nah, danes still pollute a lot. more like indigenous people that are used to live of the land, aborigenes, amazonian tribes, african tribes. you know cultures that are more focused on earth.
I know not everyone has this luxury but remote work has really helped give some time back in my day. Between the flexible schedule and just napping when I feel like it, I have more time in the evening to play games again. Not everyday but a few times a week at least.
I don’t think I’m something-oriented person in general and often times I quickly learn if someone is asking for an advice or consolation. How should I reply to “I want a real solution for this” when the question is what one should do if it’s 1am and is in hankering for some late night delivery food? How can I give you any input on that?
I’ve had to come to terms with not having any time to play, really, except for maybe an hour or two here and there with my partner. It does feel awesome to at least have that going, but it sucks a lot that I don’t get to play for extended periods of time if I want to. Not even taking advantage of any sales right now, even though I might want to, just because I know that I won’t have any time to play.
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