Keep in mind that your Google results are probably highly personalized. For instance, I tried googling that exact phrase (in a private window), and Lemmy doesnt appear for me at all.
And if they really decide to ban Google search indexing, Reddit will be permanently wiped from the face of the internet. It’s like going full stealth mode.
This was the first thing that came to my mind. So I tried again, using a VPN (exit server in the USA) and an incognito window. That screenshot came from that result.
While probably a valid enough test, keep in mind Google’s fingerprinting goes well beyond IP and what incognito applies. There’s a reason Tor Browser changes things like browser window dimensions every time you open it.
Can confirm, I got it as the third result on mobile if in incognito. Don’t actually get the result without being in incognito which is odd, but it’s mobile too so results are always a bit different.
Regardless, awesome to see that it’s up there at all!!
The only reason I visit Reddit anymore is because it’s a vast sea of human experience and knowledge. Usually I just search Google with “[topic I’m interested in learning about]”.
I’m honestly surprised someone at this point hasn’t just ported over all the comments from Reddit over to Lemmy, since they’re basically public domain comments from the human species that Reddit is just storing. IANAL.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some huge, semi-complete datasets of the site somewhere. Maybe the-eye has something? That would ease the process, since the content has already been hoarded.
Also, the new posts of some subreddits are being copied live to the equivalent Lemmy communities by bots made for that purpose.
I assumed that the people over in the DataHoarder communities had archives running this whole time. There’s probably data out there somewhere, it’s a matter of getting it into a usable hosted state
These tech freaks have a mercantilist, zero-sum view of how the web works: any link elsewhere is bad and anyone else profiting is your loss. They didn’t use to think this way but have gradually built a bubble around themselves over time, losing all perspective of their own users in the process. This also explains the move of this tech cohort to the regressive right wing.
Please, for the love of the internet, never feel like you can’t contribute and keep things fun, interesting, and completely weird. That’s how we take back what we all love.
… and while there’s no reason to state the obvious I’ll say it anyway. Fuck spez
Baby was immediately taken to a state if the art NICU and had a whole team of specialists. Still has a 0.5 chance of not having brain damage when she grows up.
This is an absolutely amazing thing. But the tweet makes it seem. Like he just st with the baby and rubbed her chest. Not that she was being treated with the best equipment and by the best people.
How much is a baby unlikely to survive? I looked up as you did thr conversion of grams to pounds and then looked up normal newborn weight… and it says less than 5 pounds is unhealthy, but not so fatal but won’t say how much is 50 50 of survival? And how much is a 99 percent chance? But I can wager a guess that less than a pound when 5 and a half pounds is dangerous must be… incredible.
My son was born at just over a pound and from the start they said his chances where very good and will just need time to grow in the NICU . From what I was told under a pound there is much more risk .
And as you said: it’s pretty likely that children like this have developmental and/or behavioral issues.
This life-at-any-cost approach might be understandable for the individual parent/relative, but it’s not exactly the best approach if you’re a bit more detached and less emotional.
“Quality of life” vs “quantity of life” is a question that can be discussed at both ends.
Extending life at all costs is not always the best path.
Society has grown more comfortable having this conversation with regards to the elderly and the terminally ill because it’s easy for them to weigh in on their own circumstances.
It’s a harder conversation when it comes to accident victims or those profoundly stricken by a malady, because they often can’t weigh in.
When it comes to neonatal or infants, it’s harder yet because they can’t weigh in and they’re so precious to us.
No one is talking euthanasia without express consent, that’s monsterous.
Asking if the effort is worth it is different though. As unfortunate as it is, some people never experience enough happiness in their lives to justify the pain we were able to save them for.
It’s sad, but there are people who would rather have been allowed to die than to have to wait 18 years for assisted suicide.
Translation: you are exactly the myopic, emotion-driven kind of person I was talking about.
You are potentially forcing a life of misery onto the child, its parents and society as a whole, just because you are too cowardly to say that yes, some lives are not worth living. This is a mercy that every street dog is subject to, but humans not.
And don’t act all “hurr durr value of human life”, just look around the world. We all ignore millions of cruel deaths because it would be like real inconvenient to help them. You are dishonest and hypocritical.
You know that just because the kid might have a chance to develop mental disabilities doesn’t mean the child is going to have a life of ‘‘misery’’ the child might be able to live a full life, the child might require a bit of support or might require alot of support depending on the severity of the child’s mental disabilities
Plus who the fuck are you to decide whenever a life is worth living or not. This decision in this very specific situation should be upto both the parents and doctors
No, I just actually care about people with special needs and don’t want to murder them. I have a special needs kid and I know plenty of other kids with special needs who are very happy to be alive and happy that they have parents that love them and didn’t try to murder them when they were babies.
