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Kyrgizion, in Recording Audiobooks. Help me. [ADHDinos]

Question: if it started in 2020 and it’s arguably going stronger than ever, is it still a hyperfixation?

agent_flounder, avatar

Only if it constantly overrides other obligations. I was fixated on a project to the exclusion of nearly everything for a couple years. It wasn’t healthy. But I succeeded at least lol.


You’re probably joking but yes, they can be long-term


Ok cool, I thought at that point they became ‘regular’ obsessions.


May be a special interest? I don’t know if there’s a clear cut distinction, or where it would be, or if it’s even useful to make one.

lvxferre, in Jaunty avatar
mvilain, in Bad Dog! avatar

During 45's badministration, the Voodoo supply shop kept running out of pins. Once he was out, I transferred a bunch to other dolls.

The hard part is getting hair or nail clippings for all those Election Deniers in Congress.

akincisor, in Raised eyebrow too

Brevity is the soul of wit…

… so I painted you in briefs.

EvilEyedPanda, (edited ) in They're under the bed!

“I was watching late night infomercials, when one came on and said ‘forget everything you know about slipcovers,’ so I did, and it was a load off my mind. And then they tried to sell me slipcovers but I didn’t know what the fuck they were”

~Mitch Hedburg

soupspoon, in I might have felt the punchline of this comic more than any other, and I've been reading Dinosaur Comics for MANY years now

Omg, HOW did I forget about dinosaur comics, I’m so disappointed in myself


It would be awesome if someone shared them here. I keep forgetting to check the website and I don’t think there’s really any other way to follow then.


There’s an rss feed!


Don’t be, just be happy you can rediscover them!


I’ve got two of Ryan North’s books, “Romeo and/or Juliet” and “To Be or Not to Be” on my bookshelf, but until seeing a Dinosaur Comic again just now, I entirely forgot the connection.

ripened_avacado, in Coins

Dumb ways to die. So many dumb ways to die…

Sanyanov, (edited )

Duuuumb ways to di-i-ie Soooo maaaany dumb ways to die

ZILtoid1991, in Reject modernity, embrace tradition! avatar

What about dating on the Fediverse instead?


Honestly people on Mastodon are very datable. I wonder whether there are dating/sexting communities out there.

RichCaffeineFlavor, in Too soon!

Black book of communism nonsense.


I don’t really think Mao’s atrocities are disputed tbh.

RichCaffeineFlavor, (edited )

Western media bubble


I don’t see why you’re so flustered, it wasn’t real communism…

Communist, avatar

Well, the workers didn’t own the means of production, they didn’t abolish currency, they didn’t do anything about class division, they didn’t abolish the state, they didn’t empower the working class, and they aren’t going to do any of these things later, but on the other hand, you clearly think mao was very trustworthy so surely you must just be taking his word for it.



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  • Communist, (edited ) avatar

    “land tilled by the peasantry was increasingly subject to government control, undoing many key principles of ownership as we shall see in the subsequent section ‘The Collectivisation of Agriculture.’”

    So… the government took it. Making it a meaningless gesture. Communism is not when the government owns things.

    Y’know it’s not hard to figure this stuff out. The government took everything in china. That doesn’t even take research, that’s basic knowledge.

    Bold of you to call me “fucking stupid” when you didn’t even read your own source, not to mention that that’s ONE of the requirements, not all of them, and they didn’t even do that.



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  • Lemminary,

    You feel very comfortable calling everyone a fucking idiot, though. Do you know what rule #1 is?


    The post can be a single image, an image gallery, or a link to a specific comic hosted on another site (the author’s website, for instance).

    Not everyone is an idiot. You are.

    Communist, (edited ) avatar

    Especially trying to accuse me of not reading the source when you skipped past to the very last paragraph to dishonestly quote out of context a line that even within itself betrays the fact that you’re being a dishonest piece of shit.

    Congratulations, you’ve at best given 1 of the things that I listed… and tried to turn that into me being the idiot and not you. Except you didn’t because you know full well the chinese government owns that now. They didn’t give the land to the people, they pretended to briefly and then took it for themselves. Unlike you I have actually bothered to research these things:…/real-estate-law

    Who owns land in china? the chinese government. So, no, they did not even make an attempt.

    You said they didn’t do anything about class division and being the debatelord idiot you are, you decided to ignore the fact as you read it that they abolished an entire landlord class so you could stay on course with your reply.

    When the government takes everything is that solving class division in your mind, or is that just creating a new class that owns everything?

    Now, what I want you to try to do, with your very useful and very large brain is compare the list of things that make communism, and compare the list of things that the chinese did, right, and notice that the chinese didn’t do any of them.

