It’s more the kitchen appliances that I use aren’t the ones people bought as gifts… seriously that combined air fryer/pressure cooker/five-other-cooker-things is… annoying.
(I just have an instapot+slow cooker, immersion blender+blender+food processor that I have to hide from certain family, the absence of the “all in ones” would start a fight.)
You know I never considered my crosswords and puzzles as hobbies before but those probably count huh? Your meditation comment made me think they might.
The amount of acorns produced by oak trees varies from year to year, every few years they produce far more than the squirrel population can eat meaning many acorns are lost and can propagate. It’s called a mast year.
It took me a few minutes to figure out what your Picassoesque reindeer was. I thought it was some kind of deformed moose.
I don’t mean to be negative though … the content and writing is great … it’s just the image of the reindeer was distracting for a minute before I could look through the rest of the comic.
Back in my day, we didn’t have no dang hoverboards, and hoverboards were a thing of the future from 2015 when Marty McFly would fly across the silver screen on his one true hoverboard. I spent the best years of my life working on anti-gravity technology with the hope that I could one day too fly like Marty, on a real hoverboard, but now I just sit in my own graveyard of failed dreams while the kids are zoomin’ around on their wheely-scooters and calling them hoverboard. Thanks Obama!
Well, it’s not a surprise that the definition of “AI” is not based on how it is represented in fiction. It shouldn’t.
But the definition of AI is still oddly large and include a lot of things that probably shouldn’t be part of it.
On the other hand, when people talk about “AI”, it’s almost always about machine learning, aimed at NLP or vision tasks, which is also inaccurate as AI can do much more than that.
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