What you suggest is eugenics and it’s rightly thought of on the same level as the Holocaust. It’s abhorrent.
Seriously, explain to me, how can anybody want to create a life that is objectively way at the lower end of quality of life? How can you justify shelling out thousands of euro/dollar/whatever for such a person, while others are left more or less to die?
Seriously, explain to me, how can anybody want to create a life that is objectively way at the lower end of quality of life? How can you justify shelling out thousands of euro/dollar/whatever for such a person, while others are left more or less to die?
Should we abort anyone with impoverished parents? After all, they have an objectively worse quality of life than wealthy people. Tell me exactly where you draw the line between “they will live a happy life” and “they should be killed, it’s a mercy”. Tell me exactly how you define “objectively way at the lower end of quality of life”. Downs syndrome? Cancer? Asthma?
I mean honestly you just sound like an edgy teenager - safe bet that you probably are. But you need to realize there’s a difference between cynicism and logic.
Hm, could we may find a difference between nature and nurture? Would that be possible here? Even arguing like that is dishonest (or stupid, you decide).
Tell me exactly how you define “objectively way at the lower end of quality of life”. Downs syndrome? Cancer? Asthma?
Tell me exactly how you define life. Birth? Conception? Somewhere it between?
How do you define adulthood? 14? 21? Something in between?
This argumentation, again, is dishonest. Decisions like that Steve clear cut. There’s a mixture of scientific and cultural valuations at play. And at the end, you can make a cutoff at some point.
BTW: it’s already perfectly normal practice to abort disabled children. There’s a reason why there are relatively few people with down syndrome in Germany, they get aborted - and that much later than regular abortions. If someone would abort a healthy fetus at this stage, it would be considered murder.
Seriously, explain to me, how can anybody want to create a life that is objectively way at the lower end of quality of life?
“Objectively” does a lot of heavy lifting there. If you want to make the utilitarian argument, then make it, sure, but I don’t think you’d find anyone advocating for not killing special needs people, but then turning around and agreeing that like, normal people should die, or suffer some dire fate in the stead of special needs people. I don’t think we should really be pushing any orphans into the orphan crushing machine, personally, and I don’t think it’s probably an accurate dichotomy to say that the machine is inevitable.
If you also want arguments for why special needs people should be allowed to exist. People born without legs, they incur a certain cost on society, sure, but they also do a lot of good just by passively kind of existing. The ramps on the entrances of buildings, right, they’re obviously for those people, but they can also be for elderly people who have a hard time with stairs, people who have lost their legs in some sort of incident, people who need to transport a large unwieldy piece of furniture. The ramps benefit everyone. If an intersection can be crossed properly by the blind, if it’s designed for it, then, sure, it might not be the best idea, but you could cross it while on your phone, or reading a book, or generally distracted by whatever visual stimulus. And if we’re doing all those things to accommodate people who aren’t necessarily disabled, then it shouldn’t matter that much whether someone is or isn’t, because it doesn’t cost us anything to just let them exist, and their insights can be valuable.
That doesn’t even get in to how you might theoretically be able to, I dunno cure autism, or heart palpitations, or what have you, in the future, with gene therapy, making every life lost now kind of a short-sighted tragedy. Or how you could turn the logic around, and say, oh, well nobody really consents to being born, giving birth is unethical, like the psycho antinatalists do. Or how you could extend this logic to say, hey, maybe we should kill all old people, eliminate hospice care.
Euthanasia is for people who want to die. Not for murdering babies with special needs.
You’re hardly qualified to judge that.
You do not know how that person reached their conclusions. For all you know, it might be an ethical framework you know shit about, or the verification that plenty of human beings will often assume incapacity to live an adequate life rather than a rational analysis of all viable options.
Emotional attachment clouds judgment.
All humans are subject to rationalize as the result of their emotions rather than to actually reason. I’m going to go ahead and use your scale of acceptable evidence to judge whether other people are rational or not and assume that you’re irrational because your narcissism prevents you from analyzing the biases you’ll easily assume are clouding anyone else’s judgement.
I had someone come into one of my classes who worked in an NICU come in to talk about it and showed us a picture of the usual state of the room for a baby like this.
