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Transporter_Room_3, in Duty avatar

I always thank the first few enemies for their service. It’s through their sacrifice we learn.

The first one almost never gets to kill anyone. Except that goddamn goomba fuck that guy.


In Deathloop you get to kill the first enemy lots of times

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

I started playing that game, but I get nauseous when playing some games as I get older, and something about that game triggers it hard.

If I had a pc that could handle it, I’d try it on that. Usually I can disable motion blur and DoF things that make it worse. Camera Bob is super bad, but iirc deathloop didn’t have much.

I almost feel bad for that guy.

brsrklf, (edited ) in Duty

First goomba : “get on my level, dude.”

21Cabbage, in Friends

Implying Facebook of all things is an improvement.

killeronthecorner, avatar

Pros: friends!

Cons: they’re all racist boomers


Yeah I love reading a long series of rants about how it’s bullshit that the person in question got a temp ban for threatening to commit acts of terrorism.

Cipher22, in Friends

Facebook is just the place I log into to be reminded of the stuff I forgot I volunteered for.

cosmicrookie, avatar

After Facebook forced me to choose between targeted ads and a fee 2 x that of Netflix i don’t even bother logging in


Huh? I don’t recall there ever being a subscription for FB. I also use social fixer extension which helps

cosmicrookie, (edited ) avatar

In November Facebook started rolling out ad-free subscriptions. Before that you could set it to show ads that were not targeted. But after November this was no longer an option (in EU). You now have to accept targeted ads or pay for an ad-free subscription per account across Facebook and Instagram.

The link bellow is meta’s own description but they don’t mention that they no longer support untargeted ads like they used to…/facebook-and-instagram-to-offer-su…

amio, in Friends

That's not really Facebook either.

Twinklebreeze, in Friends

Do people make friends on Facebook? I thought Facebook was the place old people went to learn new ways to be racist.


I don’t know about new friends but more connect with your current ones

0110010001100010, avatar

That’s just not fair, it’s also the place old people go to get their news propaganda.

LazaroFilm, avatar

I’m part of a few groups and have been talking with the members for years. Some have become friends without ever meeting them irl



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  • Twinklebreeze,

    But so was reddit. And Google used to be way less evil. I guess I don’t really have a point. Just remembering when websites didn’t suck.

    DadVolante, avatar is still good.


    I’m glad to hear zombo resisted enshittification


    Even during its peak, the only real use i got out of facebook was being reminded of people’s birthdays. Now i just ignore them all, it’s much easier that way.

    MxM111, avatar

    Hey! Some of us are not that old!


    Yeah but when you’re young and stupid you have this idea that some slightly less young people are “old”. I remember when I was young and stupid thinking someone who was 18 was “old”.

    The thing to look forward to is when these kids’ music starts getting played on “golden oldies” radio channels.

    OpenStars, avatar

    No way! They also re-learn old ways to be racist too. :-P

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    It’s also where you try to see if your cute coworker has any feet pics.


    I forgot about cyber stalking!

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    I didn’t. Bill.


    Dont forget the Insta thots on Reels

    unexposedhazard, in Friends

    Ah yeah, because facebook is a place to make friends…?

    where_am_i, in Trauma Trooper - PBF Comics

    shameless ad

    OmenAtom, in Charles Dickens Watches "The Muppet Christmas Carol" [R. E. Parrish]

    Nothing oddly about it

    ButtCheekOnAStick, in oh hey it's me

    Just assassinate your boss and let the good time roll 😁

    amphetaminisiert, in oh hey it's me

    Just replace sleep and food with amphetamines 💁‍♂️

    Doubleohdonut, in Charles Dickens Watches "The Muppet Christmas Carol" [R. E. Parrish]

    But does he prefer the “original” or “extended” versions?

    (Yes, I know the extended was released before they cut The Sad Song out and pretended it never happened)

    DontTreadOnBigfoot, avatar

    It’s back now though! They finally found the missing original reels and restored it in hd widescreen format.


    “When… This song… Is gone…!”

    aeronmelon, in Charles Dickens Watches "The Muppet Christmas Carol" [R. E. Parrish]

    I’m not laughing.

    I’m taking this in complete seriousness.

    Charles Dickens wrote The Christmas Carol with Muppets in mind.

    You cannot persuade me to believe otherwise.

    Bishma, avatar

    If he didn’t have the Ghost of Christmas Present Muppet in mind when he wrote the character, he was a damned fool.


    the muppets created dickens just so he could write that story


    Charles Dickens had someone’s hand up his butt the whole time.

    Didn’t have anything to do with the Muppets, though.

    Demdaru, in oh hey it's me

    The thought train scared me.

    Why is the work block so big? Shouldn’t it be 8h work, 8h your time, 8h sleep?

    …wait, yeah, but traveling to and back from work takes time too…and house chores…obligations…

    …also, Shen is an comic artist, these people have unnatural workload…

    …I feel depressed.

    kogasa, avatar

    8h work

    except for the ~hour lunch where you can’t really go home anyway, and the ~hour commute, and the ~hour it takes to get ready and decompress after getting home

    8 hour workday has always been ~11 hours commitment per day for me

    jpreston2005, in Trauma Trooper - PBF Comics

    does there exist someone without trauma?

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