I woke up yesterday at 9:30 am. I didn’t fall asleep until 7 am this morning, and that was after two 6% ABV beers, 40 mg of melatonin, and about 150 mg of Benadryl, along with natural herb sleeping pills.
You think I wanna live this way? I woke up at 8 am today, exercised, got time outside, and I popped 20 mg of Ambien about an hour ago (midnight). I’m still awake and I’m not sleep-typing lol it’s 1:40 am
I think it’s this damn Stratera, so I’m stopping it.
I know alcohol is a depressant, but initially it can wake you up and long term absolutely fucks your ability to sleep. I highly recommend dropping that from your sleep aids. My ex claimed it helped him but it was honestly disturbing how he couldn’t tell just how wrong he was: waking up every few hours at most when he finally did manage to get to sleep. I had to help him taper down to prevent seizures, though, so this is obviously an extreme example.
Oh yeah, I know it’s not good, it’s just what I had around, I rarely have any alcohol in my fridge actually. I prefer smoking weed, but my tolerance is insanely high, so I stopped smoking but have to deal with this until I can get my tolerance down (like a month of no smoking) and get a medical marijuana card from my state.
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