Back when I worked at Burger King in high school, there was me and a stoner running the late shift. I’m running the drive through and the guy wants a Whopper, plain but heavy, heavy, heavy, […], heavy, heavy pickles. I push the “heavy pickles” button about 7 times. He probably said it 15-20. The stoner starts giggling and says “I’LL GIVE THIS FUCKER JUST WHAT HE ASKED FOR.” He proceeds to put, easily, 100 pickle slices on the sandwich. At this point it’s a pickle burger with a little meat. It goes out the window and we go about our day.
Manager gets a call about 15 minutes later. Guy calls in and asks to talk to the person who made his sandwich. Manager says “sigh, what did he do this time?” Guy says he’s been eating at Burger King for 15 years and this was the first person to make his Whopper the way he wanted.
I struggle with spices. I make it clear at every Indian/Thai places that they should pretend I am from their country in terms of spice levels. That they literally can not make it to spicy even if they tried. That I want them to gag and cough and cry just being in the same room as my food. And yet all of them fail me.
Try Tibetan. It’s a kind of spicy I’ve never experienced before or since. I’m not a huge spiciness fan, but it’s totally different from the spiciness of Indian or Thai food, the spiciness of Mexican food or even the spiciness of horseradish. I do know that I took a Mexican friend to a Tibetan restaurant and he bravely ordered the hottest level of spiciness and said he totally regretted it.
Sorry to poo poo the wholesomeness, but you should not be selling your possessions to buy an engagement ring. You should be buying a ring that is within your income to afford. An engagement ring is definitely one of those “it’s the thought that counts” purchases. If it is not, that is a massive red flag.
I mean it can be both right? Maybe the ring he could afford isn’t the ring he wanted to give. And he regarded the ring higher than his own PS4. Could have been fully his own decision.
Now if she DEMANDED a ring of a certain value, of course… But I think we can look for the wholesome explanation here.
Fuck that. An engagement ring is something she’ll have for the rest of her life. You will never be able to give her an engagement ring for the first time again. Stretch a little. Show her how much she means to you. Yes, it’s materialistic, but it’s also important to most women.
We picked our own because we each have to wear it every day, might as well like it. Been together a decade, married for 6 years. Sometimes big sweping “romantic” gestures are for the movies.
Yeah my wife saw her ring before I paid for it. But I still spent a decent amount of money for it. I sold my paid off car and financed a used car to pay for her ring. I don’t regret it one bit. We’ve been married for a decade and a half and she still adores her ring. Different people are different though, and you should know what kind of person you’re proposing to, long before you propose. My wedding ring was $30 on Amazon. LOL. It’s just a titanium jobbie that works perfectly for me.
Yeah, I saw people shooting on the guy for selling his PS4, but I was thinking it’s not that huge of a deal. I’m a gamer, so I got it, but it’s just a PS console.
But God damn that dude went way to far for a fucking ring.
I wanted a new car anyways, and rates on car loans are way better than rates on credit cards or jewelry loans. How is using equity from paid-off assets being bad with money? She’s happy, I’m happy, and we’re doing well.
Thank you, and I agree. It’s interesting to me that the majority opinion on this site is that hoarding money is greedy and evil, yet those same people also refuse to spend it on any major life events. What good is our money to us if we can’t use it to make our loved ones feel appreciated, and our major life events special?
But they had a PS4, wanted an engagement ring instead and sold the PS4 for money they could use to buy the ring. Seems… fine to me? You don’t have to hold on to everything you own.
You don’t have to spend that much for a ring if just wanting a ring is your concern. You can get a ring for like 20$ on amazon if having one is all you care about. If he didn’t want the PS4 anymore why buy him another one?
A bias I’ve noticed on a lot of social media is that a lot of people tend to assume video games are either 0 importance or heavy importance in people’s lives. Like if he gave up his console, it must mean that he sacrificed his dearest hobby for her and that’s why it’s bad. In reality it’s just as likely it was something he used a couple times a month and gave up for something more important.
Hell…skip the whole weird church and contract junk and just don’t get married. Save the money completely. Have a BBQ with friends. Marriage does nothing but waste money
I agree on the whole, but marriage was something from life I wanted to experience. Treating my friends and family to a great party was worth it. Although, mine was probably ten times cheaper than most.
i mean you can have parties for basically free, the point is that the standard wedding is made to milk people for money.
if you want a wedding just hit up a catering company and head to some park or something, and get a second hand wedding dress or just a reasonable normal dress.
I mean you shouldn’t sell your car, but selling what amounts to a toy, in order to buy a bit nicer ring than you can afford, is a good way to get some extra cash AND show that you’re in it to win it.
