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ExfilBravo, in Hiya, neighbor [deliberatelyburied]

2nd frame had me rolling.



CustardFist, in "Deck the Malls" by LoadingArtist avatar

Same. ,’(

Candelestine, in Darth Vader vs Wolverine [deliberatelyburied]

C’mon now, the kid would know who wins before drawing it. (it’s Vader)

FlyingSquid, avatar

The actual winner would be Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe, who comes down from the ceiling, does sick throwing star moves and kills both.

Pxtl, avatar

Vader has The Force, but Wolverine can recover from whatever injuries he gets. Vader has been removed from battle by serious wounds at least 3 times so far.


Do lightsabers cut adamantium?

southsamurai, avatar

Nah, in canon, it’s been shown to be resistant to similar types of coherent energy. It might slightly mar the surface because of the heat, but it wouldn’t cut it. And even the heat thing is my giving the light saber properties beyond what’s shown in film and in books.


Nah, the heat thing they’re shown melting through blast doors. It at least happens pretty early on in Phantom Menace, and pretty sure I saw it happen in some Disney SW somewhere, too.

southsamurai, avatar

That’s blast doors of an unspecified metal. If it follows the usual SW materials where such things are specified, they wouldn’t be exotic materials, they’d be alloys of standard metals on the real periodic table.

That’s why I say that I’m giving the benefit of the doubt to the light saber. They reach plasma temps, which is hot as hell, but wolvie has taken hits from plasma generated by technology and super powers. If it was a sustained thing, maybe; but a fight doesn’t allow for sustained contact.

I mean, obviously, it would depend on who was in charge of the writing decisions. But us nerds have to guesstimate as best we can. In SW universe there are exotics that can resist the sabers both under short and sustained contact. Adamantium is pretty exotic, and is canon about as close to indestructible as it gets.

Light sabers aren’t really meant to be unstoppable, they’re not an ultimate weapon. They’re a high tech, very effective sword that uses coherent energy that generates high heat on contact. There’s limits the what they can do.

It’s one of those things where sabers have been written to have limits more often than Adamantium has, so I err on that side of things.


Yea, I just mean light sabers have a heat component to some weird degree. How ever that interacts with Wolverine or his adamantium is indeed a whole other thing. lol

I definitely agree adamantium should be able to stop a light saber whether or not it gets heated by continued blocking. I think at some point, Wolverine wouldn’t much like trying to live with a heated skeleton. But I mean, isn’t that also how the adamantium got there? Seems like he’d survive extended exposure either way, too.


It’s always difficult to merge worlds but maybe adamantium is roughly equivalent to beskar or slightly better.

I think wolverine would win in that fight. He’s got lots of experience fighting many different enemies varied power including “throw things at him” and can take a ton of damage. In contrast vader will be a bit surprised by the healing abilities, commentary and hidden armor.

tias, (edited )

That was my initial thought too. But if Vader can stay at a distance and force-choke Wolverine until he’s passed out, then Vader could move in after it’s safe and basically burn up every ounce of Wolverine’s body except for the adamantium using the light saber.


There is a large amount of discourse on this topic


You know, I was thinking about Superman and Goku the other day…

Quentinp, avatar

How about the hulk with a red lantern ring?


Green lantern rings are willpower right? I’d give it to Vegeta with a green lantern ring vs hulk with a red one.


I’d think so, as far as I’m aware they can cut thru any metal if given enough time. In the movies and TV show the only thing that fully blocks sabers is another plasma/laser type thing.

mosiacmango, (edited )

Enough time is the key phrase here. Adamantium absorbs a goldly amount of energy in the marvel universe, to the point of being literally “unbreakable” in a canon with a fuck ton of different energy blasts/weapons.

Vader aint going to melt it in the span of a hand to hand fight filled with glancing nipple saber blows.

Sans force powers, wolverine takes this.


Good to know, I can now rest easy knowing the most likely outcome of this nipple duel!


Yeah I was surprised how long they took to get through (start to melt) the blast doors in the first prequel.


Is there a known material* that lightsabers don’t cut? Serious question.

*Beyond that time Kylo Emo Ren had a hissy and attacked a console, that thing should’ve been way more damaged.



I was thinking of the one from Dark Forces, but I guess all of these are non-canon now?


Yes, the beskar armor that the Mandalorians have has been shown to block lightsabers several times. I’m betting that adamantium is stronger than beskar, so Darth Vader could only cut Wolverine until he hit bones, and then Wolverine just shrugs it off. The Force telekinesis would be more dangerous to him.

agent_flounder, avatar

Force telekinesis from his nipples

Sheeple, avatar

Adamantium is not even the strongest metal in the marvel universe. If you want a comparison to beskar, look at stuff like vibranium.

