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Drusas, (edited ) in Seasonal sauce

Having made a lot of sauces and stocks and whatever else in stainless steel pots, I'm not sure I understand what the purpose is here. Having to stir less frequently so it doesn't burn on the bottom?


The frying pan has a copper clad bottom, this allows for a more even heat without hot spots lessening the frequency of stirring and the possibility of burning. The stainless stockpot is only one layer the direct heat would burn much easier especially eith high sugar sugar sauces like tomato.

RoquetteQueen, avatar

Oh wow I never noticed the frying pan underneath.

canthidium, in VOTE: Potential "merger" of Lemmy World culinary communities. avatar


!Cooking will become the new main LW culinary community but we will NOT be locking any of the other communities. We will treat !AskCulinary, !food, and !recipes the same as all the other niche communities in that we would encourage cross-posting to the main !cooking community as well as look into possibly automating this in the future. There will be a pinned post encouraging cross-posting in each community.

Okokimup, in We're thinking about merging some of the cooking/food communities, want to get your input avatar

I hate duplicate posts. I support a merge.


There should be a native crosspost feature allowing users to crosspost to other communities but instead of creating a new instance of the post, it’s a link back to the original instance of the post.

deeply_moving_queef, in Do You Need To Wash Rice Before Cooking? Here’s The Science

tldr; no

(Yes if you’re a clean freak)


Thanks deeply_moving_queef




Finally. That’s what I got out of the article as well, but it also confirmed my bias



Only if you're concerned about removing dust, insects, little stones, bits of husk left from the rice hulling process, arsenic, and 20-40% of microplastics. The amount of those things is influenced by the region in which it's produced. Stickiness reduction from washing is nominal due to there being two different types of starch. The kind on the surface is different than the variety inside the grain, which is what affects the stickiness.

Not part of the article:

If you're interested in less sticky rice, try toasting it first. It's a game changer.

I've never bothered rinsing, but probably will now because of microplastics and arsenic. I've never seen impurities like what are listed, but I only buy rice produced in California.


You don’t wash rice for cleanliness. You wash rice to remove excess starch.


Yeah, the study said it has no effect on the stickiness of the rice.

Which is bizarre, because I’ve…seen it. Like repeatedly. And it’s not a subtle difference. When I am lazy and don’t wash my rice, it comes out MUCH gooier. It’s not terrible but it’s significantly different than when I wash it well.

Is this going to make me buy a second rice cooker to compare side by side? Ugh.


I agree. Also depends on the rice. Basmati doesn’t seem to stick like most white rices.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, avatar

I've seen it, too. When I want fluffy individual grains, I rinse the rice first. If I want sticky rice, I don't rinse it. And it works for all different kinds of rice.

There's going to be powdered starch on the outside of the grains of rice. If you rinsed it and then added something like corn starch to the water you'd end up with sticky rice.


The popular press report says that washing doesn’t make a difference. The actual, paywalled study says they did find a highly significant interaction between washing and type of rice, which is a level of statistical sophistication that a food writer might not grasp. In fact, even the scientific authors seem not to have commented much on the interaction.

In their data, it looks like washing 0-amylose glutinous rice makes it more sticky, while washing medium-grain 21% amylose rice even just 3 times makes it less sticky, and that 13% amylose Jasmine rice is just kind of all over the place or not systematically influenced by washing. They didn’t do a big table of adjusted post hocs, so it’s difficult to tell which specific groups are different from which others.

They also cooked the rices differently, using 1:1.3 rice:water for the glutinous and 1:1.6 for the medium and Jasmine, which obviously might confound their observations.


The article says washing doesn’t have an effect on the starch content (at least any starch that contributes to stickiness)


I’m aware. I read the article.


But if you read the article you’d have seen that prewashing to remove starch makes no difference. That’s literally the point of this article.

“Culinary experts claim pre-washing rice reduces the amount of starch coming from the rice grains. … Contrary to what chefs will tell you, this study showed the washing process had no effect on the stickiness (or hardness) of the rice.”

And traditionally it was washed for cleanliness. The new wash to remove starch is a modern concept some people clearly started to say to sound smart with no evidence or science and it took off. Read the article


I read the article. Why I mentioned it wasn’t for cleanliness.


You don’t wash rice for cleanliness. You wash rice to remove excess starch.

But then you answered it’s to remove starch?


You do remove starch my washing it. The article says it doesn’t create less sticky rice.


Well whatever it does there is a significant and noticeable difference between washed and unwashed rice.

This article is either wrong in what it’s measuring or has measured it incorrectly.


You just say whatever you want to move the goalpost, instead of just admitting you’re wrong, huh?


