, I can close my eyes and just sort of flail on an elliptical in a way that would absolutely hurt me if I tried it on the ground. It’s also a lot lower impact and when I’m done I can just stop.
I haven’t played the games and even I knew the movie wasn’t accurate to the games, although there are a lot of references according to friends. The movie isn’t very good, a few plot points could easily be explained away, typical “I don’t have time to explain” type stuff. But it could still be a decent watch, although don’t expect to get scared because it’s not very scary
I’m a FNAF fan, and as a movie its quality is that of a straight to DVD movie. It has major flaws that I could go into incredible length about, but the more I think about it, the more I like it as is. The lore of the games is campy, and all over the place, as well as cliché in many places. The series never took itself too seriously while managing to make goofy characters feel mildly threatening. The FNAF movie captures this campy B movie plot excellently.
Really, the major draw for me was that I had invested my emotions into a community that formed as a result of the creator embracing his fans and doing his best to give them what they wanted, even if he wasn’t the best at it. The community never really cared that the lore was imperfect, they cared because they felt like they could invest themselves in the story because there was another game of uncovering the hidden story after they finished playing each game. It brought people together because everyone had their own takes on the story. It was super exciting to have each game show up because then you’d have more people with their own takes on the story and big personalities making videos having fun with a goofy game series.
Seeing the movie felt like a huge love letter to the whole experience. I wanted to see these goofy and campy machines on the big screen because they already occupied a space in my imagination. As a fan, I went in with the perfect level of expectation, I expected a campy B movie that would be fun to watch and not take too seriously, and its exactly what I got. In fact, there was a level of fan service in the film which made me absolutely delighted to watch it.
I woke up yesterday at 9:30 am. I didn’t fall asleep until 7 am this morning, and that was after two 6% ABV beers, 40 mg of melatonin, and about 150 mg of Benadryl, along with natural herb sleeping pills.
You think I wanna live this way? I woke up at 8 am today, exercised, got time outside, and I popped 20 mg of Ambien about an hour ago (midnight). I’m still awake and I’m not sleep-typing lol it’s 1:40 am
I think it’s this damn Stratera, so I’m stopping it.
I know alcohol is a depressant, but initially it can wake you up and long term absolutely fucks your ability to sleep. I highly recommend dropping that from your sleep aids. My ex claimed it helped him but it was honestly disturbing how he couldn’t tell just how wrong he was: waking up every few hours at most when he finally did manage to get to sleep. I had to help him taper down to prevent seizures, though, so this is obviously an extreme example.
Oh yeah, I know it’s not good, it’s just what I had around, I rarely have any alcohol in my fridge actually. I prefer smoking weed, but my tolerance is insanely high, so I stopped smoking but have to deal with this until I can get my tolerance down (like a month of no smoking) and get a medical marijuana card from my state.
My wife and I hatewatch house hunting shows when we’re stuck up in a hotel sometimes.
What sometimes happen is something you can’t hatewatch. One episode of “Love it or List It” had a black family where mom had to do clear the kitchen table to do the office work she brought home, the older teenage boy had a bed too short and his legs hung over the edge, and grandma moved in and had to sleep in the same bed as the younger daughter. I can’t hatewatch that. This family is legit struggling with their current housing arrangements and needs a fix.
Then the next thing comes on, and it’s a white family where their biggest problems are that the house is too far from the golf course and the kids don’t all have their own bathrooms. Thank you, hatewatching gods, I can work with this!
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