Marvel also in an interview confirmed that lightsabers could break vibranium


Maybe wolverine should get an upgrade to vibranium?



Pxtl, avatar

It’s kind of a moot point anyways? I mean, how good do you think they’re going to be at parrying under this circumstance? They’re both gonna get stabbed in the chest.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

Yeah but that will kill Vader and mildly annoy Wolverine.

Vader should Force Push him off a walkway with no handrails, it’s his only option.

I think if he used Force Aneurysm that would probably work temporarily but if lightsabers can’t cut adamantium it’s just delaying the inevitable.


These are the hard hitting debates that bring me back to the Internet every day.


Could they move the nipples separately? If yes, then one nipple blade to block and one to stab?

TheGiantKorean, avatar

I mean, Vader could force chuck him out into space.


As far as I know, Wolverine would survive this. He might not be conscious until he reenters an atmosphere conducive to human life, but the Hulk has survived being thrown into space many times.


One could argue that his regenerative healing could make him alive burning the entire time in severe pain until he got back to a habitable planet. Nightmare fuel.

postmateDumbass, in "Political Nuance" by PervisTime

Easy! You just don’t lead em so much.

quindraco, in 10:30 it is 👍

Who pronounces it m’kay instead of 'mkay?

NAXLAB, (edited )

Both pronunciations are identical. Unless you showed someone both at the same time and told them to take a very close look at them, Nobody would even notice there’s a difference and everyone would pronounce them as expected.

DontTreadOnBigfoot, avatar

I disagree. I would read 'mkay as “mm-kay” and m’kay more like “muh-kay” (similar to m’lady)

klemptor, in JPEG

Helen is wearing socks with sandals. Helen don’t give a single phuck.


It’s spelled “puck”

CurlyMoustache, avatar

Why use C and K in socks when they are pronounced the same?

New spelling: Sokks


Nah, gotta go with soks - can’t have that redundant k in there!


Yup. Don’t want to risk a third K getting in there…

Che_Donkey, avatar

Socc is the correct spelling now, because its “soccer” not Sokker (or Soker).

This is a hill I am willing to die on.


Language evolves over time to become shortened for convenience.

Therefore sox is now the correct spelling. You all are using archaic spelling variations. Sox is always plural. I’m sure this will cause no confusion.

On a less anarchist note, spelling wasn’t standardized until the early 1900s.

So up until then, sox, soccs, socs, sokks, soks, and socks were all valid ways to refer to foot panties.


Foot panties!! This is now canon, someone call Merriam-Webster!

CurlyMoustache, avatar

Foot condom

Empricorn, (edited )

It’s obviously “sox”.


Booo booo




Of for those from Boston: Sahks

Franzia, in JPEG

ITT: lots of people who are wrong.


Isn’t this the usual to begin with?

mathterdark, in JPEG

do I look like I know what a “JphEg” is?

I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog

setsneedtofeed, avatar
Fedizen, in Offering solutions is annoying

Is this just an american thing?


definitely not

deweydecibel, (edited ) in I can't wait to play tonight [Clueless Hero]

Part of it, for me, is that I still want to play games as I did when I was younger. I.e. multi-hour play sessions. To sit there and just get lost in it for the whole evening.

But increasingly that’s becoming unworkable. I got shit to do.

The solution, then, would be to adjust my expectations to like an hour of playtime here and there. But when I do that, I’ve created a schedule, and time limit, both of which really kill my personal enjoyment of game time. Playing a game while watching the clock is just not relaxing to me.

So I keep holding out for more of those evenings, those solid chunks of time when I pick up the controller and play till I’m ready for bed. But they’ve become so few and far between that gaming has become a weekend thing. That’s a problem in itself because the weekend is generally reserved for doing things with my partner or other outings.

Quarantine was probably the most gaming I’ve done in a long time. I basically got to play with the same reckless abandon as I did when I was much younger, for a couple solid months. But the chances of me being able to have that same relationship with this past time ever again appears fleeting.

v4ld1z, (edited ) avatar

Having rigid schedules with little to no wiggle room sure contribute to that, doesn’t it. It’s really frustrating to me. For quite a long period of time (around a year-ish), I didn’t do anything else except work from home which was, for the most part, pretty chill. Naturally, even though I’m living with my partner, I had a lot of time on my hands to go to ping pong practice, play games, and other things. Now, I’ve recently started an apprenticeship and now I have time to do fuck-all once I get home from school. Groceries, cooking, some cleaning, and then it’s basically time to sleep lol. Barely, if any gaming, no time on my hands to go to practice etc.