Prefacing this with this is my anecdotal experience, while the results are the same I find it much easier to clean up if I prewash the rice first. I don’t bother presoaking most of the time although some recipes call for it. I pretty much only have basmati and jasmine rice on hand so maybe it also depends on the variety?


This was the question in the article. They did a test of unwashed, washed 3 times, and washed 10 times, then compared the rice. The scientists found no difference between the samples. They further speculate that the stickyness level of the rice has to do with the starches that leech from inside the rice.

The article goes on to talk about how, depending on how (and where) the rice is processed, you may want to rinse rice to remove bits of husk, dust, pebbles, and possibly arsenic or microplastics.

Now, having said all of that, take the results of the study with a grain of salt. Washing 3 times isn’t going to do much of anything, and 10 times doesn’t actually tell us that they washed the rice properly. As soon as the starch is wet, it’s sticky. You really have to rinse and agitate the rice, and wash until the water runs clear. Maybe that also leeches some of the more available starch from inside the rice, but the difference is noticeable to anyone who cooks rice on a regular basis. So I’m not going to question the suggested mechanism of action, but I know how to make rice that is and isn’t sticky.


Im glad they mentioned the debris. My mom always told me they (family when they were in Vietnam) used to wash rice because of the pebbles, dust and bugs that may get into it. The water makes the bugs move which made it easier to pick out. She does it now because of the dust or whatever that may be on it. Never heard of the starch thing until watching youtube videos.

Still going to wash my rice though. Its better this way.


This is the reason I wash rice. Empty hulls, dirt, and bugs naturally float so it’s easier to take them out. We use brown or red rice so it’s not as “clean” as polished white rice. Also, even if the study says washing doesn’t do anything, the fact that the water turns a different color when rinsing shows that something gets removed when washing.

0421008445828ceb46f496700a5fa6, avatar

Yeah I wash rice like I wash rice just like I wash all my other fruits and vegetables... To get dirt and other crap off


Yeah, this really sounds like some scientists that don’t know how to wash rice.

bmck, in Anyone get any good cooking presents? avatar

I got an Ooni Karu 16 pizza oven. Tried it out and absolutely love it.

TheGiantKorean, avatar

Bad ass. Please post up some pics when you use it!

Alchemy, avatar

Great, now I want a pizza oven.

Donebrach, in Ways to spice up a can of tuna? [Question] avatar

try adding dill and capers, maybe a dash of lemon juice or Worcestershire sauce.

Akasazh, avatar

I like to add some horseradish paste to this, for extra zing


I keep seeing capers, what are they like? Are they similar to olives? I’ve never had anything with capers before, but I like dill, pickles, olives of all kinds so it seems like it’s up my alley

spittingimage, avatar

They’re like tiny extra-salty olives. I use them in homemade tartar sauce.

Donebrach, avatar

Yeah you’d probably like them if youre into pickles and olives. They are a pickled bud of a plant, cant really describe what they taste like other than “like capers.” They’re bitter and kinda floral I guess? Anyway, a good paring with fish.

specseaweed, in Anyone get any good cooking presents?

We moved to Seattle from Houston a few years ago. I haven’t stop bitching about the Mexican food.

I got a tortilla press. I feel heard.

TheGiantKorean, avatar

Lol, yeah we had some Mexican food in Seattle. It was… ok. Glad you got a tortilla press!

Cheradenine, in [QUESTION] Cheese smeels and tastes weird before aging

This is a guess, but maybe butyric acid produced by anerobic bacteria? Butyric acid is ‘buttery and unpleasant’ vs Diacetyl which is a lot of the smell in good butter, and should be in Cheddar (and many other cheeses).

As far as safety, I don’t know.


Thank you for your reply

About smell being unpleasant, içm not really sure, because i’m not sure how cheese really should smell. For fresh cheeses they just smell like milk, but how should hard cheese smell when drying, after drying, etc

Also, in any case, if it’s that bacteria, and it smells weird, tastes bitter, should I discard it?


Hopefully someone with more cheesemaking experience will reply. I don’t know enough about it to say. I would not eat anymore of it without knowing more about the cause.

There are cheeses that are very strong and ‘bad tasting’ to many people, Casu Marzu and Époisses for example, but the smell and flavor is more of Ammonia, not at all what you are describing.

Good luck on your journey.


Thank you. It’s seems like I have many and many many tries ahead before it will start working

Right now I’m making cheese twice a week, one soft and one hard

And today I did Cheddar better than before, but there’s still pressing, drying, and aging ahead, let’s see


As a general rule, I would discard any product where an unpleseant and/or bitter aroma is not exlicitly expected. Our senses of tase and smell are very good at distinguishing “good”, that is energy dense and clean, food from " bad", that is mostly rotten or contaminated, food. I have little experience with cheese making but if any doughs or yoghurts I make start to smell or taste bitter or otherwise off, it is usually because the microfauna got out of hamd and malign bacteria started overproducing.

willya, in [DISCUSSION] What is your opinion about meal replacement shakes? avatar

Soylent is great. I don’t use it on the regular but it works for all the things you’d want one to work for. 400 calories downed quick and satiates for about 3 hours.


