Dude, I’m from Wyoming. We have the second highest per capita gun ownership in the nation. I’m just unwilling to blind myself to very real, very tangible, very quantifiable situations in the United States.
Also, last I checked, this is shitposting. But Red Hatters gon’ Red Hat.
I sometimes wonder how many people out there have kinks like this. Like you pass people on the street and wonder… what are their innermost weird kinky desires… IDK, why, but I often wonders this.
Enough. Trust me. There’s a kink I’m specifically into where people have added a thing to their wardrobe to show they’re into this kink. Not something accidentally attributed to something else either. I’ve had a bunch of people notice it in my wardrobe and I’ve noticed it in others. Incredibly common when I never would have thought so.
I know about the zeta thing with zoophilia, don’t know about anything else I’m afraid, lol 😂. Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough, I usually don’t notice details… usually.
I have no idea what the zeta thing is. Mine is way more relaxed. An odd kink people don’t quite understand but still remarkably tame and with a growing presence in kink and popculture overall.
That’s assuming you’ll meet literally every person on earth
Let’s say you will have a meaningful interaction with 1000 people ever, 1% of that leaves you with 10
If you’re not bi make it 5 before you even start considering wether you also find those people attractive back, if they’re single and in the right age range
So get that confidence back down. Statistics are a bitch
People can walk across Brazil, up through Central America, through Mexico and cross the Rio Grande into the United States without any money. You’re just not trying hard enough.
Yeah, its also not a binary “attractive/unattractive”. Out of those 10 people, they would be some who will find you neither attractive or unattractive, just kinda meh. And THEN add some who might find you attractive, but are either in a relationship themselves or like double or more your age.
I want that confidence back! Give it here, buddy, we dont deserve it!
And the southern US is where a lot of our produce comes from in the winter BUT now that they are losing the consistency of the jet stream maintaining milder temperatures they are seeing crop failure due to hard freezes they otherwise wouldn’t even have to contemplate worrying about.
Fair enough, I definitely need to work on not centering America in my view of the world, and a quick check of their comment history shows they’re from the UK
In the United States, the Great Plains is the large stretch of land east of the Rockies, it contains parts of 10 states: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming , Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. It also extends up into Canada.
Normally I’d be on board with this, but the picture is literally in front of an elementary school! If there’s any place that I’m ok having speed cameras, it’s in a school zone.
But yeah, if it’s a speed camera on a major highway raking in cash for everyone going 10 over? Fuuuuuuuck that.
Even if there’s a reject button, still freaking annoying when you start reading and after two seconds you get interrupted by the prompt.
It used to be just the newsletter prompt, the notifications prompt, etc. Don’t need an additional thing by law. 😑 Let’s hope it goes away soon with the current developments.
“In most cases, the add-on just blocks or hides cookie related pop-ups. When it’s needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what’s easier to do). It doesn’t delete cookies.”
Firefox plus superagent. Superagent is an extention that automatically applies your cookie setting to those prompts and you don’t see them. I now reject all and haven’t seen a pop up since installing. I can’t vouch for its security though. I am pretty new to Firefox, but it seems to work.
I’ve recently discovered an extension called Consent-O-Matic, which automatically completes cookie forms. Also, uBlock Origin includes lists (disabled by default) that will block all sorts of annoyances, including newsletter shite.
Speeding cameras are revenue generating equipment, not safety equipment.
Roads are engineered to be comfortably driven at a certain speed. When legislators put a lower speed limit on these roads it creates a safety hazard and a moral hazard. If you want people to drive slower, you have to modify the road to lower it’s design speed. These modifications (lane narrowing, for example) are a safety tool, not the speeding camera.
I’ve never met anyone who thought these cameras were safety equipment!
I would be more inclined to trust this stuff if local governments weren’t able to make money off of it. If all traffic court fines went to say the state level government then the only motivation for enforcing the law was because the law was good. We don’t expect homicide units to be a revenue stream because we have collectively decided that murder is not a good thing to have around.
If these things were actually used to increase public safety I’d be all for them. Unfortunately our current system rewards corruption, so that’s not the case. Speed and red light cams are never actually used for safety, they’re used to extract money from the populace.
This article is about red light cameras rather than speed cameras, but corporations and municipalities (corrupt or just naive) can be trusted to find ways to fuck over the public for profit using the speed cameras too.
Can we stop wasting food for these dumbass “cursed” images? Just goes to show how little we respect our food, the people who work to grow it, or the massive privilege we have to mostly be able to eat whatever we want.
Put yourself in the shoes of a mom who’s been struggling to feed her kids for weeks on end, and then you see this picture from some American.
I understand your concern, and I hope you’ll be pleased to hear that I didn’t waste any food making this silly recipe, but simply recycled someone else’s image of it.
They had already wasted the food making it, might at least make it worth it by getting as many laughs out of it as possible, right?
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