We’ve been struggling a lot recently, but I’m still holding out hope that it’ll get a little better once we’re accustomed to the schedule even if it’ll probably only get more later on. One can hope, I guess.

It really does help to appreciate the little time we have (I have) to do recreational activities, though. It does feel really special then.


Yeah. The gaming nights are almost completely gone. I miss those


Gaming? I remember that, it’s from the before-time.


It’s definitely one of those things that I really miss.

It helps me if I make an alarm for 15 minutes before I need to stop playing. It reduces the anxiety of looking at the time. It’s not the same, but better than just an alarm at quitting time.


The other problem is that even when I have time off, like vacations or holidays, I have a backlog of adult things to do. And Heck if my partner is going to accept that I use my PTO to game.

prole, (edited )

Steam Deck is great for this. Especially since you can suspend mid-game like a Nintendo Switch. No down time to select a game, wait for it to load, etc., if you don’t want that.

Great for quick sessions if you only have small bursts of time.

SuckMyWang, in "Pet" by Sarah Andersen

Great, so you’re saying the universe will shoot the cat I found out of cannon. It saves me having to do it

Gabu, in JPEG

All of this could be solved if English weren’t a shit language with incoherent phonemes.

CileTheSane, (edited ) avatar

All this could be solved if people would accept that English changes over time and if defined by usage and understanding.

If people easily understand what I mean when I say gif then I have pronounced it correctly. Same as if people understand what I mean if I use “literally” to mean “figuratively” or spell “island” with an ‘s’ despite it having no Latin roots.

samus12345, avatar

And if u spel werds liek this and r stil understud is it kerect?


English changes over time, but you can’t just change spellings all willy-nilly without it looking weird. This happens pretty slowly.

CileTheSane, avatar

If it impedes understanding and causes to person you’re talking to take more time and/or effort to understand the message you are trying to convey then it is incorrect.

samus12345, avatar

So r u saying that writing “are” and “you” that way is correct? Because I’m pretty sure it doesn’t impede understanding in the slightest.

CileTheSane, avatar

There is a small extra cognitive shift where the brain realizes those aren’t typos or random letters and are intended to represent those words, so it does add an impediment to understanding. If it became common for people to write them as ‘r’ and ‘u’ then over time that would become correct.

Just like if it was common for people to pronounce “gif” one way and then someone came along and said “Well the creator wants it pronounced another way” the correct response is “who gives a fuck? This is how the word is used now.” The ‘creator’ of the word “island” did not have an ‘s’ in it, but no one is arguing for it to be spelled “eyland”.


You re-read sentences much more often than you might suspect and it happens with all kinds of sentences, even grammatically correct ones. Garden-path sentences, for example “the old men the boat”, are specifically crafted to demonstrate this and they essentially are doing the same thing as using ‘r’ and ‘u’ as a substitute for words: they violate the Gricean maxim of manner and that one relies a lot on expectation.

However, one could make a case that in some situations, like a “how r u” via text, the replacement is ubiquitous and somewhat expected and doesn’t cause any impediment to understanding. It’s definitely a hinderance when a more verbose communication is expected. Might be a neat subject for a phonetic study, honestly.


All of this could be solved if people actually cared about finding a reasonable solution. We don’t fight about it because it’s worth fighting over. We fight because it’s in our blood. We must fight to satisfy our primal urge for conflict.

So take up your keyboard, mouse, phone, or any other weapon that suits you. Join me in the battle of “gif vs gif”, and may the best warrior find victory.


I will continue to say LITRALLY everytime somebody uses literally as figuratively.

CileTheSane, (edited ) avatar

I understand, but ‘Island’ has an ‘s’ in it. This was a done as a stylistic choice to Latinize a word that has no Latin roots, and it caught on. English is a mongrel tongue with it’s rules defined by how the unwashed masses use it; You’re fighting a losing battle.


But they don’t easily understand you. You’re being deliberately lazy and shifting the onus of putting mental work into the conversation onto your conversational partner. Now they have to work extra-hard to deciphwr your gibberish. The decent, respectful thing to do is treat them as an equal, and put an equal amount of effort into achieving communication.

Or I could just tell you to flarfle your garglax. Seems perfectly clear to me, so obviously you’re in the wrong if you complain.

CileTheSane, avatar

Did you reply to the wrong comment?

Squirrelanna, avatar

This is literally how babies learn to speak. If babies can do it, so can we.


