I don’t think I’ve ever hand-washed anything. Then again, most clothes these days are build to be pretty disposable and include plastics instead of only natural fibers.
Absolutely! Behave as expected and everything will go better.
There’s a thing called “the wave of death” where one driver stops in the middle of a road and waves for a pedestrian to cross, but the cars going the other way don’t know this person just decided to do that, and the pedestrian has a false sense of safety from being waved across… Bad shit.
I’m pretty sure it is a law somewhere that every school has to have a photocopy of this comic in the teachers lounge with that specitic school’s name edited in.
Ear cockroaches are actually worse since they are not very good at moving backwards. So once they’re in they don’t have any chance but to burrow ever deeper.
Even more hilarious when you realize that the veteran has only one leg in the drawing. Edit: Well excuse me for thinking that the punchline was that the son had just pivoted to drawing really depressing topics garnering the reaction from the parents.
Technically you’re correct, and I wish I could agree. However, the line “I’m so glad our son has moved away from drawing huge cocks” was already pretty great.
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