Then that garbage goes into the landfill, gets sold overseas, falls off the boat and instantly back in its mouth.
Cleaning garbage hardly does anything, it only fixes what you can see then it goes into hiding…everyone needs to stop consuming. Today was garbage day in my neighbourhood…I had 1/2 a black bag and like 3 plastic bottles for 2 weeks. Neighbours threw out 7 bags and 3 recycling bins of plastic.
I also only go through about a bag of trash a week ehile my neighbors go through about 5 or 6 This us because i am a single guy who lives alone while they are a family of 4 with a large dog.
We need both sustainable garbage management and reduced consumption. We can’t stop consuming and producing garbage, like every life form, but we have to make it sustainable.
thing about (american) taxes is that its a process anyone can do with a high school education, but its intentionally made to be as annoying and obtuse as possible. Its like the worst homework project you can ever be given. many times polls were taken on if people would rather do taxes or have a root canal and few people choose taxes.
It’s really not bad if all you do is work regular jobs, even a lot of them. The problem is Americans are shit at reading and math so they don’t understand directions well. Companies benefit from making it seem complicated though.
If you own your own business taxes are a huge pain, because you have to do all the stuff employers do, like payroll taxes.
If you are part of the ~13% that benefit from itemizing on your taxes, it’s also more complicated.
still a prime example I have is the reporting sheet, and I can't remember which one, reports something in like 4a that goes to the 1040 in line 4b and 4b goes to 4a. seriously. this looks like the reporting sheet was made to fuck with the tax payer. (also data input is the most annoying part. you should not have to pay for a system just to get the boxes filled from data from forms. its just bs.)
the other thing that you need to know about american taxes is that they don’t even need you to do them. They’ll correct your work and send you a bill if it’s in their advantage. They can just send you the bill to begin with, but they don’t so their rich friends can show off their pretty science projects (I mean, er, exploit loopholes.)
“Nate, we need to talk about your login locations.”
“What’s wrong with me logging in on the China? Why is there a clock if it shouldn’t be used?”
“Nothing wrong with that, pal. But could you tell us why it’s the gents’ room on Mondays, the ladies’ one on Tuesdays, the disabled’s one on Wednesdays, the shitter in my private apartment on Thursdays and seemingly King Charles’ private golden toilet in his fox hunting hut near Essex on Fridays?”
Yeah! maybe they are enjoying it, and the blast off from the stage is just them climaxing. Some are able to submissively survive to the outer edges of the arena, and other characters are edge guard dominant types
It’s definitely a roller coaster. Wouldn’t miss her for anything in the world, but at the same time it’s probably good new parents don’t know what awaits them :D
Everybody is different - you haven’t figured out the one simple trick to avoid hangovers. Drinking lots of water is like, the most common thing to do and 99% of people still get bad hangovers
Truthfully, I have mixed results when it comes to drinking these days. Sometimes, it’s fine. I drink a few beer, get a nice buzz and wake up totally fine. It’s really only once or twice I had the situation I mentioned above where I hardly drank anything and woke up hungover anyway. In those cases, I didn’t chug a bunch of water because I assumed since I wasn’t feeling the effects at all, I’d be fine. If I am buzzed or verging on drunk, then I will chug a liter or something. Though for me, it’s 50/50 on whether that prevents a hangover. I don’t like those odds. It just seems more and more like the short buzz and euphoria it brings more and more often isn’t worth the chance of ruining the next day. Especially given how much shittier your system gets at handling this stuff as you get older.
As I’ve gotten older I realized that, even though I like the occasional drink, it’s just not worth it to me any more. I find myself drinking less and less. Almost never at this point.
I’ve also noticed my friends and family are a lot more fun to hang out with when they are not drinking than when they are. People get so loud and obnoxious when they drink. They think they are fun and funny but they’re really just annoying.
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