Grandma: call 911, I’m literally having a heart attack

Seems like it might be important for words to actually mean things. Is Grandma being dramatic or is she dying…

CileTheSane, avatar

I agree, it’s stupid, but arguing against it is “old man yells at cloud” territory. The fact is if I said “I literally couldn’t get out of bed this morning” the meaning of that statement is well understood.


Ah, so you want to abolish figurative language too. I like where this is going


Heaven forbid I layer my irony by using literally as hyperbole.

CileTheSane, avatar

You don’t actually mean heaven should forbid it, you mean “figuratively speaking heaven forbid”!


It isn’t really used to mean figuratively though. It’s used as an intensifier, and all of its synonyms are as well. And they all have been for hundreds of years. Really, truly, honestly, actually, etc. Seems so strange to me that this is the single word from the group that gets dogpiled on, and the perception that it’s some new phenomenon, Mark Twain used it in the same manner.

helmet91, in Offering solutions is annoying

Wow. Just wow. This is such an eye-opener. I mean, with all the comments here.

I had no idea this was a common thing! Up until now I thought only my girlfriend was like this.

Also, this makes me understand a Christmas present I received many years ago. I never understood the meaning of it and never knew from whom I received it and why (so I couldn’t ask about it), it was just under the Christmas tree next to a book I received. This “gift” was just a note on a piece of very thin wooden sheet, it said “Is it necessary to find a solution to every problem? Can’t we just enjoy the problem for a little bit?”

Now it kinda makes sense, although I still don’t know why I received it. Yes, I am a very solution-oriented person, but I’m also very introverted, back then I didn’t have a girlfriend, I had no friends, I didn’t even talk with my family much, and honestly, I couldn’t even really find solutions to problems in the first place. I have no clue what made someone give that to me.


Same here. After marriage, I did learned to tone down on this.

Obi, avatar

Probably your mom.

Catpuccino, (edited )

People notice you more than you think they do. You may think you didn’t talk to people much but that means it was non zero and people tend to listen.

People will want to dwell on the problem for a bit so they can fully feel their feelings. They feel cut off and stunted if they’re not allowed to.

Advocado, in JPEG

Guys… guys… can we all just agree that it’s pronounced gif and not gif?


It’s pronounced gif and gif.


nope. only gif is correct.


no you fuckwad it’s pronounced gif


IDK, I always say gif, and people seem to understand what I’m saying.

mrcleanup, in Offering solutions is annoying

If feel like us guys are at a disadvantage here. All our lives were are told not to complain unless we bring a solution, not to cry, get up, keep moving.

Then suddenly the thought pattern we have been trained on all our lives turns out to not be healthy for supporting others and it’s a hard transition to make when we want so desperately to help and are asked not to.

Not saying it’s wrong, just hard.


it’s a hard transition to make when we want so desperately to help and are asked not to.

Listening is helping. It took me a while to get that, but we’re helping just by being quiet.


Yes, but there's a disconnect between helping directly and helping indirectly. Listening is indirect help, passive help. It's helping simply by existing, which is antithetical to the above commenters train of logic.

I'm not saying you're wrong, or that it's not something that people should learn to do... but it's not always something you can solve by making that connection.


Many people don’t want advice and that’s fine. I complain not because I want them to fix it but because it helps me organize my thoughts and verify that my complaints are valid so that I can see if it’s something I can fix myself, often though complaining about bad things that I cannot fix. I am perfectly capable of handling problems as an adult, but people need to vent so they can actually focus on a solution.


Listening is indirect help, passive help. It’s helping simply by existing

Not in my experience. The listener is helping the speaker organize their thoughts, work through their feelings, and (in some cases) decide on a course of action. The listener needs to ask questions, understand the speaker, and help them sort things out.

In a spouse or friend situation, the listener is probably also providing emotional support. Which can be immensely helpful, since it validates the speaker.

There’s also follow up. The listener should talk to the speaker and see how their feelings have evolved.


Yup. It’s akin to “not making a choice is itself a choice”. It doesn’t feel like it is, but can be equally impactful.

Usernameblankface, avatar

Perhaps everyone wants to vent a while before they get a solution, but men aren’t allowed to do that.

ReallyActuallyFrankenstein, (edited )

I think my problem is also we’re told to be empathetic and emotionally present. So what we’re being asked to do is suffer alongside without being able to alleviate the suffering.

I find this much more difficult than solving whatever the problem is, because, maybe I’m weird, but I feel pretty much all the suffering around me as if it’s happening to me, and especially when it’s my wife suffering.


what we’re being asked to do is suffer alongside without being able to alleviate the suffering.

I know that isn’t actually what people think they are asking for, but it sure feels like it so often.

Thanks for putting this into words for me.

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