Holy shit that’s the bastard that hurts and tightens when I don’t walk around enough or I lay on the sofa too long on my back.
When I get up my back will be bent forward and tight. It feels so tight round the back and inside it feels like I’m shorter at the waist. Weird, horrible feeling. It goes away if I pivot round on my hips and walk round a bit.
I’ve found what aggravates it most is if I’m on my back and have my legs up. Basically the more L-shaped my body is on it’s side or back (legs up) the worse it gets. If I do lots of walking or running it loosens it up.
Motherfucking QL - I see you now you bastard. I know where you live! I know what you look like! I’m gonna fuck you up!
I’d recommend checking in with a professional (GP, physiotherapist, sports masseuse) if you need to get that tightness worked through. You can try get at it yourself with something small and firm like a lacrosse or golf ball but it’s pretty tricky to get at this muscle yourself given how deep it is. I’ve managed to relieve it on occasion lying on my back with a lacrosse ball wedged under. I move it around the area in a gentle circular motion for a little while, then bring the knee of the tight side to my chest, then extend it again.
Tight hamstrings and sleepy glutes exacerbate the issue, and I’d recommend a short routine of lower body static stretches (28-30s each) for your QLs, hams hips and so on before bed (and maybe some shorter, more active mobility exercises when you wake up too). kinda boring on its own but pretty great with a podcast on.
And as you’ve already found, staying mobile helps a great deal. if you work behind a desk, it could be worth looking into something adjustable so you can stand whenever you’d like.
I’m not a doctor, but some combination of deadlifts and running have saved my lower back. I notice a huge difference in my back pain if I don’t workout for a while – these last few weeks of snow mean I’m not running as much, and the pain of NOT moving sufficiently is different and worse than the soreness from weightlifting! It’s surprisingly noticable.
Appreciate it but I’ve always found “lifting heavy” sssssoooooooooo fecking boring!!! I’d sooner do 30-60mins of intense Ashtanga yoga, a JJ class or even a quick run. The thought of lifting heavy objects puts me to sleep.
I used to own a load of weights and a rack. I spent hundreds on a home gym but after 6 months I wanted to murder everyone and myself! It was SO frustrating. I dunno how people do it cos it just isn’t for me. I’m getting on a bit (40) so I defo need to do something to keep myself active. I may go back to yoga. Ashtanga has lots of static bodyweight holds & lifts so it’s not just stretching.
I hear that, and fun music is how I enjoy it. I listen to a lot of reggaeton and cumbia. Knowing that I’m getting stronger, and improving my future living standard, are also plenty motivating. Like I said, back pain and then no back pain? I’ll do it.
It also scared the shit out of me to realize that some people my age couldn’t do an air squat… I don’t want to get old like that!
But, movement and strengthening in general is where it’s at. This works for me, but whatever keeps you interested. I don’t mean to make this an ad for my exercise routine!
This is very well timed for me. I just acquired myself a convenient ancient laptop by installing Linux on a circa 2014 chrome book. It can chug when playing videos, but great for general use.
17 year old Dell here. Threw a SSD and Linux on it and that damn thing boots faster than most brand new Desktops. Absolutely enough to surf the web, listen to music, watch videos or do the usual Linux stuff (ssh, etc.). You can even somewhat game on it via sunshine/moonlight.
I did the same with a Dell Wyse thin client laptop I acquired from work. Upgraded the RAM, popped a larger SSD into it, and installed Debian. Thing works great for the basics and I just RDP into my desktop for more intensive tasks.
I think it’s just an intrusive thought because she basically (accidentally) told her friend that she is weird and annoying during a moment of vulnerability. Stuff sticks with you. It’s like the time I felt the need to explain to our German foreign exchange student that they only need to use a little bit of salt because I didn’t realize that they have salt in Germany. I was 9 at the time, but still. I think about that…
Great actually. I got a good paying job doing what I like that doesn’t involve me needing to motivate myself to continue working after I get home, or stress out about being prepared for an arbitrary test of my abilities.
Still there, but that’s more of a failing with education costs than a problem brought about by reliance on last-minute, stress-motivated, ADHD superpowers.
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