I second this, though the powder isn’t as good in its current rendition it helps control my portion sizing and helps me focus through the post lunch shift


Isn’t that people?

InvisibleShoe, in How much flour would I need for an XL pizza? avatar

Former Pastry Chef here. You definitely need to increase the other ingredients proportionally. Pizza dough is essentially just a bread dough.

You need to use Bakers Math/Percentages

Heres a basic calculator to calculate ingredient percentages

AnalogyAddict, in [question] for the chemistry types- making chicken soup. Why did lemon juice turn the light brown chicken stock almost white?

The citric acid in lemon juice is both a bleach and it denatures collagen and protein, which is probably the cloudiness.

FuglyDuck, (edited ) avatar

Hmm interesting.

I wonder if the collagen is setting up now that some of the leftovers are in the fridge? Ah well that’ll be matter for later.

Thank you for the response,


How is it a bleach?


It’s the citric acid.


How? It is neither oxidizing nor reducing.


It is a weak reducing agent, iirc.

lvxferre, (edited ) avatar

The bleaching comes from the ascorbic acid (aka vitamin C), not the citric acid. Plenty carbohydrates get brown when oxidised; ascorbic acid is a good reducing agent so it reverts them back to their non-oxidised and lighter-coloured form.

I’m not sure but I don’t think that denaturation plays a big role, since vinegar would also do it, and it doesn’t seem to make stock clearer for me. I might be wrong though.


Thanks for the details!

jordanlund, in How much flour would I need for an XL pizza? avatar

I think the trick is “XL” is not a standard size. Some places top out at 12 inches, other places go to 16 inches.

Here’s a 12" recipe:

Here’s a 16" recipe:


12 inches is quite small, definitely not “XL”. New York pizzas, very well-known for their size, are typically 18 to 24 inches in diameter. I think that’d be a good reference for an “XL” American pizza.

jordanlund, avatar

Yeah, like I say, it’s not a standard. :) This was an argument we had with an idiot teacher on some kids homework back in the day.

“Marty ate 4/6 of his pizza, Luis ate 5/6 of his pizza. Marty ate more pizza than Luis. How is this possible?”

Kid wrote “Marty’s pizza is bigger than Luis’ pizza” and got marked wrong. Even though the question stated it as fact and asked for an explanation.

A 12" pizza would be 113 square inches. 4/6 would be 75.3 square inches.

A 7" pizza would be 38.48 square inches. 5/6 would be 32 square inches.


It’s possible for this to be true and for their pizzas to be the same size if the size of the pizzas are 0 cm in radius. Then they have both eaten nothing.

melisdrawing, in Anyone get any good cooking presents?

I got a shredding attachment for my stand mixer and am so hyped. My jaw dropped as I watched perfectly shredded cheese just fall into the bowl. It was my favorite gift hands-down.


I thought about getting one of these. Is the increased difficulty in cleaning these worth the convenience of having lots of shredded cheese? I will sometimes shred up to a pound of cheese at a time and it sounds nice to not have to deal with doing it all manually.

RecursiveParadox, avatar

There is a trick to cleaning all cheese covered things! Wash it in cold water. Not hot or warm, cold. If the water is just a little bit warm it essentially melts the cheese so all it does is smear and not clean.


I found it very easy to clean. My wrists and hands are weak, so shredding was a real chore for my yearly carrot cake as well. I got a stainless one that can go in the dishwasher if you have one. I don’t have a dishwasher but found the attachment no more difficult to clean than a regular box grater. It also come with a pipe brush to get any little nooks and crannies. Overall it depends how much you hate grating. I hated it and therefore love my gift.


I do grate a lot of stuff. I was concerned about the ease of cleaning but it sounds like cleaning it is far easier than the process of manually grating. Thanks for sharing.


I never knew these existed but now I want one!

ivanafterall, in [joke]Broke out grandma’s candy thermometer…. avatar

Regardless of crack or pot, grandma always wanted the firm ball. And she certainly didn't mind a little of the dark caramel.

howrar, in We're thinking about merging some of the cooking/food communities, want to get your input

Agree with merging. We could use tags in post titles (e.g. [Recipe], [BBQ], [Ask], etc) so we can easily pick out those that interest us, and also allow us to see if a particular subtopic is gaining more popularity.

canthidium, avatar

This is something we have been discussing doing and I think it will help greatly with organization. Hopefully Lemmy integrates tagging at some point.

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