That’s the good thing about MTG. A first round kill is theoretical possible, but buying the cards costs you several k. Also the card needed for this is banned in almost every playmode.
Are you arguing a high price point for MTG is good? That’s laughable. A game should be balanced by play skill. I play cEDH which has turn 1 wins but they’re infrequent and I never expect my opponent to actually own the cards. I want to play opponents, not their wallet. Some formats are financially restrictive and that just plain stupid.
That’s why I also mentioned that those cards are banned in almost every format. Of course, skill is better than money, but because of the complexity of mtg having a good deck makes a huge difference. Also just so that you know. For a round 1 kill in mtg you need to draw the black lotus(which you are only allowed to have once in your deck), the card channel fireball, one red mana and a shock. You need to draw all this cards in order to insta kill your opponent. It’s very powerful, but also very rare.
At least you’re onboard with skill>money. Your example is referring only to Vintage though. There are plenty of turn 1 wins in any of the Eternal formats, there have also been turn 0 wins (win in your opponents first turn upkeep). Even in Vintage, there are many more ways to turn 1 win, without Black Lotus. In cEDH turn 1 wins are uncommon but there are plenty of decks where they can occur but to your point, it is very rare. cEDH has the added benefit of 3 opponents trying to stop you but even then early wins happen. The banlist being built around casual Commander but used for cEDH doesn’t help.
You’ve activated my trap card! Also, my unbreakable board full of effect monsters that negate literally everything you could possibly try to do while I pop all of your cards with my spell counters and discard your whole hand.
Kliban was an absolute genius. I have every collection available of his comics, but there are tons that were never collected. The only place I’ve found them being archived is a Facebook group.
All these air fryer, broiler, sautéing, and other methods…
Y’all forgot about microwaves. Microwaves and veggies are amazing. Broccoli, carrots, etc. Microwave until a fork still has a little resistance. Add a spot of sour cream or honey and dill… Or something. Tada. So fast. So yummy.
Okay I microwave veggies a lot because it’s convenient but we cannot pretend that the fart cloud created by microwaved broccoli is in anyway close to the delicious crispyness of stir fried or baked broccoli
Sounds good. My parents make microwave potatoes often, and I have to admit they’re good. My microwave broke a couple years ago and I haven’t missed it, though.
I dunno. With enough money, “yes men” can be employed to tell me how much I deserve to be the boss, and books I’m uncomfortable with can be removed from my local library. /s
Edit: But I would never do that. Simple delusions of grandeur are easier to achieve and have fewer network externalities.
I knew this would come up, and you are absolutely right. But apart of the bourgeoisie who really have some parts of their brains wired differently, us “normal” people even if we are successful we suffer from imposter syndrome or burn out.
I had a coworker who was constantly buying new phones. I didn’t know why until I realized that he didn’t use a case. He didn’t like how the phones looked with a case on them.
Same. I suggested that to him, but nope. Phones also seem slipperier than they used to be, so I feel like the case lets you hang onto it better, keeping you from dropping it in the first place.
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