    1. Abolish class division < they created a new class, their own bourgeois, and took everything. This could ARGUABLY be an attempt… and it’s the best you’ve got.
    2. Abolish currency < not even attempted
    3. Abolish the state < not even attempted
    4. Give the workers the means of production < not even attempted

    So, at best, they attempted one of the things… and didn’t do it.

    And when I say you don’t need research for this, I’m saying that it’s common knowledge that the chinese government took anything… Even gradeschoolers know that.


    Congratulations, you’ve at best given 1 of the things that I listed

    Pretty fucking important thing

    Communist, avatar

    Considering they stole the land right after they did it, it’s really not.

    Zyratoxx, (edited ) in Too soon! avatar

    Thanos (ah fuck, we’re being realistic)

    OfficerBribe, in Poorly Drawn Lines – A Cat

    This one is the coolest.


    Fandom hurts my soul

    ripcord, (edited ) avatar



    A good summary

    ripcord, avatar

    Any chance you have a shorter summary than a 22 minute video? Guessing it could be tldw-ed


    Haven’t watched the video, but pretty much fandom is just shady and a brutal user design. Have you tried using it on mobile? 90% of the screen is covered with ads. Even after you close them, the ads pop up again. They also embed streams from theur Twitch so they can inflate their viewers and make more money that way. Their website is shitty enough to waste even more web browser resources on that. They are greedy af.

    To get an idea of a good unofficial wiki, take a look at the terraria one. It is clean, informative, decent navigation, and user friendly.

    ripcord, avatar

    I've never seen an ad on fandom. On mobile or otherwise.

    Do you not use adblockers...?

    Nelots, (edited )

    Unfortunately not everyone uses them, and we shouldn’t ignore shitty business practices just because we personally avoid them.

    Regardless, it doesn’t matter if you use an adblocker or not. Their website layout is fucking horrendous and 80% of your screen is completely wasted. I mean, take a look at that very Fandom page on a full-screen browser. Anything highlighted red is shit I don’t give a single fuck about. Now take a look at exactly the same page on AntiFandom (without an adblocker). Fandom is incredibly wasteful of space, autoplays videos and streams on their website, completely fills their websites with ads, and doesn’t give a damn about the user. The sooner we all collectively drop it for better alternatives (like, the better.

    Edit: forgot to mention, it’s also basically impossible to close a fandom wiki. They won’t even let you leave. You could stop updating it and move to a different site, sure, but as Terraria has shown, even officially announcing your new wiki isn’t enough to become the top search result even after nearly 2 years. Meaning people will keep visiting fandom and keep seeing outdated information all the while.

    In the meantime, I’d recommend anybody that ends up on fandom on the PC to install an extension like LibRedirect to automatically redirect fandom links to breezewiki or antifandom.

    Nelots, (edited )

    Speaking of Terraria wikis, thought I’d put it out there to stop using fandom for Terraria. While their wiki on Fandom is indeed better than most, is the official (and imo far superior) alternative. The fandom wiki is no longer up to date, and the longer people use fandom for Terraria, the longer it will take for the official one to start showing up first in search results.

    Edit: actually, I believe I misremembered. I don’t think terraria’s fandom page is outdated, so that’s more of a personal preference choice. Rather, what I was remembering is that several of the big mods like Thorium and Calamity switched over to and their pages are indeed outdated on fandom. I do still believe the official wiki is a better experience and recommend switching though.

    Crul, in Good boy
    Maco1969, in Future generations

    The amount of acorns produced by oak trees varies from year to year, every few years they produce far more than the squirrel population can eat meaning many acorns are lost and can propagate. It’s called a mast year.

    Hereforpron2, in Not a great idea [Mr Lovenstein]

    I can’t stop myself from thinking about the people who have helped me in the past who I have since allowed to grow distant, and with whom I’ve failed to communicate during my tough times (and since, tbh). I don’t have (m)any memories of doing actively cruel things, but my brain won’t let these ones go, and always brings them to mind in the moments where it’s obvious I can do nothing about it. Why?


    Guilt is why. People help people, then people grow apart, it’s sounds fairly normal. You could argue that they failed to communicate with you when you were going through your tough times but then ask yourself if you’ve suspected others of going through the same and if you’ve sufficiently reached out to them. You’re memories connect you to the past so it’s natural you’re brain will cycle over them and if you don’t have a large friends group it’s likely you’re need for human connection will bring you back frequently. Point is you don’t need to go back to ease your guilt, you can help others in the same way as the people who helped you. Build new connections, move forward and if the feeling stays as strong you will have your answer.


    Thank you. The hardest part are the people who reached out a few times who I neglected, making it feel much more one-sided. But hopefully looking and paying it forward will help with how I think about the past. That’s a great point and idea.


    I am TERRIBLE at keeping in touch for sure.

    piratehat, in "Fuck." "No Steve, we're Geese." [They Can Talk]

    When you realize adulthood doesn’t bestow any revelations or real changes

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