This is an item that might be used every day for the rest of your life (even beyond your life). You wouldn’t spring for a slightly better one? Moissanite exists, as do lab diamonds if you want to go cheaper and look the same.
Definitely pay more than $500 for something that may outlast you. If you or your spouse doesn’t like the ring because it’s cheap, that’s a worse deal that spending thousands on something that you actually use.
Imagine a ring that costs $10K that is worn every day for 10 years. It looks amazing. $2.74 per time worn. Now imagine a ring that costs $500 that’s only worn once a month for sentimental value. Over 10 years that’s $4.17 per time worn. It’s more expensive because you don’t like wearing it.
No, I wouldn’t buy a ring at all, since rings are a cashgrab.
I can also imagine the 10k invested into something actually useful instead of a futile gesture. Imagine being pragmatic and not buying a trinket by selling your other belongings.
All luxury items are a “cashgrab”. You don’t have to buy any of them. If you wouldn’t buy one at all, why are you commenting? I don’t wear a watch, but I also don’t go on threads about watches and say “I wouldn’t buy a watch at all”.
Forget about money, I think you need to invest your time better.
I’m commenting because I can, and you can’t make me not comment. I can voice my opinion, you can do with it what you will, other than prevent me from saying stuff
“MIND. THE GAP.” It’s only Embankment station that has this old recording. The rest have been updated. It is kept just for her. The new message is longer and much less stern. Something along the lines of “Please mind the gap between the train and the platform”
I still remember when I first saw this on Reddit the name of ruawri (including the trans flag) was cut off and people were insulting her in the comments how she was self-absorbed, “character looks nothing like her”, “she wishes she looked like that”, “women always make themselves in video games”, etc.
When it turns out she is trans now suddenly it’s sweet and wholesome and got featured at Respectful Memes. People are hypocrites.
Holy fuck, but TomatoRogue is in another thread explaining to everyone how people all behave the exact same in all contexts and at all times! I don’t know who to believe anymore.
Still a dick move to be mean about it if she wasn’t trans. Even with the “different context” it’s just people being rude to someone who really does look like their character, which isn’t exactly cool either.
Tbf, there were actual incidents where game news journalists gave preferential treatment to indie game devs they knew personally/went out drinking with/had dated. There was confirmation of that from leaked game journo email groups/chains. There was also concerns about preferential reviews being given to games that were running ads on a site. There was a small kernel about actual journalistic integrity concerns and what responsible disclosure means for games journalism.
Unfortunately that got swallowed up by a lot of bullshit:
absolute waves and waves of women hate. Jesus christ that’s a lot of misogyny.
elitism about what qualified as a “real game” (I don’t enjoy “walking simulators” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t video games)
people unable to understand that just like movie critics are judging different criteria to movie consumers, game critics can judge based on different criteria to gamers
weird group stalking behavior towards specific female game devs
attacking creators themselves rather than whatever elements of their games people found lacking
I don’t expect people who leave such comments would suddenly be supportive after finding out she’s trans. For what it’s worth, I missed the trans part at first and just thought it was neat.
A world where people wear what they choose? Republicans want a nationwide dress code whilst claiming to be the party of freedom. Seriously ,wake the fuck up! Youre trying to police the clothing of adults youve never met. Let that sink in, we’ll be waiting.
Just give me all the bacon and eggs olives you have. Wait, wait. I’m worried what you just heard was, “Give me a lot of bacon and eggs olives.” What I said was, “Give me all the bacon and eggs olives you have”. Do you understand?
I betcha 80% of the people on there will believe it, and then immediately start ranting about how they were always pro-Biden, and how anyone who doesn’t worship Biden is a sheep.
Tbh it’s really difficult these days with all the hyperfixation on us. Especially when the powers that be choose to target us and our healthcare specifically. To live is an act of defiance at this point.
I made this mistake with “Ruffles” - a chocolate-covered coconut snack.
I mentioned I liked them, and for the next year or two, every week my grandpa would stop by to give us 2-3 boxes of ruffles. We had a cupboard literally full of them, we were giving them away, and I ate so many that the thought of them makes me feel queasy now. We kept telling him to stop, but the man was on a mission.
Sadly, he passed away last year, and I made sure to bring a couple boxes of Ruffles to the service.
My late grandmother did exactly the same thing with Speculaas, a kind of Christmas biscuit you get in Europe. I used to love that stuff, made the mistake of saying so one day, and then every time I went to visit her, she got me a stash of the stuff. A year later I was absolutely over it, and to this day I eat Speculaas very sparingly.
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